Why do liberals hate religion so much?

They preach freedom of all and that everyone should whatever they want, support homosexuality, legalization of drugs, abortion, yet they hate religion and want to tell us religious people that our religion is wrong, thats hypocrisy.
Because this is the whatever goes forum. Now that doesn't mean you're posting off topic, but typically if you want a valuable response about something political, I'd post it in the current events or general politics forums.
They preach freedom of all and that everyone should whatever they want, support homosexuality, legalization of drugs, abortion, yet they hate religion and want to tell us religious people that our religion is wrong, thats hypocrisy.

I wouldn't say I hate religion but I definitely do not care for it.

There are a few reasons such as one religion (that I know of) which results in people being naughty all week and their sins forgiven on Sunday.

Then there's religions which discourage medical care for children and adults.

When it comes to religious rules I find it, shall I say, disquieting one would put a "God" before their fellow man. That one would follow their faith, meaning lack of concrete evidence, when dealing (judging, helping, etc) with their fellow human being I find appalling.

That said, I do believe there are things we do not know. (That statement reminds me of Cheney. There are things I know I don't know and there are things I don't know I don't know.) :lol:

Let's put it this way. I give my fellow human beings the benefit of the doubt. In other words unless I am sure (not faith/belief) something is wrong then shame on me for condemning a fellow human being.

From eating a certain type of food to homosexuality I strenuously object to anyone attempting to interfere in an individual's life without knowing, for sure, they are wrong.

Regarding your statement I don't see believing in 'freedom for all' while being against religion as being hypocritical.

For example, regarding homosexuality one may state their objection and point to sexual promiscuity and AIDS. Whether or not the facts bear that out the point is the individual is giving an "earthly" reason. It is then possible, through research, to determine if such a belief is logical.

When one forms an opinion based on what can never be shown or proven to be correct, faith, then all hope is lost.
Your religion is fine with me, as long as you keep it to yourself. Keep your religious laws to people who believe that way, thanks.
They preach freedom of all and that everyone should whatever they want, support homosexuality, legalization of drugs, abortion, yet they hate religion and want to tell us religious people that our religion is wrong, thats hypocrisy.

I disagree that liberals hate religion. I know some very religious liberals.

Where the problem comes in is the militant or fundamentalists of either stripe. But religious and atheist movements have idiots that are not content with their own beliefs. They feel the need to spout them at everyone else and condemn them when they do not share their beliefs.

Actually, Charlie Bass, haven't you condemned people on this very forum based solely on your religious beliefs, without considering theirs?

If it was not you talking about people going to hell, in another thread, I apologize.
They preach freedom of all and that everyone should whatever they want, support homosexuality, legalization of drugs, abortion, yet they hate religion and want to tell us religious people that our religion is wrong, thats hypocrisy.

well, i will answer your troll question because I know that some people actually do believe what you are saying.

Liberals hate religion because liberals are concerned with bettering the human condition, and see science as one way of achieving that. Religion is very opposed to science. Religion is for simpleton proles, the great unwashed masses. And people with religious beliefs continually hold back scientific progress. They believe the rapture is coming so why waste precious funds for stem cell research?

Additionally, no one is trying to get religion banned, they are merely speaking out against it, unlike proles that try to ban drugs and wholesome abortions.
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the charles bass has arrived!!

yurt wonders if will refer to yourself in the third person here as well? yurt loves that! yurt does it too sometimes...
well legion troll, i will answer your troll question because I know that some people actually do believe what you are saying.

Liberals hate religion because liberals are concerned with bettering the human condition, and see science as one way of achieving that. Religion is very opposed to science. Religion is for simpleton proles, the great unwashed masses. And people with religious beliefs continually hold back scientific progress. They believe the rapture is coming so why waste precious funds for stem cell research?

Additionally, no one is trying to get religion banned, they are merely speaking out against it, unlike proles that try to ban drugs and wholesome abortions.

he is legion troll? so now legion troll is copying yet another poster and trying to pass himself off as that poster...sheesh
well legion troll, i will answer your troll question because I know that some people actually do believe what you are saying.

Liberals hate religion because liberals are concerned with bettering the human condition, and see science as one way of achieving that. Religion is very opposed to science. Religion is for simpleton proles, the great unwashed masses. And people with religious beliefs continually hold back scientific progress. They believe the rapture is coming so why waste precious funds for stem cell research?

Additionally, no one is trying to get religion banned, they are merely speaking out against it, unlike proles that try to ban drugs and wholesome abortions.

Oh, Bass hooked me!!!!!! ARggghhhhhhhh
C'Thulhu, had to look him up and I would worship too if some god like that showed up in my neighborhood.
If you follow Lovecraftian lore he's not a god despite being immortal. He is a servant of the gods, who care nothing for humanity one way or the other typically.
i just went and looked up some bass posts (now bass v 2.0) and i'm not sure this is the bass from usmb....it is very likely legion troll is once again trying to pass himself as someone else on the internet

he did that to me on two different boards, saying he was yurt from jpp and usmb....does anyone else think that is disturbing :confused:
They preach freedom of all and that everyone should whatever they want, support homosexuality, legalization of drugs, abortion, yet they hate religion and want to tell us religious people that our religion is wrong, thats hypocrisy.

You must have missed the memorial in Tuscon, every liberal who stood on that stage, quoted scriptures from The Bible. I was almost becoming concerned for the integrity of that "wall" which supposedly separates government from religion. I am pretty sure most of those liberals were on the clock, and they were certainly representing the nation in an official capacity, and look... not one word of complaint from a single liberal here, about the amount of Biblical reading they did in Tuscon, broadcast on every network, coast to coast!

So this means one of two things, either Liberals don't really hate religion, or Liberals will exploit religion for their advantage whenever they need to. Now surely, liberals are not so despicable for it to be the later, it must be the former.