Why Does the Global Warming Faith Claim to be Science?

Lucky you! Was it in geochem like Perry the Putz?

No. Communications. (Go ahead and laugh if you like)

I don't, Jank.

Let me know if you do.

The fact you confuse a misunderstanding with persecution is interesting, Jank. Do you often feel persecuted?

It's always someone else's fault when you are shown to be wrong isn't it?

No thanks, I'm good. I have Cypress whom I trust and respect.

Of course you trust and respect him. You appear to be of "one mind".

I don't trust liars like you, Jank.

Intersting. You are a bully but you don't like liars. I wonder how your morality actually functions. Seems a bit patchy.
That's not a technical question. Try with some specific focus.

Specific Focus:. Your Global Warming and Climate Change beliefs.

You quite clearly stated that you have seen science supporting your Global Warming and Climate Change beliefs and that you found this science to be solid.

Please post that science. Feel free post all of the science that supports Global Warming and Climate Change.

If you absolutely need something "more specific" then let's sharpen our focus on your belief that the Earth's temperature is somehow increasing. What science do you claim supports this belief.

Another more sharply focused item, what science/reasoning do you claim supports your belief in a global climate that cannot also be applied to support the Christian "human soul"?
No. Communications. (Go ahead and laugh if you like)

Let me know if you do.

It's always someone else's fault when you are shown to be wrong isn't it?

Of course you trust and respect him. You appear to be of "one mind".

Intersting. You are a bully but you don't like liars. I wonder how your morality actually functions. Seems a bit patchy.
Nothing wrong with communications, although I can see why you admit you didn't do very well in college.


No, but I'd love to see an example where you think it is. You assume persecution when I admit to misunderstanding. Even someone who did poorly in college should be able to understand the difference.

Yes, while Cypress is clearly more into hard science, we both agree science is the path to knowledge.

Disagreed on bullying. You're a bully who resents people standing up to your bullying, Jank. Like a bully, you don't admit fault. Sad.
Specific Focus:. Your Global Warming and Climate Change beliefs.

You quite clearly stated that you have seen science supporting your Global Warming and Climate Change beliefs and that you found this science to be solid.

Please post that science. Feel free post all of the science that supports Global Warming and Climate Change.

If you absolutely need something "more specific" then let's sharpen our focus on your belief that the Earth's temperature is somehow increasing. What science do you claim supports this belief.

Another more sharply focused item, what science/reasoning do you claim supports your belief in a global climate that cannot also be applied to support the Christian "human soul"?

1. We KNOW the earth is warming. No one doubts that anymore.

2. We KNOW CO2 is a greenhouse gas capable of absorbing IR photons

3. We KNOW energy doesn't just disappear.

4. We KNOW we are producing alarming levels of greenhouse gases (sufficient to alter the isotopic composition of the atmospheric CO2 exactly as one would expect, increase 12-C over 13-C, decreased 14-C. (Human fingerprint)

5. We KNOW a great deal about NATURAL FORCINGS which affect climate (Paleoclimatology) and we cannot rely on the natural forcings to explain the warming we see.

Here's one of the most interesting graphs I ever saw from the IPCC.

Researchers took 150 years or so of temperature anomaly data and tried to fit it to NATURAL FORCINGS as well as ANTHROPOGENIC FORCINGS.

When you look at JUST the natural forcings you see that the data and the fit don't match. It isn't until you add in the ANTHROPOGENIC FORCINGS (human activities) that the data start to make sense.

.Yes, while Cypress is clearly more into hard science, we both agree science is the path to knowledge.
Shall I assume that because you choose to remain scientifically illiterate and because you take pride in not knowing what science even is, that you consider science to be the path to knowledge ... in others?

Science is not a path as much as it is a tool.

Honesty is the path to knowledge. You are not on the path to knowledge. This explains a lot.
Tomayto, Tomahto, Sybil. What happened to your "friends" Into the Night and gfm7175?

Psychology Today defines Projection as this:

"Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person."

Still no science discussion on Post #484.

Huh. Color me surprised!

Anyone want to talk about carbon isotopes? No? How about climate forcings? No? Any discussion on CO2 absorption of IR photons? No? Nothing? Hindcasting? Not that either?
Psychology Today defines Projection as this:

"Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person."

Correct. You got one right, Perry! :hand:
Correct. You got one right, Perry! :hand:

So you are just going to ignore the science stuff so you can keep playing your game.

You could discuss the carbon isotopes if you knew what that was. Or maybe you could discuss IR photons and what kind of bonds absorb IR photons...again, if you knew anything about that.

So why are you on a thread about climate change if you don't know the science behind it?
So you are just going to ignore the science stuff so you can keep playing your game.
Psychology Today defines Projection as this:

"Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person."
1. We KNOW the earth is warming.
Nope. Nobody somehow knows this. This is just religious dogma of your religion. Many people BELIEVE this because their religious dogma commands the congregation to BELIEVE, without question, that Global Warming is KNOWN, and to BELIEVE this under the BELIEF that Global Warming is OBSERVED. Ergo, devoted worshipers such as yourself roam the earth preaching the "Bad News of the Word of Global Warming."

If you actually knew this, you would be able to post the rational basis thereof so that I could know this as well. However, just as it is in any religion, one is required to BELIEVE first such that no rational basis ever need be given. It's all part of the "You must BELIEVE without question."

Who is this "we" in your point #1 anyway? Don't worry, I'll answer that question for you. It is the Marxist "we." It is the pronoun used by dishonest people who wish to present their own unsupported opinions (or to preach their religions) as though they are absolute truths that are somehow already accepted by the entirety of humanity, and thus do not need to be supported in any way ... AND ... to insinuate that anyone who questions the unsupported opinions/dogma somehow bears the burden to support their rejection of the dogma.

Your statement should have read "I BELIEVE the earth is warming." That would have been an honest, truthful and accurate statement.

No one doubts that anymore.
Did you write this with a straight face? Right off the bat, you knew that I, the person with whom you are discussing this matter, reject this item of your dogma. How can you say that no one doubts it?

Then we have to explore why you believe that anyone would believe that you somehow speak for everyone, or why you believe you can read everyone's mind? Let's jump to the chase. Can you and I both agree that you do not speak for everyone and that you cannot read anyone's mind?

2. We KNOW CO2 is a greenhouse gas capable of absorbing IR photons
This is a stupid statement. There is no such substance as greenhouse gas. All substances absorb IR.

3. We KNOW energy doesn't just disappear.
Exactly. For the same reason, we know that energy does not simply come into existence from nothing. There is no matter anywhere in the universe that somehow spontaneously increases in temperature without additional thermal energy, and thermal energy never pops into existence out of nothing.

4. We KNOW we are producing alarming levels of greenhouse gases
I'm not producing any greenhouse gas. There is no such substance as a greenhouse gas. Similarly, I tell Christians that there is no such thing as "the grace of God" to be found anywhere, but they politely grin and ignore me as well. Science makes me unpopular with religious people.

(sufficient to alter the isotopic composition of the atmospheric CO2 exactly as one would expect, increase 12-C over 13-C, decreased 14-C. (Human fingerprint)
This is gibberish.

5. We KNOW a great deal about NATURAL FORCINGS which affect climate
There is no such thing as a global climate. A "forcing" is just your religion's word for "miracle", which means "an event that defies physics."

(Paleoclimatology) and we cannot rely on the natural forcings to explain the warming we see.
Let's relish your usage of the Marxist "we" as those who "see" (OBSERVE) the Global Warming of your religious dogma.

No human has ever observed any change to the earth's average global temperature, precisely because no human has ever known the earth's average global temperature to any usable accuracy or margin of error. In order to be a warmizombie and fall for the unsubstantiated claims of Global Warming, a warmizombie must be mathematically incompetent, such as yourself (this is not meant as a jab, just as an observation). You clearly have no working understanding of statistical math, otherwise you would not have made this totally stupid comment. This is why mathematical incompetence is a prerequisite for a target of Global Warming recruiters. The Church needs to ensure that potential indoctrinees do not have the cognitive wherewithal to call bullshit on any of the gibberish they will receive that is intended solely to confuse them.

What you have told me is that you have never demanded to see any valid, raw data for any determination of earth's temperature, never ran your own linear regression on that data to ensure it fell within the stated margin of error, never reviewed the instrumentation tolerances of that used to collect the data and never cross referenced any of the above with any other datasets. I'm standing by in anticipation of your forthcoming stupid question of "Why does any of this matter? I TRUST the thientithts ... that I have been told to trust ... and I OBEY ... so what's wrong with that?"

Here's one of the most interesting graphs I ever saw from the IPCC.
There is no such things as an interesting graph from the IPCC. There is no such thing as anything interesting from the IPCC. There is no such thing as anything honest from the IPCC.

The IPCC is, after all, a Marxist disinformation center. Material from the IPCC is usually discarded immediately with extreme prejudice.

What do you think about this chart:


Researchers took 150 years or so of temperature anomaly data
Do you have any idea what this amounts to? Have you seen this particular 150 years worth of data? What did your analysis on this data reveal? I presume that you are aware that for any study to be valid, the RAW DATA MUST BE PUBLISHED. So, I'll take you on your word that this analysis occurred. Just post that raw data here (the specific data that was used in this particular study that you cite) so I can analyze it.

I'm certain that you weren't gullible enough to blindly accept any conclusions strictly on the basis that you were ordered to adopt them, or strictly on faith without having at least reviewed the raw data that presumably obligates said conclusions through standard statistical math.

... and tried to fit it to NATURAL FORCINGS as well as ANTHROPOGENIC FORCINGS.
Gibberish. This only makes sense to those already indoctrinated into your religion who have been told to NEVER ask what any of those undefined buzzwords mean.

When you look at JUST the natural forcings
You mean "When you look at the church literature, i.e. the provided graphs ..."
Nope. Nobody somehow knows this. This is just religious dogma of your religion.

Even hard-core denialists no longer debate whether the globe is warming or not. They usually just focus on attribution.

Did you write this with a straight face? Right off the bat, you knew that I, the person with whom you are discussing this matter, reject this item of your dogma. How can you say that no one doubts it?

I meant people who know how to read and understand basic science.

This is a stupid statement. There is no such substance as greenhouse gas. All substances absorb IR.


Not even close to right. Not even MARGINALLY close to right.

The rest of your points are much the same. Very much like Into the Night's usual points which begin with "There is no..." and then conclude with something that is obviously real.
Tomayto, Tomahto, Sybil. What happened to your "friends" Into the Night and gfm7175?
Terry, I noticed that they had jumped over to Climate-Debate several hours ago. I don't know where they are now.

If you are asking because you can't distinguish between a poster and your feeding tube, much less between any two posters, don't worry about it. Just treat everybody as the same poster and keep it simple. Were you thinking of asking me a question meant for one of them? I can play along. I can forward your question to them on some other site and get back to you with an answer here, pretending that I am the one answering ... if you don't mind a bit of response latency. It will probably be fun. Shoot.
Even hard-core denialists no longer debate whether the globe is warming or not.
So your compulsive need to pretend to speak for others isn't enough of a clue for you. What a shame. I hope you realize that this officially classifies you as stupid. You are literally denying the very discussion you are having within the discussion you are having.

Again, this statement of yours is just more religious dogma that you have been ordered to preach. You don't get to speak for anyone but yourself. You apparently have no support for your beliefs. This thread remains devoid of any science support for Global Warming or Climate Change.

I meant people who know how to read and understand basic science.
You are scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent. You cannot discern who understands science and who does not. You can't distinguish between science and techno-plausible gibberish. You simply base your determination of what you will accept on whether or not it supports the WACKY religion you have had reamed into you.

Very much like Into the Night's usual points which begin with "There is no..."
It should tell you something, such as that you have been extremely gullible and have allowed yourself to accept many WACKY (and really stupid) things by people you trusted who apparently just wanted to manipulate you. Apparently you are too stupid to learn.

So, where we stand is that you have no rational basis for believing the stupid religious crap that you believe, and that no rational adult should believe as you do.

Disappointing. You had my hopes riding sky high.
So your compulsive need to pretend to speak for others isn't enough of a clue for you. What a shame. I hope you realize that this officially classifies you as stupid. You are literally denying the very discussion you are having within the discussion you are having.

Again, this statement of yours is just more religious dogma that you have been ordered to preach. You don't get to speak for anyone but yourself. You apparently have no support for your beliefs. This thread remains devoid of any science support for Global Warming or Climate Change.

You are scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent. You cannot discern who understands science and who does not. You can't distinguish between science and techno-plausible gibberish. You simply base your determination of what you will accept on whether or not it supports the WACKY religion you have had reamed into you.

It should tell you something, such as that you have been extremely gullible and have allowed yourself to accept many WACKY (and really stupid) things by people you trusted who apparently just wanted to manipulate you. Apparently you are too stupid to learn.

So, where we stand is that you have no rational basis for believing the stupid religious crap that you believe, and that no rational adult should believe as you do.

Disappointing. You had my hopes riding sky high.

The minute you said "There's no such thing as greenhouse gases" that was when I knew you were not going to be able to offer a viable discussion. Then you claimed everything absorbs IR (which is obviously wrong).

You are mostly just posting stuff you don't understand and you wouldn't be able to discuss science if you don't understand it.