Why do liberals hate religion so much?

obviously tolerating doesn't equal promoting......I tolerate homosexuality, liberals promote it....and, you can have freedom of religion by tolerating it....I'm not saying you aren't permitted to criticize religion, I simply pointed out that liberals exercise their right to criticize far more often.....

the fact that liberals enjoy freedom of religion doesn't make it a liberal ideal....obviously liberals are more in favor of freedom FROM religion than freedom OF religion.....
Again, more strawman arguments. Please show me one mainstream policy by a liberal politician in office that promotes either homosexuality or abortion? I also have to ask, what does the frequency in which anyone criticizes established religion have to do with anything? My experience is that you're factually wrong. I hear far more criticism for religious conservatives then I do from Liberals. Conservative protestants are far more likely to make critical comments about Catholics, Jews, Muslims, non-evengelical or fundamentalist Protestant denominations, etc. I hear vastly more criticism of religious conservatives towards other religions. The manner in which they mock other religions, their intolerance for their beliefs, their adoption of a persecution complex when they are called on their personal bigotry. No, I have to call your bluff. I haven't met a religious conservative yet who didn't passionately believe that their religion was the one true faith and would gladly eliminate religious freedom and enforce their own religious beliefs on the rest of us.

I also have to point out your silly notion that "liberals" enjoy freedom from religion more then freedom of religion. That's just plain non-sense. You can't have one with out the other. With out freedom FROM religion you cannot possibly have freedom OF religion. You cannot be free to practice your own personal faith unless you are free FROM others.

The fact is, thanks to one of the most liberal and tolerant views about religion in the world we have the most diverse, vibrant and active religious communities in the world. We owe that all the liberal policies about religion. If we left religion to religious conservatives then we'd have one religion. The one you think is best for us.

The fact is, I have never met a religious conservative who didn't in fact hate religious freedom.
Again, more strawman arguments. Please show me one mainstream policy by a liberal politician in office that promotes either homosexuality or abortion? I also have to ask, what does the frequency in which anyone criticizes established religion have to do with anything? My experience is that you're factually wrong. I hear far more criticism for religious conservatives then I do from Liberals. Conservative protestants are far more likely to make critical comments about Catholics, Jews, Muslims, non-evengelical or fundamentalist Protestant denominations, etc. I hear vastly more criticism of religious conservatives towards other religions. The manner in which they mock other religions, their intolerance for their beliefs, their adoption of a persecution complex when they are called on their personal bigotry. No, I have to call your bluff. I haven't met a religious conservative yet who didn't passionately believe that their religion was the one true faith and would gladly eliminate religious freedom and enforce their own religious beliefs on the rest of us.

I also have to point out your silly notion that "liberals" enjoy freedom from religion more then freedom of religion. That's just plain non-sense. You can't have one with out the other. With out freedom FROM religion you cannot possibly have freedom OF religion. You cannot be free to practice your own personal faith unless you are free FROM others.

The fact is, thanks to one of the most liberal and tolerant views about religion in the world we have the most diverse, vibrant and active religious communities in the world. We owe that all the liberal policies about religion. If we left religion to religious conservatives then we'd have one religion. The one you think is best for us.

The fact is, I have never met a religious conservative who didn't in fact hate religious freedom.

Globalization promotes abortion, because it makes the lives of americans harder, and forces them to kill their unborn children rather than see them starve.
Again, more strawman arguments. Please show me one mainstream policy by a liberal politician in office that promotes either homosexuality or abortion?
???...which one doesn't?.....Obama for example so favors abortion that while an Illinois senator he supported legislation to permit doctors to withhold treatment from children born alive during a botched abortion stating that he feared the right to an abortion would be damaged otherwise......and, what liberal politician is NOT in favor of legalizing gay marriage.....

I also have to ask, what does the frequency in which anyone criticizes established religion have to do with anything?
frequency is quite often aligned with the concept of "more"

My experience is that you're factually wrong. I hear far more criticism for religious conservatives then I do from Liberals.

tsk, now you're simply lying....noone here believes that, or believes you think that....

If we left religion to religious conservatives then we'd have one religion. The one you think is best for us.

The fact is, I have never met a religious conservative who didn't in fact hate religious freedom.
and again, you're simply lying
Hey Chuck, nice introductory post you got going here. I can sort of relate to what you're saying, not because I agree with it (I most certainly do not), but a few years back, you and I would have seen perfectly eye-to-eye -- and that, my fundamentalist friend, is scary as hell. Anyway, welcome to the site.
???...which one doesn't?.....Obama for example so favors abortion that while an Illinois senator he supported legislation to permit doctors to withhold treatment from children born alive during a botched abortion stating that he feared the right to an abortion would be damaged otherwise......and, what liberal politician is NOT in favor of legalizing gay marriage.....

frequency is quite often aligned with the concept of "more"

tsk, now you're simply lying....noone here believes that, or believes you think that....

and again, you're simply lying

Really? So all those Catholics who've told me I was going to burn in hell forever cause I wasn't one of them were just yanking my chain? All those evengelicals who have called Muslim and Buddhist "heathens" were a figment of my imagination. All those anti-semitic remarks about Zionist led conspiracies from southern fundamentalist were just a product of to much to drink? Dude, you're living in fantasy land.

Conservatives love freedom of religion as long as it's their religion and the plain truth is, you cannot have freedom OF religion if you do not have freedom FROM religion.
Really? So all those Catholics who've told me I was going to burn in hell forever cause I wasn't one of them were just yanking my chain? All those evengelicals who have called Muslim and Buddhist "heathens" were a figment of my imagination. All those anti-semitic remarks about Zionist led conspiracies from southern fundamentalist were just a product of to much to drink? Dude, you're living in fantasy land.

Conservatives love freedom of religion as long as it's their religion and the plain truth is, you cannot have freedom OF religion if you do not have freedom FROM religion.

Jews do want to take over the world. It's part of their religion. It's called Olam Ha Ba.
Really? So all those Catholics who've told me I was going to burn in hell forever cause I wasn't one of them were just yanking my chain? All those evengelicals who have called Muslim and Buddhist "heathens" were a figment of my imagination. All those anti-semitic remarks about Zionist led conspiracies from southern fundamentalist were just a product of to much to drink? Dude, you're living in fantasy land.

Conservatives love freedom of religion as long as it's their religion and the plain truth is, you cannot have freedom OF religion if you do not have freedom FROM religion.

and none of that holds a candle to the hatred of religion from liberals....that is what we're talking about isn't it, who is MORE against religion....your posts illustrate it if nothing else...
They don't preach freedom like you and I know it, Charlie. We recognize that with freedom comes personal responsibility, and liberals hate personal responsibility. What they want is freedom from personal responsibility. Main stream religion teaches personal responsibility, and that's what they hate religion.
Bullshit! All mainstream religion teaches is that belief and not acts gets you to heaven. One need only believe in a Jewish Zombie and he gets to heaven.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 14:6
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

There is no responsibility there, only the need to believe and you can act however you wish. There are numerous other quotes that talk about belief and not acts. There is no responsibility in Christianity, only the need to believe that Jesus was the Messiah.
Bullshit! All mainstream religion teaches is that belief and not acts gets you to heaven. One need only believe in a Jewish Zombie and he gets to heaven.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 14:6
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

There is no responsibility there, only the need to believe and you can act however you wish. There are numerous other quotes that talk about belief and not acts. There is no responsibility in Christianity, only the need to believe that Jesus was the Messiah.

Not true-The passages you quote are specific to salvation- While it is true that God states there is no hope for eternal life without faith which is a gift of God, he also makes clear that a faith without works is dead. The apostle Paul explains this to mean that ones faith can be evidenced in how he lives out that faith. There are numerous passages that deal with what and how that looks like.
and none of that holds a candle to the hatred of religion from liberals....that is what we're talking about isn't it, who is MORE against religion....your posts illustrate it if nothing else...

How can that be? I'm a social liberal and a practicing Methodist. Don't be a fool PMP. There's not a person here who hasn't dealt with the intolerance of religious conservatives and you're not kidding anyone. If left to religious conservatives we would only be free to practice your religion. No, scratch that, we would be required to practice your religion.
How can that be? I'm a social liberal and a practicing Methodist. Don't be a fool PMP. There's not a person here who hasn't dealt with the intolerance of religious conservatives and you're not kidding anyone. If left to religious conservatives we would only be free to practice your religion. No, scratch that, we would be required to practice your religion.

it's obvious you aren't telling the truth.......experience with this board alone will demonstrate that.....and your last three posts demonstrate your bigotry against me personally, since you continue to insist I would force someone to practice MY religion......
The Catholics don't hate religion.

That being said, it's funny that they vote for democrats. They say they're against abortion, but they are really in large part responsible for it. Hypocrisy to the max.

Ahahahahah, they are against it, till they need it. They are against it in front of the cameras, but behind closed doors, that is not quite the case. I think in both parties the number is evenly split, otherwise, it would have been repealed a long time ago. The Republicans like to use it as a fundraiser.
it's obvious you aren't telling the truth.......experience with this board alone will demonstrate that.....and your last three posts demonstrate your bigotry against me personally, since you continue to insist I would force someone to practice MY religion......
Then why is my tolerence of the many forms of religion and of those who practice no religion such a threat to you? Last I heard man neither God or Jesus was a Repelican.
Then why is my tolerence of the many forms of religion and of those who practice no religion such a threat to you? Last I heard man neither God or Jesus was a Repelican.

1) I wasn't aware you were tolerant;
2) I don't consider tolerance a threat; rather, it is your frequent attacks on religion that I consider a threat.....
3) I've never claimed God was a Republican.....

your insinuation that I have shows your bigotry.....
Bullshit! All mainstream religion teaches is that belief and not acts gets you to heaven. One need only believe in a Jewish Zombie and he gets to heaven.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 14:6
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

There is no responsibility there, only the need to believe and you can act however you wish. There are numerous other quotes that talk about belief and not acts. There is no responsibility in Christianity, only the need to believe that Jesus was the Messiah.

John 14:6
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

That's an interesting verse. My theory is because of the way God is portrayed in the Old Testament people decided to book their after-life in places other than Heaven so God decided He needed a new PR guy.

Mellow, understanding, quick with a comeback.....the type of guy you'd have a beer with. And, of course, if He liked you He would put in a good word when you arrived at the Pearly Gates.

What folks tend to overlook is Jesus does not decide who gets into Heaven. He merely puts in a good word to God. God makes the decision and there's nothing in the Bible that says or alludes to God being any different from what He was in the Old Testament. He's still, as described in the Old Testament, the avenging, slaughtering, pro-slavery enabler/inciter dude that He ever was.

Jesus talked about the sin-free throwing the first stone. God blasted cities off the face of the earth. Jesus exorcised demons and forced them into the ocean. God simply drowned all the people along with the demons.

My point? Don't be lulled into a false sense of security. Be careful of the "bait and switch".
actually, he treated those who believed in him fairly well, all that 'took you out of captivity' and all.....it was those who refused to believe that got the short end of the Passover shtick.....