Why Do Trumppers pretend we are not a Democracy?

It’s also why they refuse to call the Democratic Party by its true name

Truthy, are you a democratic? Were your parents both democratics? Okay, you never met your father, but was your mother a democratic? Are most of your acquaintances registered democratics?
Food service is PART of the hospitality industry.
Food service is not ALL of the hospitality industry since many hotel and casino workers have nothing to do with food service.


Let me ask you again, how many of the 366,000 jobs were in food service which you claimed where the majority of the jobs created.
(You have to dig into the numbers to find out. Something you seem incapable of doing.)
I'll give you a hint, over 300,000 jobs created last month were not in food service.

Let's see your source for your claim?
What do you suppose does render us a democracy if not democratic elections?

Did you never take a civics class?

Democracy is direct action by the citizens in creating law and imposing policy. An example would be the initiative system in California. But that is NOT how our government works, not even close.

No one is claiming the U.S. or any nation is a direct democracy. You will only find that in certain small towns where some government functions are decided by residents at town meetings. In lieu of relying on your small supply of bran cells for answers to questions, try reading reliable sources.

The idiocy about "democracy" is driven by the lust for totalitarian power by the democrats. The goal is to disenfranchise the "red" states by concentrating all power in the megapolises of the coasts.

Specifically, the idiocy about democracy is intended to fuel the crusade of the democrats against the electoral college and the concept of states rights. democrats wish to take the voice away from this in Montana, Iowa, Alaska, etc. You seek to impose absolute rule from hucksters in New York City and Los Angeles.
Did you never take a civics class?

Democracy is direct action by the citizens in creating law and imposing policy. An example would be the initiative system in California. But that is NOT how our government works, not even close.

The idiocy about "democracy" is driven by the lust for totalitarian power by the democrats. The goal is to disenfranchise the "red" states by concentrating all power in the megapolises of the coasts.

Specifically, the idiocy about democracy is intended to fuel the crusade of the democrats against the electoral college and the concept of states rights. democrats wish to take the voice away from this in Montana, Iowa, Alaska, etc. You seek to impose absolute rule from hucksters in New York City and Los Angeles.

Yes, I took a civics class, also took a minor in U.S. history in college and regularly read history in those things called books. Pity you haven’t done some of the same or failed to learn from what you have done. Your comments are an embarrassment to you.
Yes, I took a civics class, also took a minor in U.S. history in college and regularly read history in those things called books. Pity you haven’t done some of the same or failed to learn from what you have done. Your comments are an embarrassment to you.


So we get the ubiquitous response of the fascist left.

Telling you something of my background is “ubiquitous”? You’re fluent in words you don’t know the meaning of.
Republic democracy. Be careful if you want to get rid of Electoral College.

I am not so much against the Electoral college.

What I think is wrong is the "Winner Take All" rule of most states!

A candidate should be able to accumulate the delegates they win in every state!

What is so wrong with that?
Yes. However, saying we are "A Democracy" can be misunderstood. Saying we are a Democratic Republic, or a Constitutional Republic (same things) cannot.

We are not just "a democracy" we are more accurately described using more accurate terms. Pretending that they are "dumb" because they more accurately state what we are while you are somehow the subject matter expert and you try to pretend that they are wrong is just you trying to make yourself feel better.

Most of the time someone talks about this and makes it clear what they are talking about is when someone like Desh pretends that it is an "old term" or that it somehow changed but insists that Hillary should be President because she doesn't like the representative system that we use to elect Presidents. They are noting that we are not a simple democracy, and because of this the results are not what you get when you add up the results of 51 elections, and that it is stupid to pretend that we are a simple democracy during elections where the results are not to your liking but would be if we were a simple democracy.

There is no such thing as a 'democratic republic'. One has no constitution and no representatives, the other does.
Were.....America is now a fascist state under the rule of a WOKE Revolution.

You need to update your brain.

Fascism is not a form of government. It is a form of socialism, an economic system.
The States in the States of America are republics.
The former federal government is gone. In it's place is currently an oligarchy. Whether that can be restored to a republic is yet to be seen.
That is not true. A republic means you are represented in the government by a representative and not by directly voting on every issue, they can be appointed or elected the word does not define which they are. A Democratic Republic means you vote for those representatives, and a Constitutional Republic means that the power of those elected representatives is limited and defined by a contract. Specifying this reality is important to people who believe that the Constitution is important.

WRONG. A democracy has no representatives. It has no constitution either. A democracy is government by popular vote.

A republic is government by law, or in other words, a constitution. That constitution describes representatives, the authority they hold, how long they may server, and how they are to be elected. Even if they are elected by popular vote, the form of government is a republic, and only a republic, following the constitution that outlines and defines what that government is.
The name changes, not the philosophy.

Dems then were racist conservatives. Republicans were the progressives. Fast forward to the present, the roles reverse.

Today, you fucks, whatever the Republican Party has become, are the racist conservatives.

Inversion fallacy. You are describing the racism of DEMOCRATS again.
And in a republic there is no promise YOU get to pick who represents you
The constitution provides that promise.
Lots of dictatorships are labeled Republics
A dictatorship is not a republic.
The dictator picks your representative
A dictatorship has only the dictator and his minions forming the royal government. They usually don't represent the people at all.
There are several here who scream that we are not a Democracy. They do not acknowledge that Democracy is a part of the deal, they are trying to take it out of the description all together. I suspect there are darker forces at play here.

They say shit like, "we are a Republic, not a Democracy." That is a silly statement as if the two are mutually exclusive. We are a Democratic Republic, that is an accurate statement, we are also a Republic, and we are a Democracy. But to exclude Democracy is silly at best, and subversive and destructive at worst.

There is no such thing as a 'democratic republic'.
A democracy is government by popular vote. It has no constitution and no representatives. A republic has both a constitution and representatives.
Food service is PART of the hospitality industry.
Food service is not ALL of the hospitality industry since many hotel and casino workers have nothing to do with food service.

Let me ask you again, how many of the 366,000 jobs were in food service which you claimed where the majority of the jobs created.
(You have to dig into the numbers to find out. Something you seem incapable of doing.)
I'll give you a hint, over 300,000 jobs created last month were not in food service.

Making up numbers and using them as 'data' is a fallacy. Argument from randU fallacy.
Why do uneducated leftist hacks like you think we are a democracy? We are a Democratic Republic of States. Our Constitution does not infer rights, it limits the Federal Government. A Government so bloated by Democratic policies as to rule over the states like a Theocracy.

What Republicans are against Democratic governance? How are they?

What is meant when low IQ leftist hacks use the term "extreme right?"

The United States is not a 'democratic republic', since no such thing can exist. That's like saying the color is black white.
The United States was organized as a federated republic. It was never a democracy.

Democracies have no constitution and no representatives.
Republics do.