Why do liberals hate religion so much?

You must have missed the memorial in Tuscon, every liberal who stood on that stage, quoted scriptures from The Bible. I was almost becoming concerned for the integrity of that "wall" which supposedly separates government from religion. I am pretty sure most of those liberals were on the clock, and they were certainly representing the nation in an official capacity, and look... not one word of complaint from a single liberal here, about the amount of Biblical reading they did in Tuscon, broadcast on every network, coast to coast!

So this means one of two things, either Liberals don't really hate religion, or Liberals will exploit religion for their advantage whenever they need to. Now surely, liberals are not so despicable for it to be the later, it must be the former.

Dixie, I am not American but I know that the correct spelling is Tucson not Tuscon.
Good for you Tom, if you were an American, you would also know the word is often misspelled. But thanks for pointing it out, we needed another liberal Spelling Nazi!

Excuse me for knowing stuff, I thought you conservatives were big on the three R's?
Excuse me for knowing stuff, I thought you conservatives were big on the three R's?

You're excused. Yeah, conservatives are big on the three R's, but again, the word 'Tucson' is commonly misspelled 'Tuscon' because we are so accustomed to using English grammar, and not Native American grammar. If the English had been intelligent enough to structure a grammatical system where Native American language could be used appropriately, we wouldn't make such an error. So, I blame the Brits for that.
They preach freedom of all and that everyone should whatever they want, support homosexuality, legalization of drugs, abortion, yet they hate religion and want to tell us religious people that our religion is wrong, thats hypocrisy.

They don't preach freedom like you and I know it, Charlie. We recognize that with freedom comes personal responsibility, and liberals hate personal responsibility. What they want is freedom from personal responsibility. Main stream religion teaches personal responsibility, and that's what they hate religion.
Religion is very opposed to science.

Wrong. Faith and Science (159)

The truths of faith and of science cannot contradict one another because God is the source of all truth. True research done in a scientific manner will never contradict moral laws. Man's persevering investigation of creation is really led by God.

Catechism of the Catholic Church, Faith and Science (159)

Why don't you know stuff?

More reading here: http://www.catholicity.com/catechism/science.html
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They preach freedom of all and that everyone should whatever they want, support homosexuality, legalization of drugs, abortion, yet they hate religion and want to tell us religious people that our religion is wrong, thats hypocrisy.

The Catholics don't hate religion.

That being said, it's funny that they vote for democrats. They say they're against abortion, but they are really in large part responsible for it. Hypocrisy to the max.
They don't preach freedom like you and I know it, Charlie. We recognize that with freedom comes personal responsibility, and liberals hate personal responsibility. What they want is freedom from personal responsibility. Main stream religion teaches personal responsibility, and that's what they hate religion.

"Main stream religion teaches personal responsibility"

Are you for real? :confused:

"God's will."
"God will look after it."
"God never gives you more than you can handle."

God this, God that. Where does personal responsibility fit in there?

"We'll put it in God's hands." "God's will be done."

The list of common sayings associated with main stream religion is anything but taking personal responsibility. And one religion, in particular, erases all ones nasty deeds by mumbling a few chants and dropping a few $$$ in the collection plate.

What religion are you, DY, because you must be a follower of one I've never heard about?
The Catholics don't hate religion.

That being said, it's funny that they vote for democrats. They say they're against abortion, but they are really in large part responsible for it. Hypocrisy to the max.

A lot of Catholics support abortion. Rarely attending Catholics tend to support abortion, and religious Catholics tend to support a consistent life ethic, which comes out as a wash with regards to political affiliation. The evil guys, such as SM, tend to be Republicans. But they should all be killed anyway.


My observations are born out by the polls; religious Catholics are a wash and non-religious Catholics are Democratic.
They don't preach freedom like you and I know it, Charlie. We recognize that with freedom comes personal responsibility, and liberals hate personal responsibility. What they want is freedom from personal responsibility. Main stream religion teaches personal responsibility, and that's what they hate religion.

The only point of will is to find others guilty. In this way, the concept of will can be seen as some sort of evolutionary error correction mechanism. But there's no way you could've done anything different. Conservatives are simply waging an ideological war against reality.
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Because this is the whatever goes forum. Now that doesn't mean you're posting off topic, but typically if you want a valuable response about something political, I'd post it in the current events or general politics forums.

how can anything be "off topic" in the "anything goes" topic?......
Your religion is fine with me, as long as you keep it to yourself. Keep your religious laws to people who believe that way, thanks.

I have yet to see anyone begin a thread telling anyone about their religion......we post when people attack religion, thanks......
well, i will answer your troll question because I know that some people actually do believe what you are saying.

Liberals hate religion because liberals are concerned with bettering the human condition, and see science as one way of achieving that. Religion is very opposed to science. Religion is for simpleton proles, the great unwashed masses. And people with religious beliefs continually hold back scientific progress. They believe the rapture is coming so why waste precious funds for stem cell research?

Additionally, no one is trying to get religion banned, they are merely speaking out against it, unlike proles that try to ban drugs and wholesome abortions.

so basically, your saying you are opposed to religion because you are ignorant about what it teaches?.......
But they should all be killed anyway.

here, you forgot this.....
You're excused. Yeah, conservatives are big on the three R's, but again, the word 'Tucson' is commonly misspelled 'Tuscon' because we are so accustomed to using English grammar, and not Native American grammar. If the English had been intelligent enough to structure a grammatical system where Native American language could be used appropriately, we wouldn't make such an error. So, I blame the Brits for that.

You might place part of the blame on the Romans if, that is, you wish to adopt the American 'blame someone else' philosophy.
Why, on earth, the English language (whatever that might be or have been) should consider native Americans, native Chinese, Incas or Hindus I cannot fathom.
Your country has decided to use our language and has polluted it almost beyond recognition and most people would have no problem with that, but your comments do lay you open to enormous charges of chauvinism.
If I were to follow the rules of American English I might care to spell it Toosonne, presupposing, of course, I would ever have sufficient interest to wish to say the word.
They preach freedom of all and that everyone should whatever they want, support homosexuality, legalization of drugs, abortion, yet they hate religion and want to tell us religious people that our religion is wrong, thats hypocrisy.
Well, I've heard a lot of really, really stupid comments in my time here in JPP but this has to rate right up there with most of Dixies.

It's a figment of your Faux News brain washed imagination is the answer to your bigoted and false Stereotype. Liberals are responsible for the vast diversity of religious practice and the popularity of relgion in this nation. If it were up to Conservatives we would all be required to be Catholics or Baptist and about 15% of us would attend regularly. Just like they do in the western nations with national religions.

So Chuck, maybe you ought to go some place for information, other than Faux News, NewsMax and Rush Limbaugh that's going to give you facts and truth and not right wing partisan propaganda cause dude I'm telling ya, Jesus wasn't a Republican!
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well, if it boils down to accurately stating the facts, Chuck's got Mott by a mile.....liberals do in fact promote homosexuality, abortion, drugs, and criticize religion substantially more than conservatives do......

conservatives do not require anyone to be of a particular religion....

on the other hand, in promoting bigoted stereotypes, Mott is clearly in the lead.....
well, if it boils down to accurately stating the facts, Chuck's got Mott by a mile.....liberals do in fact promote homosexuality, abortion, drugs, and criticize religion substantially more than conservatives do......

conservatives do not require anyone to be of a particular religion....

on the other hand, in promoting bigoted stereotypes, Mott is clearly in the lead.....
Another Strawman moment brought to you by PMP. Since when does tolerating something equate to promoting it and how the hell can you have freedom of religion if you're not permitted to criticize it? PMP your just trying to demonize and marginalize those who don't agree with your right wing beliefs as "liberals".

The fact is, religion is as popular and varied in our nation as it is today because of our historical and revolutionary liberal tolerance for religious freedom and to openly and freely practice our religious freedoms or to not to if that's our choice. To say "liberals hate religion because they criticize it." is so completely stupid and is totally antithetical to the entire notion of religious freedom. I mean seriously PMP? How can you possibly have religious freedom if you can not criticize religion as you suggest?
the charles bass has arrived!!

yurt wonders if will refer to yourself in the third person here as well? yurt loves that! yurt does it too sometimes...

And yes, This is Bass v2.0 on USMB, the despiser of far left liberals and far right Republitard conservatives. There's only one true way to lean and thats towards God.