Why do people still believe in Jesus and Christianity?

I don't give a fat fuck what mythical characters people choose to worship.

When they try to impose their absurd religious views onto the laws of the land, however, that's when we see the huge mistake made by the founders.

We needed freedom FROM, not OF, religion.

Theocracy has always been among the biggest obstacles to a civilized society.

Dude, get a fucking grip. We do have freedom from religion.

Disagreed on the place of theocracy in history. It's a tool. It's like saying chemistry has been among the biggest obstacles to civilized society because it created gunpowder.
Dude, get a fucking grip. We do have freedom from religion.

Disagreed on the place of theocracy in history. It's a tool. It's like saying chemistry has been among the biggest obstacles to civilized society because it created gunpowder.

Look at the SCOTUS and tell me again that we have freedom from religion.
I don't give a fat fuck what mythical characters people choose to worship.

When they try to impose their absurd religious views onto the laws of the land, however, that's when we see the huge mistake made by the founders.

We needed freedom FROM, not OF, religion.

Theocracy has always been among the biggest obstacles to a civilized society.

A pluralistic society, which guarantees freedom of thought and faith, has the best historical record.

Strictly Atheist societies which sought to eliminate religion do not have a good track record.

The USSR was explicitly atheist, they made state atheism official policy, and they attemped to outlaw and repress religious faith. The atheist USSR was one of the most murderous regimes in history, and went to great lengths to imprison and murder hundreds of thousands of priests, bishops, deacons, and religious lay persons
Opposittion to abortion and LGBT rights is entirely based on inane religious superstition and bigotry.

Correct. So? So is fucking in public or abusing children. They have drawn the line, for religion, at homosexuality and abortion. Where do you draw the line?

What laws would you impose on others regardless if they liked it or not?
Not abusing children is not a religious position.
The insane bible calls for child abuse, truth be told. Secular humanism opposed child abuse.

Not fucking in the street is merely a social convention depending on the culture of the times.
Public fucking offends the majority today, but fuck privately as you wish.
Same with taking a dump in public, actually. Is that a religious issue?
And Victorian times frowned on public breast feeding, but it's commonplace now.

Tomorrow could be totally different--even for fucking in the street.
Not abusing children is not a religious position.
The insane bible calls for child abuse, truth be told. Secular humanism opposed child abuse.

Not fucking in the street is merely a social convention depending on the culture of the times.
Public fucking offends the majority today, but fuck privately as you wish.
Same with taking a dump in public, actually. Is that a religious issue?
And Victorian times frowned on public breast feeding, but it's commonplace now.

Tomorrow could be totally different--even for fucking in the street.

Where do you draw the line and why? Based on what empirical science?
Where do you draw the line and why? Based on what empirical science?

The determining sciences in this case are anthropology and sociology. I have only undergraduate familiarity with both, but there are elite minds in academia whose opinions are valued by intelligent people and disputed by Joe Sixpack Trumpanzees who can't write a simple declarative sentence intelligibly. I'm not a populist. I respect knowledge.
The determining sciences in this case are anthropology and sociology. I have only undergraduate familiarity with both, but there are elite minds in academia whose opinions are valued by intelligent people and disputed by Joe Sixpack Trumpanzees who can't write a simple declarative sentence intelligibly. I'm not a populist. I respect knowledge.

Great. So where do you draw the line on sexual morality? Based on what logic? Or will you use Justice Stewart's logic?

Justice Potter Stewart's concurrence, stating that the Constitution protected all obscenity except "hard-core pornography". He wrote, "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that."
Look at the SCOTUS and tell me again that we have freedom from religion.
there isn't bright line on separation of church and state.
It meas "no establishment of a state religion" Yet religions get tax breaks.

The government protects religious freedom by Amendment 1. what it cannot do is favor one religion over the other or use religious test to hold office. It cannot compel religious activity either
Look at the SCOTUS and tell me again that we have freedom from religion.

As these ongoing Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate lynching enforcement Christiananality pedophilia super egos fabricated misnomer immaculate stole a vote conception malfeasance avoidance of accepting a rebuttal to SCOTUS Rehnquist's Bicentennial diatribe that one must vote joke, in addition to one must attend a house of worship after their supreme swastika up Uranus Reichquest acknowledgement of thieving absentee voting ballots arsonists as reason to not even waste my time apparently isn't standing in their "serve the Pope or die" at the hands of Islam "death to the infidels" years later for those burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act health care plan as all those 9/11 holycosts were about as significant as all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists megalomaniacal crusade suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming malfeasance.
Because just once I would love to see one l of you fucking cockroaches back up something you say with something other than your opinion.
As if anyone on JPP needed more proof you choose to walk in the darkness and not in the light of our Lord Jesus Christ.

because Jesus teaches real morality via the golden rule.

This seems to animate you quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, I think the Golden Rule and the Categorical Imperative are all great things. But you seem to be positively obsessed and bringing it up in every single thread even if it relates or not. At least here it was close to appropriate.
I think the chances that Jesus didn't exist are about zero. Other than that, it rather depends what you mean by Christianity. What you have in the 'States is very far from that.
I heard the respected atheist New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman say he knows of no reputable scholars of antiquity at accredited universities who seriously doubt the historicity of the person Jesus of Nazareth.

Another complaint which is frequently applied is the critique that there are no surviving contemporaneous writings about Jesus, the literary sources about him were written "many years" later. If we actually applied a standard that all surviving writing from antiquity had to be contemporaneous with the events they describe, we would have to completely abandon the academic disciple of ancient history.

Written How Many Years After Events
Described in the Book?
Analects of Confucious
200 years​
Anabasis of Alexander (Life and Campaigns of Alexander the Great)
400 years​
Gospel of Mark
35 years​
New Testament Epistle to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians)
Less than 20 years​
Pre-Pauline Creed in 1 Corinthians 1:15
Less than 10 years​
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Edward Gibbons)
1,300 years​
Gospel of John
60 years​
Histories (by Herodotus)
50-60 years​
Greek and Roman written accounts of Chandragupta Maurya, founder of the Mauryan Empire in India
300 years​
Guns of August (History of WW1 by Barbara Tuchman)
48 years​
History of the Peloponnesian War (Thucydides)
Almost contemporaneous, written during the Peloponnesian War​
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