Restricted? You mean, with like, LAWS and shit? Aww.. who wants that? I'm so glad a liberal finally came out and explained this! It illustrates why simple-minded nitwits flock to liberalism, in their abject ignorance of human history and civilization. As Low IQ says... Liberal means FREE! That means, [Wa-a-a-adaminnit pardner. You tellin me the meanin' a the wrrd 'free'? you so fricken smart you kin see inta mah mahnd n tell these fokes jest what ah meant bah th' wrrd?]any restriction placed on people by laws or rules, shouldn't apply. If we want to run around naked acting like monkeys, we should be FREE to do so![Baa your behavyer, Dixie, yoh already make a damn fahn monkey.] If we want to steal each others shit, it's okay, there isn't any such thing as 'stealing' when everything is FREE... If you have something I need, I can take it, and if I have something you need, you can take it! If you want to be gratified, someone should gratify you... society shouldn't restrict our behavior in any way! [Ye sho mest be dizzy now, Dizzy. Ah ain't nivver seed such a bunch uv crazy shit as this. Ye think ahm crazy? Well, boy, nix tyou, I rickin ahm some kahnda jeene-ee-uss.]Wow.... what a wonderful Utopian World it would be... NOT! You see, rather than people being completely free and uninhibited of societal laws and restrictions, you ultimately end up with chaos and anarchy. We can't maintain a civilization without boundaries and limitations, because of primal human behavior.
Ahz gonna leave the rest fur others to comment on. Yo so fricken stoopid thit ah ke-ant be bothered no more.
So basically, your whole premise behind Liberalism, FAILS. As much as you want to wish and hope for such a society, it will never be. Before you could ever realize it, civilization would collapse into chaos and anarchy. Now.... other than being really stupid, why do Liberals maintain such a vision? Because they believe the impossible is possible, because that is what they have been taught by other Liberals. Those other liberals are socialists, they know already, such a system is not possible, but once civilization collapses into chaos and anarchy, they can 'save the day' by implementing a socialist-controlled government. Once that is established, all FREEDOM is gone forever, and there is no one who will ever come save us. We will be slaves to socialism forever, and our kids and grandkids as well.