Why Do Conservatives Hate Immigrants So Much?

They say immigrants are ruining the economy.

How can that be?

The economy is fine.

Makes no sense.

They say immigrants are taking American jobs.


Unemployment is very very low.

Anybody who wants work can find it.

And after all, every conservative will tell you. If you don't think you are being paid enough for what you do, you are totally free to go out and get a better job.

All of those billionaires are heroes, right? - because they are self-made-men who were born poor and lifted themselves up by the bootstraps, right? Worked their way up from nothing, right?

PoliTalker anti-troll thread thief disclaimer: If this thread is stolen, plagiarized, will the thief have the nerve to use the entire OP, word for word? Including this disclaimer? If you want my take on it, you'll have to post to this original PoliTalker thread. I refuse to be an enabler for online bullies, so I won't post to a stolen thread. I won't even read it. If you don't see me, PoliTalker, posting in this thread check the author. This might be a hijacked thread, not the original.

All you have to do is work hard enough and one day you'll be rich, too, right?

Immigrants are people who only want to work hard, contribute to our economy, build a good life. Just like anybody else.

And statistics show they commit crimes at a lessor rate than natural-born Americans.


And this is a big "but."

Every demagogue needs to have a boogie-man.

Somebody to hate.

Somebody to blame. (worked for Mussolini)

Trump told you to hate immigrants, so that's what you're doing.

You're letting Trump tell you what to believe.

Do you realize how stupid that is.


He MARRIED ONE. (Actually TWO...) (Likes those foreign models)

Silly conservatives.

The country was BUILT by immigrants.

What kind of Americans ARE you?

From The New Colossus, on the Statue Of Liberty:

""Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" "

Any chance that you, every other leftist, the fake news media, and the DNC candidates will stop lying anytime this century?
They tend to not integrate anywhere, not just America. The culture does not support it.

But they do integrate into other societies if the society matches their race. Many black communities in America have people who are descendants of recent African immigrants. They're from different ethnicities, but they're still able to become African-American. Saudi Arabia also takes a lot of immigrants, but they smartly favor Muslim Arabs, because they know it'll be easy to integrate people of the same religion and genetic background. And sure enough, it works.
Hello StoneByStone,

I don't think that is the case. More like a few hundred years of oppression tends to set families on a different path.

Various white ethnicities were oppressed in America too, some much more recently than non-white peoples.
And it's not just in America that this happens. It's the same situation in any country that let in too many minorities.
Hello StoneByStone,

Yes, because it takes an organized society to stamp out racism. It's not going to just go away by itself. Like poverty, the problem of racism is cross-generational.

We've tried to fight against nature in the form of forcing racial integration for generations. It hasn't worked. It hasn't worked in any country.
If societies do better with less racial diversity, why are we fighting that? Why not just allow freedom of association?
Hello StoneByStone,

Our nation's forefathers came here without following immigration law. If they didn't do that, there would be no USA.

America didn't exist when Europeans came here. The culture of the land involved various Indian tribes fighting and stealing land from each other. The Anglo-Saxons were just another tribe that joined the fight but won. The concept of immigration didn't exist in virtually all of the Americas.
Hello StoneByStone,

People. That's what it is about.

Racism is over-simplification.

The world is more complex than racists assume.

There are good people of all races, and bad as well.

I'm not saying any race is good or bad. I'm just saying that multiracialism doesn't work. It leads to lower social trust, fights for representation, self-segregation, and less risks for the community.
But they do integrate into other societies if the society matches their race. Many black communities in America have people who are descendants of recent African immigrants. They're from different ethnicities, but they're still able to become African-American. Saudi Arabia also takes a lot of immigrants, but they smartly favor Muslim Arabs, because they know it'll be easy to integrate people of the same religion and genetic background. And sure enough, it works.

Islamic culture will certainly welcome muslims regardless their race. Conversely muslims are directed by dogma to not mix with non muslims.
Islamic culture will certainly welcome muslims regardless their race. Conversely muslims are directed by dogma to not mix with non muslims.

But Saudi Arabia isn't taking in thousands of white Muslims. They're taking in Muslims who are Arabic. They understand that when integration is concerned, genetics matter more than religion.
Hello Sirthinksalot,

Hi Politalker.

In any large enough group, there are bound to be a handful of lunatics. I think you know that. It is another common tactic to use that handful of people to smear the entire group. I could certainly find examples of despicable behavior from the left.

Which is why I say it depends on the conservative whether or not they hate immigrants.

Actually, it takes quite a bit of resources to come here illegally.

All it takes is a will and the ability to walk a long distance. In the case of migrants who are escaping what they fear is almost certain death at the hands of gangs, all that's required is for them to grab whatever they can and start walking.

The truly destitute cannot pay coyotes (it costs quite a bit to be smuggled in) or pay to travel all the way here.

It costs nothing to start walking.

The difference between legal and illegal immigrants is whether or not they followed the law, and whether or not we as a country want them here.

That's one way to look at it. For those who are escaping the threats of gangs, they probably don't have the time or money to apply legally, so they see legal entry as an impossibility. They would probably be dead before they ever got in.
Hello StoneByStone,

But they do integrate into other societies if the society matches their race. Many black communities in America have people who are descendants of recent African immigrants. They're from different ethnicities, but they're still able to become African-American. Saudi Arabia also takes a lot of immigrants, but they smartly favor Muslim Arabs, because they know it'll be easy to integrate people of the same religion and genetic background. And sure enough, it works.

I don't think you will find many Americans who believe we should be more like Saudi Arabia.
Hello StoneByStone,

Various white ethnicities were oppressed in America too, some much more recently than non-white peoples.
And it's not just in America that this happens. It's the same situation in any country that let in too many minorities.

What white Americans have experienced anything like what America did to slaves and their descendants?
Hello StoneByStone,

We've tried to fight against nature in the form of forcing racial integration for generations. It hasn't worked. It hasn't worked in any country.
If societies do better with less racial diversity, why are we fighting that? Why not just allow freedom of association?

I disagree. It has worked quite well. There are plenty of affluent blacks in our culture. They simply live their lives and don't worry about 'acting black.'
Hello StoneByStone,

I'm not saying any race is good or bad. I'm just saying that multiracialism doesn't work. It leads to lower social trust, fights for representation, self-segregation, and less risks for the community.

I disagree. What of interracial marriage? Becoming more and more prevalent.
Hello StoneByStone,

I disagree. It has worked quite well. There are plenty of affluent blacks in our culture. They simply live their lives and don't worry about 'acting black.'

I'm not denying that there are exceptions to the rule. However, most Blacks fight for representation as much as they do because they recognize that African-Americans and European-Americans are two different racial groups. We constantly hear about how this or that is "too white" because minorities don't just see us all as Americans. They see white people as being in the way.
Hello Celticguy,

Islamic culture will certainly welcome muslims regardless their race. Conversely muslims are directed by dogma to not mix with non muslims.

That is in the Quran. But not all Muslims do everything according to the Quran, just as not all Christians do everything according to the Bible. A free nation allows people the flexibility to choose their own religion and how religious they wish to be. That's part of the beauty of America.
Hello StoneByStone,

I don't believe he does.

He went to a church that taught it and only left that church when it became bad PR.
If it got out that Trump went to a church that taught Christian Identity, we would rightly assume that he believes in Christian Identity.