Why Do Trump Supporters Believe Trump's Myths?

Trump Did NOT Lie to the Troops, Media Types Just Can’t Add

When Trump was briefed that Putin was paying to have our soldiers killed he ignored it. When he was asked why he didn't bring it up with Putin he blamed the USA and said that we do it too.

"I was given the Michigan Man of the Year Award"

Nope. Never happened.



Obama claimed that you could keep your doctor under Obamacare. :palm:
name 3 out of "thousands of lies".

I did in that post. Biden wants to eliminate religion, the Democrats hate Jews, Trump's dad was born in Germany.

Does it matter? You're a Nihilist, you like Trump because he pisses off Liberals. You don't care that he lies constantly.
“We’re putting in a resolution some time in the next week and a half to two weeks [and] we’re giving a middle-income tax reduction of about 10 percent”

There was no such resolution and there was no such bill. It was a bald faced lie.

Should I go on? I can do this all day long.

Why couldn't he get it done, you dishonest hack? Who runs the House? You really are too stupid and triggered for words snowflake. :palm:
I did in that post. Biden wants to eliminate religion, the Democrats hate Jews, Trump's dad was born in Germany.

Does it matter? You're a Nihilist, you like Trump because he pisses off Liberals. You don't care that he lies constantly.

is he for keeping churches closed?

im not a nihilist, im a populist anti eugenicist.

what if I told you the nazis won wwii?
If you don't know that Trump lies constantly you are beyond help with mental illness.

If you think Democratic Party of the Jackass politicians aren't liars you're a dumb fuck. But alas, triggered leftist loons with severe mental issues and TDS think it's okay when THEIR guys lie. :palm:
When Trump was briefed that Putin was paying to have our soldiers killed he ignored it. When he was asked why he didn't bring it up with Putin he blamed the USA and said that we do it too.


That report was another PHONY media lie you willful idiot. Kill yourself. Lord knows no one would miss a whiny lying asshole like you. ;)
Trump didn't lie to the troops? ROTFLFMAO!!! Of course he did. Bald faced, outright lie. He did nothing to get them a raise. Their raises are set by law, they happen every year, and the raise in 2019 was 2.6%. There was not a single shred of truth in what Trump said that day. It was all a lie. Every last word.


^Triggered lying, leftist loon. :laugh:

Obama said his plan would reduce healthcare costs.

I think they received a raise though.

Of course they did. That does not make what Trump said true. The raise was 2.6%. It is a raise that is fixed by law. It is given to the military every year. The President has absolutely nothing to do with it. The conversation that Trump claimed he had was imaginary. EVERY SINGLE WORD WAS A LIE. Really, I can do this all day. But one is enough to put this nonsense to bed. That lie was audacious in it's specificity and the imagination required to deliver it with such ease. The hallmark of a compulsive liar. Because that's what Trump is. This was not an exaggeration, or a misunderstanding. It was a lie, easily disprovable, and delivered so he could soak in the applause and assuage his ego.