Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

Have you ever met an attractive feminist?

I mean maybe there are some passable 5/10's. but have you ever seen a 9 that was a feminist?

And I am not talking the basic 101 stuff like "woman should have jobs if they want.." ... I'm talking the monster which feminism has morphed into today.

The answer is no.

Here is the honest truth, feminism was created for and by ugly girls. Fat chicks. uggos. These fat ugly woman can't compete with the hotter girls, so they instead try to change the narrative. THey'll say things like "Everyone is beautiful".. because they are ugly and want to believe that. They tell girls they should have hairy armpits and shouldn't conform to society's standards of beauty. They try to get girls to be more bitchy and act like men.

Ugly girls are trying to level the playing field for themselves by trying to make the more attractive women less attractive.

Sex, lust, reproduction is one of lifes only motivators, it is what drives natural selection. It cannot be underestimated to the extent people will go to make sure they have a chance at passing on their genes.

Sheesh, dude, not EVERYTHING in life is about your mom being a fat bull dyke.

Christ, get over it already.
I'm sure you can find some posts of mine where I support women being treated like chattel, so get cracking.

You wouldn't just be lying, would you?

Any woman who says they have no trouble with burkas like you did in post 257 supports the idea of women being chattle. So your hypocrisy is right out there for all to see.
Artists's rendition of Christiecrite

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on why feminists do so little for Muslim women, it's a fair question that has been asked before but never really answered.

Because they don’t care. Because they really only care about their own brand of politicized “Muslim” sophistry. Real concern be damned.
If you think that burkas are ok in a swimming pool, or a fitness room, then nothing I can say to you will help. Call a pool or fitness establishment near you and ask what their rules are and why...that will give you an official answer.
Mine is just an opinion, considering I don't own the pool or equipment where we work out...

You bring it up and I should call the pool or fitness center?

Again you're afraid of voicing your opinion on the issue.
Any woman who says they have no trouble with burkas like you did in post 257 supports the idea of women being chattle. So your hypocrisy is right out there for all to see.

Your logic is faulty as usual. I have no trouble with burqas because I'm not the one trying to dictate what women should or shouldn't wear. It is the people you support like trump who have low opinions of women, and what are you doing about it?
Your logic is faulty as usual. I have no trouble with burqas because I'm not the one trying to dictate what women should or shouldn't wear. It is the people you support like trump who have low opinions of women, and what are you doing about it?

You have no "trouble" with Muslims, no matter what. Be honest for once.