Why do humans live so long?

What's more phenomenal is that it was the same gal, and she had to ask me to stop at only seven...

Oh jeez, is that it? Seven times in a day with one woman? At that age, its not the accomplishment you think it is.
You're inability to read is now legendary.

When I posted "So you are saying that fucking 7 girls in one day is moral?" you answered "That would certainly be.".

Is there a way to interpret that besides you saying that it would be moral.
Yes or no?

I have answered this question too many times already.

Meanwhile, you never gave a response to my post of:

"When I posted "So you are saying that fucking 7 girls in one day is moral?" you answered "That would certainly be.".

Is there a way to interpret that besides you saying that it would be moral."
Again, with some clarification I never said: "fucking 7 woman in one day was moral". :cof1:

You did, in fact, say that. Now, you can say it was a mistake and retract it.

But when someone asks "So you are saying that fucking 7 girls in one day is moral?" and you answer "That would certainly be", you are saying that it is moral.