Why Do Trumppers pretend we are not a Democracy?

Yes. However, saying we are "A Democracy" can be misunderstood. Saying we are a Democratic Republic, or a Constitutional Republic (same things) cannot.

We are not just "a democracy" we are more accurately described using more accurate terms. Pretending that they are "dumb" because they more accurately state what we are while you are somehow the subject matter expert and you try to pretend that they are wrong is just you trying to make yourself feel better.

Most of the time someone talks about this and makes it clear what they are talking about is when someone like Desh pretends that it is an "old term" or that it somehow changed but insists that Hillary should be President because she doesn't like the representative system that we use to elect Presidents. They are noting that we are not a simple democracy, and because of this the results are not what you get when you add up the results of 51 elections, and that it is stupid to pretend that we are a simple democracy during elections where the results are not to your liking but would be if we were a simple democracy.

There are several here who scream that we are not a Democracy. They do not acknowledge that Democracy is a part of the deal, they are trying to take it out of the description all together. I suspect there are darker forces at play here.

They say shit like, "we are a Republic, not a Democracy." That is a silly statement as if the two are mutually exclusive. We are a Democratic Republic, that is an accurate statement, we are also a Republic, and we are a Democracy. But to exclude Democracy is silly at best, and subversive and destructive at worst.
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Where did you come up with that fiction?

Food Service is absolutely part of the hospitality industry.

Food service is PART of the hospitality industry.
Food service is not ALL of the hospitality industry since many hotel and casino workers have nothing to do with food service.

Let me ask you again, how many of the 366,000 jobs were in food service which you claimed where the majority of the jobs created.
(You have to dig into the numbers to find out. Something you seem incapable of doing.)
I'll give you a hint, over 300,000 jobs created last month were not in food service.
In differing times in the past I would have been a Republican you idiot

No retard, you would not have.

In the early days you would have been a Monarchist - the crown (state) caring for all under the wise rule of the government.

It’s not the fucking labels idiot


Most black voters were Republicans in the past

MLK was a Republican


MLK Jr. was a registered democrat and an open Communist. His father was a Republican.

Then the assholes who took over your party changed it into the racist party in 1968


Still trying to sell the big lie? No one is buying.

You scum never changed.

And you love that

In 1968, the South was majority democrat, and extremely racist.

By 1980, the South was majority Republican, and no longer racist.

There is a connection, but you're far too stupid to grasp it. You filth remain the party of racism. That you changed your victim from black to white changes nothing. You vermin need a scapegoat.
No retard, you would not have.

In the early days you would have been a Monarchist - the crown (state) caring for all under the wise rule of the government.


MLK Jr. was a registered democrat and an open Communist. His father was a Republican.


Still trying to sell the big lie? No one is buying.

You scum never changed.

In 1968, the South was majority democrat, and extremely racist.

By 1980, the South was majority Republican, and no longer racist.

There is a connection, but you're far too stupid to grasp it. You filth remain the party of racism. That you changed your victim from black to white changes nothing. You vermin need a scapegoat.


you messed that dum hoe up real good.
Where is this coming from? Steve Bannon, or Q, or some other Right Wing rag?

DO they hate Democracy because they are losing?


a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
"capitalism and democracy are ascendant in the third world"

We should have all learned in 6th Grade we are a Constitutional Representative Democracy, a form of Republic. We are not a direct Democracy, such a thing has never existed on any large scale.

Why do uneducated leftist hacks like you think we are a democracy? We are a Democratic Republic of States. Our Constitution does not infer rights, it limits the Federal Government. A Government so bloated by Democratic policies as to rule over the states like a Theocracy.

What Republicans are against Democratic governance? How are they?

What is meant when low IQ leftist hacks use the term "extreme right?"
How are Democrats advocating communism?

Government censure. Government dependency. Overturning legislatures during an election. Forcing electrification on society by destroying the oil industry.

The list is long. But first you need a brain and open those tightly closed eyes to see it. :palm:
Democracy isn't working anymore for Republicans, and particularly Trump.

The demographics are trending in a way that is no longer advantageous for them. They will be anti-democracy going forward. And they will eventually want to move away from elections, unless they can restrict voting significantly.

:lolup: Halfwit has it completely backwards. :laugh:
Even if that were true, that would not be communism. Did you go to the 6th Grade?

The attempt to control our educational establishment, the media establishment, destroy the electoral system in favor of guaranteed one party elections, stacking the Supreme Court with leftists, indict and imprison political opponents to prevent them from running and force Government dependency on everyone certainly is.

But you, lacking common sense, honesty and intelligence, would think the opposite.
There is a reason Bannon, Hannity, Beck and Carlson all want to wipe out the word Democracy from our national identity.

There is a reason your masters programmed you and your fellow drones to bleat about DUHmobcracy.

If you can break the back of the Constitution and the principles of sovereign states federated to a common cause, you believe you can consolidate absolute power and ensure uncontested rule by your Reich.

It is clear you've never had basic civics. Our nation was created as a federation, not an empire. 13 independent states, each with different concerns and ambitions, uniting in common cause to fend off foreign threats and cooperate with a system of justice to mitigate disputes between the states.

You spew your bullshit about "democracy" in an attempt to end the independent states and solidify all power in the hands of the ruling elite in Washington.
It's fascism 101, you act like the country is shit (because of brown people) and the only way to fix it is to dump a bunch of uncheckable power on to one man (let's be real here, fascists would never choose a woman). Democracy gets in the way of that.

Who is acting like it is shit? Have you seen gas prices? Food prices? The border? You have to be a moron to think things aren't going into the shitter with idiots like Biden leading us. :palm:
What prompts this pomposity, that I corrected your error that states are sovereign? Do you know what the word means? It means, for example, the State of New York could declare war on Alabama and drop bombs on it. Maybe not a completely bad idea but obviously even to you I hope a completely unempowered one.

We are a federation. The federal government is empowered to conduct war.

Next flaccid straw man...
Yes. However, saying we are "A Democracy" can be misunderstood. Saying we are a Democratic Republic, or a Constitutional Republic (same things) cannot.

We are not just "a democracy" we are more accurately described using more accurate terms. Pretending that they are "dumb" because they more accurately state what we are while you are somehow the subject matter expert and you try to pretend that they are wrong is just you trying to make yourself feel better.

Most of the time someone talks about this and makes it clear what they are talking about is when someone like Desh pretends that it is an "old term" or that it somehow changed but insists that Hillary should be President because she doesn't like the representative system that we use to elect Presidents. They are noting that we are not a simple democracy, and because of this the results are not what you get when you add up the results of 51 elections, and that it is stupid to pretend that we are a simple democracy during elections where the results are not to your liking but would be if we were a simple democracy.

We are not a democracy.

We are a Constitutional Republic that utilizes democratic means for choosing representatives. A Constitutional Republic that had representatives appointed by a ruling council could also exist, so the is no synergy between the phrases.

The use of democratic elections does not render us a democracy.
The name changes, not the philosophy.

democrats under Jackson were founded on the ideals of racism and consolidated power in the central government.

That has not changed.

Dems then were racist conservatives. Republicans were the progressives. Fast forward to the present, the roles reverse.

Today, you fucks, whatever the Republican Party has become, are the racist conservatives.

Ah, the big lie.

The South was run by a small group of Oligarchs - George Soros, Tim Cook types of their day. Like the democrat Oligarchs of today, the government served the will of the Oligarchs then. Now you are poorly educated and have zero knowledge of history. You spew the Nazi democrat fable that "all whites are oppressors and had slaves." It's bullshit of course, less than 5% of white people owned slaves in the Antebellum South. Slaves were concentrated on large plantations owned by the Oligarchs. Did I mention that the plantations (no word if they were named "Facebook" or "Apple") owned the governments of the states they were in? Just like the democrats today...

Now one of the lies you Nazis LOVE to tell is that the Oligarchs were advocates of "states rights." But then there is the whole "fugitive slave act" thing. Compelling free states to act as agents of slave states against their will is hardly promoting sovereign states. But as I said - you democrats are fucking liars - you were then - you are now. democrats never change.

Another lie you vermin like to tell is that the Antebellum democrats "supported property rights." Another lie of course. Consider the "small holder act" in Georgia, that allowed plantations to seize by force any farm under 100 acres. Property theft by democrat oligarchs is the opposite "property rights."

So what have we learned? Well you haven't learned anything - you're not capable of learning.

But lurkers have learned that democrats in the old south were big government thugs who imposed their will on other states and who had contempt for private property and property rights - just like democrats today.
We are not a democracy.

We are a Constitutional Republic that utilizes democratic means for choosing representatives. A Constitutional Republic that had representatives appointed by a ruling council could also exist, so the is no synergy between the phrases.

The use of democratic elections does not render us a democracy.

What do you suppose does render us a democracy if not democratic elections? No one is claiming the U.S. or any nation is a direct democracy. You will only find that in certain small towns where some government functions are decided by residents at town meetings. In lieu of relying on your small supply of bran cells for answers to questions, try reading reliable sources.