Why Do Trumppers pretend we are not a Democracy?

The United States is not a 'democratic republic', since no such thing can exist. That's like saying the color is black white.
The United States was organized as a federated republic. It was never a democracy.

Democracies have no constitution and no representatives.
Republics do.

It is amazing how fucking stupid you are.
Government censure.
Censorship is tyranny, but no communism.
Government dependency.
Government dependency for 'welfare' and other give away programs is communism.
Overturning legislatures during an election.
Tyranny, but not communism.
Forcing electrification on society by destroying the oil industry.
This is fascism, not communism.
The list is long. But first you need a brain and open those tightly closed eyes to see it. :palm:

The three main forms of socialism are:
communism, or government ownership of markets (including welfare systems).
fascism, or government manipulation of markets (such as government telling you how to run our business or private life, such as what you are allowed to sell, what you are allowed to sell it for, who you can hire, who you can fire, etc).
slavery, or theft of labor. Despite being illegal today, Democrats still support slavery (usually in the form of sex slaves). These slaves receive no compensation and no freedom. They are forced into slavery.

Examples of fascism today is the EPA, the BATF, the NEA, the agricultural department, the CPSC, and, as you mentioned, the war on gasoline in favor of the electric car, affirmative action programs, etc.
Examples of communism today is the Federal Reserve, various elements of the agricultural department, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, state health insurance programs, government funding of wind farms, solar panels, EVs, etc.
Example of slavery today are the sex slaves (often children) used for...well let's not get into such details here on JPP.

All are forms of socialism. All are supported by Democrats.

Democrats like to try to redefine capitalism<->fascism and democrach<->oligarchy and republic<->dictatorship.
We are a federation. The federal government is empowered to conduct war.

Next flaccid straw man...

Each State is allowed to defend itself as well. They form militias for this purpose.
The federal government is NOT empowered to conduct war unless that war is forced upon them, or the Senate declares war, requiring a vote in the Senate.
We are not a democracy.

We are a Constitutional Republic that utilizes democratic means for choosing representatives. A Constitutional Republic that had representatives appointed by a ruling council could also exist, so the is no synergy between the phrases.

The use of democratic elections does not render us a democracy.

Correct. A republic is constitutional by definition. To say a government is a constitutional republic is redundant. It's like saying something is green green.
What do you suppose does render us a democracy
The United States is not a democracy. Neither is any State.
if not democratic elections?
There is no democracy, so no 'democratic elections'. There are no representatives in a democracy.
In a republic, all elections are conducted according to the constitution defining and declaring that government.
No one is claiming the U.S. or any nation is a direct democracy.
You are.
A democracy is 'direct' by definition. A democracy is government by popular vote. There are no representatives, and there is no constitution. The oligarchy you support is not a democracy nor a republic.
You will only find that in certain small towns where some government functions are decided by residents at town meetings.
Nope. A town government (even if it's just a mayor and town council) is defined by a constitution, typically called the 'town charter'.
Town meetings as you describe is not democracy. The town has a mayor and probably a town council, defined by that town's constitution.
In lieu of relying on your small supply of bran cells for answers to questions, try reading reliable sources.
Void reference fallacy. These are definitions, not 'sources'.

The word 'democracy' comes from Greek, by combining the words 'damos' (meaning people) and 'kratia' (meaning power, or government). This stems from the Athenians forming a democracy in their main capital, Athens. Like all democracies, it was an unstable form of government, and in Athen's case it dissolved into a dictatorship.

The word 'republic' comes from Latin, by combining 'public' (or the people), and 're-' or a reference. In other words, a reference for the people providing for a government...a constitution. This stems from the Romans forming a republic (yes...Rome had a constitution for a few hundred years, when it saw it's best of times!). Eventually, the republic was abandoned as the dictators gained power and overthrew it. Under the dictators, Rome saw it's long decline and fall, starting the so-called Dark Ages.

The United States was formed with a constitution. It is federated, made up of States, each with their own constitutions. Each State is a republic, and the federal government is also a republic.
Did you never take a civics class?

Democracy is direct action by the citizens in creating law and imposing policy. An example would be the initiative system in California. But that is NOT how our government works, not even close.

The idiocy about "democracy" is driven by the lust for totalitarian power by the democrats. The goal is to disenfranchise the "red" states by concentrating all power in the megapolises of the coasts.

Specifically, the idiocy about democracy is intended to fuel the crusade of the democrats against the electoral college and the concept of states rights. democrats wish to take the voice away from this in Montana, Iowa, Alaska, etc. You seek to impose absolute rule from hucksters in New York City and Los Angeles.

California is currently a dictatorship. The 'initiative system' is more of a 'recommendation vote' than anything else now.
Otherwise, your post is quite right.
Yes, I took a civics class, also took a minor in U.S. history in college and regularly read history in those things called books. Pity you haven’t done some of the same or failed to learn from what you have done. Your comments are an embarrassment to you.

Mantra 1a. The type of government is not a 'civics class'. It is simply a type of government. You are just trying to redefine words again.

You do not want a democracy. You want The Oligarchy. An oligarchy is not a democracy.
I am not so much against the Electoral college.

What I think is wrong is the "Winner Take All" rule of most states!

A candidate should be able to accumulate the delegates they win in every state!

What is so wrong with that?

The legislatures of each State can choose their electors anyway they see fit, so long as they conform to the requirements of the Constitution of the United States.
As I suspected, you have no clue how many of the jobs are in food service.

(Hint - Leisure and hospitality is not all food service.)
What percentage of the jobs created were in food service?

Clearly this statement by you was nothing but bullshit

The number of jobs NOT in food service was over 250,000 new jobs. 250,000 is even more than what was expected in the jobs report.

So you will ignore how they are mostly low income jobs
So you will ignore how they are mostly low income jobs

Quick. Pick up those goal posts and move them before anyone notices.
Ignoring the fact that you will have to move them again when I point out that you have no evidence that the 366,000 jobs are mostly low income.
Making up numbers and using them as 'data' is a fallacy. Argument from randU fallacy.

Fallacy fallacy

The fallacy fallacy occurs when Into the Night accuses another poster of using a fallacy without explaining why it is a fallacy. Into the Night does this to try to appear smarter than he actually is.
In this case Into the Night accuses me of making up the numbers that the BLS released on Friday. The exact same numbers that ptif219 claimed only showed low wage jobs in food service. Clearly Into the Night is an idiot who is unable to discuss government released numbers so he resorts to calling everything a fallacy.

Readers will notice that Into the Night hasn't accused the ptif219 of any fallacy when ptif219 is the one that used the numbers and made false claims about the numbers. Into the Night is obviously using his fallacy fallacy to try to attack someone he disagrees with rather than using it objectively for everyone that uses the numbers he claims don't exist. But the numbers do exist in spite of Into the Night's idiotic rantings.
Quick. Pick up those goal posts and move them before anyone notices.
Ignoring the fact that you will have to move them again when I point out that you have no evidence that the 366,000 jobs are mostly low income.

Fallacy fallacy. No goal posts were moved. You are just trying to pivot again and go back to making up numbers. It won't work, Sock.

Fallacy fallacy

The fallacy fallacy occurs when Into the Night accuses another poster of using a fallacy without explaining why it is a fallacy. Into the Night does this to try to appear smarter than he actually is.
In this case Into the Night accuses me of making up the numbers that the BLS released on Friday. The exact same numbers that ptif219 claimed only showed low wage jobs in food service. Clearly Into the Night is an idiot who is unable to discuss government released numbers so he resorts to calling everything a fallacy.

Readers will notice that Into the Night hasn't accused the ptif219 of any fallacy when ptif219 is the one that used the numbers and made false claims about the numbers. Into the Night is obviously using his fallacy fallacy to try to attack someone he disagrees with rather than using it objectively for everyone that uses the numbers he claims don't exist. But the numbers do exist in spite of Into the Night's idiotic rantings.

Ignoring your fallacies and trying redefinitions and denying logic isn't going to work either, Sock.

Fallacy fallacy

The fallacy fallacy occurs when Into the Night accuses another poster of using a fallacy without explaining why it is a fallacy. Into the Night does this to try to appear smarter than he actually is.
In this case Into the Night accuses me of making up the numbers that the BLS released on Friday. The exact same numbers that ptif219 claimed only showed low wage jobs in food service. Clearly Into the Night is an idiot who is unable to discuss government released numbers so he resorts to calling everything a fallacy.

Readers will notice that Into the Night hasn't accused the ptif219 of any fallacy when ptif219 is the one that used the numbers and made false claims about the numbers. Into the Night is obviously using his fallacy fallacy to try to attack someone he disagrees with rather than using it objectively for everyone that uses the numbers he claims don't exist. But the numbers do exist in spite of Into the Night's idiotic rantings.

Here's how your posts read asshat:
