Why do right wingers always bash education?

you are the reason why education gets bashed. you morons espouse your 'higher' education, but come off looking like intellectual and emotional retards with all your fucked up ideas.

You mean thinking you're a girl even if you have a penis isnt a marketable skill?
Education is, and always has been, one of the few public entities that is basically defenseless. Teachers have a Union, but it is not a traditional blue color Union, and is too disjointed to offer any kind of unified rebuttal. But the field itself is totally vulnerable to attacks of any kind, in other words, it is easy


The teachers unions are the most powerful union in the nation.

Further, like all public unions, there is no counterbalance.

In traditional, that is legitimate unions, the union and owners have an adversarial symbiosis. With public "unions" there are no owners, management is made3 up of union members and there is no offset to the predation by the unions on public funds.
But why would they bash education? Do they want people to be stupid?

You are extremely stupid, is that because a conservative barred you from completing fourth grade? Or is it that you dropped out of fourth grade because you were too stupid to handle the coursework?
Are uneducated right wing parents afraid their children will be smarter than them?

Is that why Nazi democrats KILL their children in the womb, they KNOW they'll be smarter than them? Good reason for dims not to have pets, the average hamster is vastly smarter than the average dim..
America had the best education in the world for many decades.

Then democrats and their teachers unions took over, now we have the worst in the industrialized world.

An American child won't learn math or science, but they'll be trained to hate whites and think there are 57 genders.