^^^^^ - speaking of idiots.We are a democracy you fucking asshole Damo
Stop eating shit out of putins ass you liar
We are a constitutional Democratic republic
We're not; we're a Constitutional Republic.
Read more, post less.
There was at one time a Democratic Republican Party
Thank all of the little gods. A simple democracy always devolves into a form of tyranny where the rights of an individual are not even considered let alone protected.
Those who point out this distinction want it clearly understood that in a Democratic Republic the government has limited powers, and we elect representatives who then vote in our behalf (including for President), and even they are limited in what they can do. They take pride in understanding and clearly noting that just saying it is a "democracy" doesn't accurately define what we hold dear.
We are a Democratic Republic. Your party, when it was first formed by Thomas Jefferson, was called the Democratic Republicans for a reason. Forefathers wanted to clarify the difference between a simple Democracy and a Republic, they wanted to stress the limits to the government that ensured Liberty as do those who point it out today.
Which turned into the "Republican" party. Look, you have an IQ in the low 60's, so this is a waste of time, but the Jeffersonian Republicans were NOT linked to the Party of Lincoln, other than in that the GOP chose the name to honor the ideals of Jefferson.
The filthy democrat party was started by Andrew Jackson. The first action of the democrat vermin was the "Trail of Tears," and it only got worse from there. There is a direct line from the filthy democrat Reich of today, directly to Jackson.
democrats, democrats never change.
LOL. The reality is, this entire thread is just one guy whining that sometimes he gets corrected when he tries to oversimplify things. Lawyers should know that how things are defined can turn a trial or a hearing, and I know that Jarod, like any lawyer that passed his constitutional law classes in law school, understands the difference between a Constitutional Republic and a simple democracy, but just doesn't want to be corrected or to take the time to appropriately define terms.
yes and you're a globalist eugenicist who thinks corporations are people.
Simple bullshit. There are those here and on the right who go around discounting the Democracy that we are because it would serve their desires to totally disregard the will of the people. That is what I am pointing out, and why its important to point out the Democracy part to these fools many of whom are being intentionally manipulated.
We, as a nation are governed because we consent to the will of the majority, within the limits of the Constitution in order to prevent tyranny over the minority. I agree with you, thank the old and new Gods there are limits, the mob sometimes causes a mess. We are a Constitutional Republic, but our representatives within that Republic are elected by the people... that is the Democracy part.
Oliver Cromwell famously ran the first English Republic, but he was not elected. Trump would have happily been an unelected leader of America's first undemocratic Republic. Russia is in many ways a Republic, but not based on Democracy, although the use the farce of a vote to appoint a prime minister-president, yet Putin is always in charge.
Abject ignorance of our Constitution and system of government is a prerequisite for being a drone of the democrat Reich - as you so thoroughly demonstrate.
The Constitution established bottom up governance, where the people have the greatest political power. Electing representatives to govern in cities and towns who are directly responsible to the people. Towns and cities cede a small portion of the authority granted by the people to counties and shires. Counties cede a small portion of their authority to states. States then cede a small portion of authority to the federation, the federal government for the purpose of national courts and national defense.
democrats have a far different view, where there is a ruler, or group of rulers in Washington DC who hold absolute power. The Ruler will appoint barons, earls, ministers, secretaries, et al. to execute the will of the ruling caste on the many states. Governors are the rulers of the individual state, deriving their power from the central government and submit to rule by the central government. Counties must submit to the rule of the state, cities must submit to the rule of the counties, and the people must submit to the rule of every level of government.
Simple bullshit. There are those here and on the right who go around discounting the Democracy that we are because it would serve their desires to totally disregard the will of the people. That is what I am pointing out, and why its important to point out the Democracy part to these fools many of whom are being intentionally manipulated.
We, as a nation are governed because we consent to the will of the majority, within the limits of the Constitution in order to prevent tyranny over the minority. I agree with you, thank the old and new Gods there are limits, the mob sometimes causes a mess. We are a Constitutional Republic, but our representatives within that Republic are elected by the people... that is the Democracy part.
Oliver Cromwell famously ran the first English Republic, but he was not elected. Trump would have happily been an unelected leader of America's first undemocratic Republic. Russia is in many ways a Republic, but not based on Democracy, although the use the farce of a vote to appoint a prime minister-president, yet Putin is always in charge.
To say we are not a democracy is simply flat out untrue, to say we are a direct democracy would also be untrue. We are a Representative Republic who's representatives are Democratically elected and whose representatives are limited by a Constitution.
We are both. Go back to 6th Grade.
Yes. However, saying we are "A Democracy" can be misunderstood. Saying we are a Democratic Republic, or a Constitutional Republic (same things) cannot.
We are not just "a democracy" we are more accurately described using more accurate terms. Pretending that they are "dumb" because they more accurately state what we are while you are somehow the subject matter expert and you try to pretend that they are wrong is just you trying to make yourself feel better.
Most of the time someone talks about this is when someone like Desh pretends that it is an "old term" or that it somehow changed but insists that Hillary should be President because she doesn't like the representative system that we use to elect Presidents.
A republic means someone else picks who represents you
A Democratic Republic means you get to vote for who represents you
Add a constitution to protect basic rights and you have the USA
Which turned into the "Republican" party. Look, you have an IQ in the low 60's, so this is a waste of time, but the Jeffersonian Republicans were NOT linked to the Party of Lincoln, other than in that the GOP chose the name to honor the ideals of Jefferson.
The filthy democrat party was started by Andrew Jackson. The first action of the democrat vermin was the "Trail of Tears," and it only got worse from there. There is a direct line from the filthy democrat Reich of today, directly to Jackson.
democrats, democrats never change.
That is not true. A republic means you are represented in the government by a representative and not by directly voting on every issue, they can be appointed or elected the word does not define which they are. A Democratic Republic means you vote for those representatives, and a Constitutional Republic means that the power of those elected representatives is limited and defined by a contract. Specifying this reality is important to people who believe that the Constitution is important.
There is a reason Bannon, Hannity, Beck and Carlson all want to wipe out the word Democracy from our national identity.