Why Do Trump Supporters Believe Trump's Myths?

alrighty then.

No, not alrighty then. When you've had ten drinks and you tell the officer you only had one, and someone poured it down your throat at gunpoint, you are lying. Obviously you weren't interested in someone posting a Trump lie. You will defend your Orange God regardless of what he does. Enough said.
is he for keeping churches closed?

im not a nihilist, im a populist anti eugenicist.

what if I told you the nazis won wwii?

He's for keeping all non-essential businesses closed during a pandemic. We both know that's not going to eliminate religion.

You're definitely a Nihilist who just likes being "anti-woke."

I'd laugh and laugh. Then I'd sarcastically ask if you think Antifa are the real Fascists.
Asshat: You don't sell ice cream
Ice Cream vendor: Yes, yes I do, I sell it all the time.
Asshat: Prove it. Give me one bowl of ice cream.
Ice Cream vendor: Here you go, chocolate ice cream.
Asshat: That's it? No vanilla ice cream? All you have is chocolate ice cream?

ROTFLMFAO!!! You suck at this dude.
this is a different question.

is trumps troop raise lie your best documented and most egregious lie?

Who am I to judge what Trumps worst lie is? Not the point. Trump is a compulsive liar. Period, full stop. You asked for a specific example, I provided one. I'd say the lies about the virus are more egregious, and the lies about his interactions with Putin are more egregious, and his lies about Ukraine are more egregious but you would want to litigate those all over again. I'd say this is my best documentation of his audaciousness in lying. Not one word true. Details made up. Easily disprovable. Demonstrates compulsion. What else you got?
He's for keeping all non-essential businesses closed during a pandemic. We both know that's not going to eliminate religion.

You're definitely a Nihilist who just likes being "anti-woke."

I'd laugh and laugh. Then I'd sarcastically ask if you think Antifa are the real Fascists.

but not blm protests?

that's anti church.
Who am I to judge what Trumps worst lie is? Not the point. Trump is a compulsive liar. Period, full stop. You asked for a specific example, I provided one. I'd say the lies about the virus are more egregious, and the lies about his interactions with Putin are more egregious, and his lies about Ukraine are more egregious but you would want to litigate those all over again. I'd say this is my best documentation of his audaciousness in lying. Not one word true. Details made up. Easily disprovable. Demonstrates compulsion. What else you got?

nobody, apparently. how sad you're so disempowered.
If by now you don't know or understand that Trump is a Piece of S**T con man grifter you have mental issues, you are a slow adult or an evil narcissist.
"As set forth in detail in this report, the Special Counsel’s investigation established that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election principally through two operations. First, a Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
It takes a special combination of STUPID and GULLIBLE to believe that a government would think it could, let alone be successful, at rigging an election via Facebook. It's too bad that "Moron" isn't an Olympic event otherwise you'd be a medalist.

Second, a Russian intelligence service conducted computer-intrusion operations against entities, employees, and volunteers working on the Clinton Campaign and then released stolen documents.
The DNC denies this. The DNC refused to hand over their server to the FBI because that didn't happen. Yeah, this one is a non-starter.

The investigation also identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign
What kind of links?


Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency
How did Mueller presume to know what the Russian government "perceived"? Was Mueller a US Ambassador to Russia? Was Mueller privy to NSA surveillance audio transcripts that he included in the report?

... the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.
Exactly. Trump was exhonerated. Next.

Try not to be such a gullible tool.
If by now you don't know or understand that Trump is a Piece of S**T con man grifter you have mental issues, you are a slow adult or an evil narcissist.
You're drooling on your shoe ... but your projection is Lima - Charlie.
I'd laugh and laugh. Then I'd sarcastically ask if you think Antifa are the real Fascists.
So you think they're not, correct? ... because you take labels on face value, right? ... you take labels and turn a blind eye to actions, right?

I suppose you can explain to me one substantive difference between the brown shirts, which we have established were fascist and who operated at the behest of a fascist socialist NAZI party, and ANTIFA who operates exactly the same way at the behest of a fascist socialist DNC.

I'm all ears (eyes).



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Jeff Bezos, Fred Trump and Bill Gates all became successful in the exact same manner that Donald Trump did, i.e. some rough patches at the early stages but with the help of some really great people were able to lead an effort that resulted in great things.

None of them did.

Your subjective characterization notwithstanding, they all had to work out LOTS of kinks in order to establish their own well-oiled machines. That's how it is in every successful business.

Perhaps some day you will realize that none of the Trump Towers and development projects standing today somehow built themselves. You are in some heavy denial.


I'm pretty sure he lends his name out to people who own those buildings. You have to understand that Fred Trump started building the "Donald is great" myth as far back as the early 70s. The media went with it and Donald capitalized on it. And when he actually tried to succeed on his own (and failed), he putzed around with selling his mythological brand to various people (Trump Steak, Trump Wine, etc.), then his TV show continued to perpetuate the myth. I'm sorry you bought into it.
Trump has told almost 20,000 particular lies.
I realize that your slavemasters have told you to regurgitate that.

Tell me one lie that Trump has told the American people in performing his official duties as President, and presume that I don't have a Twitter account and that I don't care what Trump says on social media.

The floor is yours. Oh, make sure that what you are claiming is a lie, is actually a lie.
I'm pretty sure he lends his name out to people who own those buildings. You have to understand that Fred Trump started building the "Donald is great" myth as far back as the early 70s. The media went with it and Donald capitalized on it. And when he actually tried to succeed on his own (and failed), he putzed around with selling his mythological brand to various people (Trump Steak, Trump Wine, etc.), then his TV show continued to perpetuate the myth. I'm sorry you bought into it.
He’d be nothing without daddy’s money, Russian money laundering and Mark Burnett. I found it interesting when his niece wrote, she never figured out what Donald did as far as running his business.