Why do liberals hate religion so much?

Well, I've heard a lot of really, really stupid comments in my time here in JPP but this has to rate right up there with most of Dixies.

It's a figment of your Faux News brain washed imagination is the answer to your bigoted and false Stereotype. Liberals are responsible for the vast diversity of religious practice and the popularity of relgion in this nation. If it were up to Conservatives we would all be required to be Catholics or Baptist and about 15% of us would attend regularly. Just like they do in the western nations with national religions.

So Chuck, maybe you ought to go some place for information, other than Faux News, NewsMax and Rush Limbaugh that's going to give you facts and truth and not right wing partisan propaganda cause dude I'm telling ya, Jesus wasn't a Republican!

The Bass is not a retarded rightwing Republitard who listens too and believes Fauxnew and Limbaugh and Beck because they are retards, all of them. To be a real conservative one does *NOT* have to listen to and follow them. The Bass is a conservative centrist, mostly because the Bass does believe that some of the things put forth by the far left do in fact hinder people from advancing, the aim is to teach and empower people to do for themselves. OTOH, The Bass sees no problem with the government helping people, if the government can waste taxpayer dollars helping countries like Pukestan, who harbor terrorists, the Bass would rather that same money be spent on helping US citizens.

All of that is moot, however, neither party sincerely wants the masses of people to think and do for themselves, they want the people to depend on them and in the process they deceive and rip off people by selling out.
That's just great. A troll with a Messianic complex. Where's Legion when you need him?

Big mouths from Memphis want to be like true southerners so bad, like the Bass, a Mississippian. The Bass is no mere troll, the Bass is the personification of intellectual perfection, most of you are brainwashed acolytes of Demoncrats and Republitards, how hard is it to see that?
Big mouths from Memphis want to be like true southerners so bad, like the Bass, a Mississippian. The Bass is no mere troll, the Bass is the personification of intellectual perfection, most of you are brainwashed acolytes of Demoncrats and Republitards, how hard is it to see that?

And it's back to the ignore list troll.
well, if it boils down to accurately stating the facts, Chuck's got Mott by a mile.....liberals do in fact promote homosexuality, abortion, drugs, and criticize religion substantially more than conservatives do......

conservatives do not require anyone to be of a particular religion....

on the other hand, in promoting bigoted stereotypes, Mott is clearly in the lead.....

Liberals hate religion because the Bible would approve of a lot of the wickedness they promote, such as acceptance of homosexuality, legalization of drugs, supporting a "needle exchange" program for IV drug abusers instead of focusing on taking people off of heroin itself, legalization of prostitution and all forms of pornography, no, God doesn't support this wickedness and thats why liberals hate religion.
You must have missed the memorial in Tuscon, every liberal who stood on that stage, quoted scriptures from The Bible. I was almost becoming concerned for the integrity of that "wall" which supposedly separates government from religion. I am pretty sure most of those liberals were on the clock, and they were certainly representing the nation in an official capacity, and look... not one word of complaint from a single liberal here, about the amount of Biblical reading they did in Tuscon, broadcast on every network, coast to coast!

So this means one of two things, either Liberals don't really hate religion, or Liberals will exploit religion for their advantage whenever they need to. Now surely, liberals are not so despicable for it to be the later, it must be the former.

My God Dixie, you stated something that some people might get the idea as being a positive thing concerning Liberals. I am shocked, shocked I tell you, and I thank you. NO, Liberals, in my opinion, do not hate religion. Religion is a PERSONAL thing. A way of life, a PERSONAL way of life. Politics, or governing the masses, involves EVERYONE, and never the twain should meet.
This country has every way of life, and should not abide by anyones religion.
The Law, the U.S. Constitution, should govern our lives.
My God Dixie, you stated something that some people might get the idea as being a positive thing concerning Liberals. I am shocked, shocked I tell you, and I thank you. NO, Liberals, in my opinion, do not hate religion. Religion is a PERSONAL thing. A way of life, a PERSONAL way of life. Politics, or governing the masses, involves EVERYONE, and never the twain should meet.
This country has every way of life, and should not abide by anyones religion.
The Law, the U.S. Constitution, should govern our lives.
Is this the post you are talking about Roscoe?
Is this the post you are talking about Roscoe?

Don't you think it is time to reopen your dictionaries.
How, in god's name, can you associate the word 'Liberal' with any political specifics? Homosexuality is not defined by liberalism, atheism is not defined by liberalism.
Liberal means FREE, for crissakes. It means allowing people to make up their own minds, to build a society based upon the freedoms innate in our character as human beings. Liberal is a word for good, its opposite would be something like 'restricted'.

Roget says: advanced, humanistic, latitudinarian, libertarian, progressive, radical, reformist, benificent, bountiful, charitable, generous, kind, open-handed, open hearted, unstinting.

Can anyone be against those things? honestly?
When I say anyone I obviously refer to those who are not candidates for an institution.
Don't you think it is time to reopen your dictionaries.
How, in god's name, can you associate the word 'Liberal' with any political specifics? Homosexuality is not defined by liberalism, atheism is not defined by liberalism.
Liberal means FREE, for crissakes. It means allowing people to make up their own minds, to build a society based upon the freedoms innate in our character as human beings. Liberal is a word for good, its opposite would be something like 'restricted'.

Roget says: advanced, humanistic, latitudinarian, libertarian, progressive, radical, reformist, benificent, bountiful, charitable, generous, kind, open-handed, open hearted, unstinting.

Can anyone be against those things? honestly?
When I say anyone I obviously refer to those who are not candidates for an institution.

Yo, Lowaicue, D--- only responded to a question I had elsewhere so please don't give him crap about it. btw, love your country (stationed at RAF Lakenheath for 4 years), love your politics (point of view).
Another Strawman moment brought to you by PMP. Since when does tolerating something equate to promoting it and how the hell can you have freedom of religion if you're not permitted to criticize it? PMP your just trying to demonize and marginalize those who don't agree with your right wing beliefs as "liberals".

obviously tolerating doesn't equal promoting......I tolerate homosexuality, liberals promote it....and, you can have freedom of religion by tolerating it....I'm not saying you aren't permitted to criticize religion, I simply pointed out that liberals exercise their right to criticize far more often.....

The fact is, religion is as popular and varied in our nation as it is today because of our historical and revolutionary liberal tolerance for religious freedom and to openly and freely practice our religious freedoms or to not to if that's our choice. To say "liberals hate religion because they criticize it." is so completely stupid and is totally antithetical to the entire notion of religious freedom. I mean seriously PMP? How can you possibly have religious freedom if you can not criticize religion as you suggest?
the fact that liberals enjoy freedom of religion doesn't make it a liberal ideal....obviously liberals are more in favor of freedom FROM religion than freedom OF religion.....
Yo, Lowaicue, D--- only responded to a question I had elsewhere so please don't give him crap about it. btw, love your country (stationed at RAF Lakenheath for 4 years), love your politics (point of view).

Thank you Roscoe. BUT please dont hug me. We dont do hugs.
Don't you think it is time to reopen your dictionaries.
How, in god's name, can you associate the word 'Liberal' with any political specifics? Homosexuality is not defined by liberalism, atheism is not defined by liberalism.
Liberal means FREE, for crissakes. It means allowing people to make up their own minds, to build a society based upon the freedoms innate in our character as human beings. Liberal is a word for good, its opposite would be something like 'restricted'.

Roget says: advanced, humanistic, latitudinarian, libertarian, progressive, radical, reformist, benificent, bountiful, charitable, generous, kind, open-handed, open hearted, unstinting.

Can anyone be against those things? honestly?
When I say anyone I obviously refer to those who are not candidates for an institution.
You talking to me? All I did was find a post somebody was looking for.
Low IQ: Don't you think it is time to reopen your dictionaries.
How, in god's name, can you associate the word 'Liberal' with any political specifics? Homosexuality is not defined by liberalism, atheism is not defined by liberalism.
Liberal means FREE, for crissakes. It means allowing people to make up their own minds, to build a society based upon the freedoms innate in our character as human beings. Liberal is a word for good, its opposite would be something like 'restricted'.

Restricted? You mean, with like, LAWS and shit? Aww.. who wants that? I'm so glad a liberal finally came out and explained this! It illustrates why simple-minded nitwits flock to liberalism, in their abject ignorance of human history and civilization. As Low IQ says... Liberal means FREE! That means, any restriction placed on people by laws or rules, shouldn't apply. If we want to run around naked acting like monkeys, we should be FREE to do so! If we want to steal each others shit, it's okay, there isn't any such thing as 'stealing' when everything is FREE... If you have something I need, I can take it, and if I have something you need, you can take it! If you want to be gratified, someone should gratify you... society shouldn't restrict our behavior in any way!

Wow.... what a wonderful Utopian World it would be... NOT! You see, rather than people being completely free and uninhibited of societal laws and restrictions, you ultimately end up with chaos and anarchy. We can't maintain a civilization without boundaries and limitations, because of primal human behavior.

So basically, your whole premise behind Liberalism, FAILS. As much as you want to wish and hope for such a society, it will never be. Before you could ever realize it, civilization would collapse into chaos and anarchy. Now.... other than being really stupid, why do Liberals maintain such a vision? Because they believe the impossible is possible, because that is what they have been taught by other Liberals. Those other liberals are socialists, they know already, such a system is not possible, but once civilization collapses into chaos and anarchy, they can 'save the day' by implementing a socialist-controlled government. Once that is established, all FREEDOM is gone forever, and there is no one who will ever come save us. We will be slaves to socialism forever, and our kids and grandkids as well.
Restricted? You mean, with like, LAWS and shit? Aww.. who wants that? I'm so glad a liberal finally came out and explained this! It illustrates why simple-minded nitwits flock to liberalism, in their abject ignorance of human history and civilization. As Low IQ says... Liberal means FREE! That means, [Wa-a-a-adaminnit pardner. You tellin me the meanin' a the wrrd 'free'? you so fricken smart you kin see inta mah mahnd n tell these fokes jest what ah meant bah th' wrrd?]any restriction placed on people by laws or rules, shouldn't apply. If we want to run around naked acting like monkeys, we should be FREE to do so![Baa your behavyer, Dixie, yoh already make a damn fahn monkey.] If we want to steal each others shit, it's okay, there isn't any such thing as 'stealing' when everything is FREE... If you have something I need, I can take it, and if I have something you need, you can take it! If you want to be gratified, someone should gratify you... society shouldn't restrict our behavior in any way! [Ye sho mest be dizzy now, Dizzy. Ah ain't nivver seed such a bunch uv crazy shit as this. Ye think ahm crazy? Well, boy, nix tyou, I rickin ahm some kahnda jeene-ee-uss.]Wow.... what a wonderful Utopian World it would be... NOT! You see, rather than people being completely free and uninhibited of societal laws and restrictions, you ultimately end up with chaos and anarchy. We can't maintain a civilization without boundaries and limitations, because of primal human behavior.

Ahz gonna leave the rest fur others to comment on. Yo so fricken stoopid thit ah ke-ant be bothered no more.

So basically, your whole premise behind Liberalism, FAILS. As much as you want to wish and hope for such a society, it will never be. Before you could ever realize it, civilization would collapse into chaos and anarchy. Now.... other than being really stupid, why do Liberals maintain such a vision? Because they believe the impossible is possible, because that is what they have been taught by other Liberals. Those other liberals are socialists, they know already, such a system is not possible, but once civilization collapses into chaos and anarchy, they can 'save the day' by implementing a socialist-controlled government. Once that is established, all FREEDOM is gone forever, and there is no one who will ever come save us. We will be slaves to socialism forever, and our kids and grandkids as well.

Argument with people like this is pointless.
Im not a liberal, but i hate religion because it's a pack of lies used to justify hierarchical oppression and apathy through the belief that we can only find heaven in death.