Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

Because it's counter to what their thought leaders tell them is acceptable, Tom. They are only interested in parroting and prolifically propagating their perfidious propaganda and silencing any diverse viewpoints.

Aren't you liable to be prosecuted for a hate crime for what you're posted day under existing UK (Unarmed Kingdom) law?

If that were true then Quanta Ahmed wouldn't have been allowed to publish her article.
Faux feministas like Christiecrite are complicit in the abuse of women by Muslims

He’s a former Muslim extremist who speaks out against such extremism — yet he’s been labeled an extremist.

Last October, the Southern Poverty Law Center called British author and activist Maajid Nawaz, 39, “part of the ‘ex-radical’ circuit of former Islamists who use that experience to savage Islam.” During a recent appearance on Bill Maher’s show, Nawaz announced he’d be suing the SPLC for defamation.

Citing what he calls “the poverty of low expectations,” Nawaz argues that Islam, like any other religion, should not only field criticism but withstand it. Why, he asks, does the Western world — and liberals, in particular — refuse to condemn what they otherwise find abhorrent?

The SPLC, he says, fights against the oppressions of Christian fundamentalism, yet “the same causes they fight for within America are somehow deemed illegitimate for people like me to fight for within our own communities.”

To wit: The current case in Michigan — the first federal case of its kind — over female genital mutilation, practiced among a Shiite Muslim sect there. The New York Times, incredibly, has framed this as a potentially legitimate custom. “Michigan Case Adds US Dimension to Debate on Genital Mutilation,” ran a June 10 headline.

Debate? Really? An estimated 100 girls have been brutalized in this specific community since 2005 — yet because this barbarism is contextualized as Islamic, far too many liberals seek to justify what is plainly child abuse, a gross violation of human rights.

There are plenty of Catholics and fundamentalist Christians who believe abortion is morally wrong, yet Roe v. Wade remains the law of the land. Why should Islam get special dispensation? Isn’t it a supercilious attitude to take — that a muscular religion of 1.6 billion people requires deference to the point of infantilization?

Also on the SPLC’s list is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born author and activist who herself survived female genital mutilation and a forced marriage. Ali and fellow activist Asra Q. Nomani recently appeared before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and were shocked that none of the four female DEMOCRATS on that panel — including Kamala Harris, who’d become a feminist cause célèbre the day before, after male colleagues interrupted her interrogation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions — asked a single question.

Give me your definition of enslave. I presume you don't mean bought and sold, separated from their families, kept in huts, wearing rags and being worked to the point of starvation.
Which religion forbids women to drive, requires they wear a beekeeper suit and are only allowed to leave their home if accompanied by a man?
Which religion forbids women to drive, requires they wear a beekeeper suit and are only allowed to leave their home if accompanied by a man?

That's not slavery.

Do you condemn Amish men for the way they treat their women? How about those fundamentalist Mormon sects where they practice polygamy besides treating their women like crap? Orthodox Jews?
Ultra-Orthodox Jewish women belonging to the religious sect ‘Women of Lease’ with their children in Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem, Israel, 25 February 2013.



Ultra-Orthodox Jewish women continue protests against segregation in Jerusalem
The women sit in the front instead of the back as they are supposed to here. Some followers of ultra-Orthodox Judaism believe men and women should be separated in public, although it is illegal under Israeli law. Women who challenge segregation have been insulted and spat upon…. In certain neighborhoods, advertisements showing women have been vandalized. Women are encouraged to walk on the other side of the street from men, and recently, an 11-year-old schoolgirl complained on television of being harassed. Critics say some rabbis condone these activities….

Women told to endure domestic violence in the name of God

Who else could be blamed, Peter screamed at his wife in nightly tirades, for her alleged insubordination, for her stupidity, her lack of sexual pliability, her refusal to join him on the 'Tornado' ride at a Queensland waterpark, her annoying friendship with a woman he called "Ratface"? For her sheer, complete failure as a woman?

The abuse went on, day and night, as Sally bore a child, worked morning shifts at the local hospital and stayed up late pumping breast milk for her baby.
She was deeply exhausted, depleted and worn. The night before Sally finally left her husband and the townhouse they lived in on Sydney's northern beaches he told her she was also failing her spiritual duties.

"Your problem is you won't obey me. The Bible says you must obey me and you refuse," he yelled. "You are a failure as a wife, as a Christian, as a mother. You are an insubordinate piece of s**t."

That's not slavery.

Do you condemn Amish men for the way they treat their women? How about those fundamentalist Mormon sects where they practice polygamy besides treating their women like crap? Orthodox Jews?
Abuse, rape, genital mutilation - this is all the Mooslim way. How can you claim to be for women's rights and defend this shit?
Women told to endure domestic violence in the name of God

Who else could be blamed, Peter screamed at his wife in nightly tirades, for her alleged insubordination, for her stupidity, her lack of sexual pliability, her refusal to join him on the 'Tornado' ride at a Queensland waterpark, her annoying friendship with a woman he called "Ratface"? For her sheer, complete failure as a woman?

The abuse went on, day and night, as Sally bore a child, worked morning shifts at the local hospital and stayed up late pumping breast milk for her baby.
She was deeply exhausted, depleted and worn. The night before Sally finally left her husband and the townhouse they lived in on Sydney's northern beaches he told her she was also failing her spiritual duties.

"Your problem is you won't obey me. The Bible says you must obey me and you refuse," he yelled. "You are a failure as a wife, as a Christian, as a mother. You are an insubordinate piece of s**t."


Muslim woman stoned to death for adultery


Do you denouce Islam, Christiecrite?