Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

These clowns have a lot of gall thinking they can dictate what women in other countries wear, based on American idea of feminism. They give credence to the phrase "ugly American."
Women in every country and culture can wear what they damn well please.
Furthermore, where's the criticism of men wearing kurtas, kufi caps, or embroidered thobes? MIA, that's where.

Even though it must be hot in the summer, I imagine somehow that wearing the burqa could be liberating in a way. No one can judge you on your clothing (and how much it cost/didn't cost), your sense of style, your hair, your makeup, your age, your beauty or lack thereof. You can only be judged by your speech and your actions. In a way it's like the logic behind many public schools requiring a school uniform.

As for the derps here, haven't males always felt it was their right to tell us how to dress, act, where to work (or not work), what to do with our bodies, and so on?
If you get your information from InfoWars and Fox, I cannot imagine you are even remotely aware that liberal human rights groups have long made it their business to point out discrimination against women in middle eastern countries.

Including the well known Kenyan-Marxist group Amnesty International. A group we all know has been universally hated by the rightwing for decades.

Amnesty International Report on Human Rights in Saudi Arabia, 2017-18

Despite limited reforms, women faced systemic discrimination in law and practice and were inadequately protected against sexual and other violence.

Women and girls continued to face discrimination in law and practice, despite the government’s promised reforms. Women were required to have permission from a male guardian – their father, husband, brother or son – to enrol in higher education, seek employment, travel or marry. They also remained inadequately protected against sexual and other forms of violence.

In September, the King issued another royal decree allowing women to drive, due to enter into force after 23 June 2018. The decree stated that it would be implemented according to “established legal regulations”, without providing clarification, which raised questions about how it would be implemented in practice. Following this announcement, women’s rights activists who had campaigned against the driving ban reported receiving telephone calls warning them against publicly commenting on the development or risk facing interrogations.

You personify the word hypocrite. Crying about inequality, "metoo!" while making excuses for barbaric treatment of women by Muslims.

Shameful. You are a joke.

Rubber stamp that, hens.
Where has she done that? She has stated that she supports a woman’s right of choice. She doesn’t support the women being forced.

You start your argument from a false premise.
Right. Keep making excuses for Muslims treating women like garbage to highlight your phoniness. Not that it wasn't obvious.
You lack reading comprehension skills, what you state isn’t the point being made. You twist our words and meaning. This is why I rarely reply to you.
You lack reading comprehension skills, what you state isn’t the point being made. You twist our words and meaning. This is why I rarely reply to you.

You're fond of saying you rarely respond to people you respond to, I've noticed. That's because you're an imbecile.
You personify the word hypocrite. Crying about inequality, "metoo!" while making excuses for barbaric treatment of women by Muslims.

Shameful. You are a joke.

Rubber stamp that, hens.

Post a comment of mine... anywhere on this forum from any time back to April 2009... that I've made excuses for barbaric treatment of women by Muslims or any other group.

You're just a sad, fearful racist and hater who can't stand the idea that anybody but white people are living in America. We "hens" had your number from the get-go, as did everybody else.
Where has she done that? She has stated that she supports a woman’s right of choice. She doesn’t support the women being forced.

You start your argument from a false premise.
Choice? Those women are brutalized in every way -- and you and your hens support this shit?

What a bunch of fakes.

Stop pretending to be smart -- I know you're not.
If you get your information from InfoWars and Fox, I cannot imagine you are even remotely aware that liberal human rights groups have long made it their business to point out discrimination against women in middle eastern countries. Including the well known Kenyan-Marxist group Amnesty International. A group we all know has been universally hated by the rightwing for decades.

Yet faux feminista Christiecrite cannot seem to condemn Muslim abusers. Or you.
Even though it must be hot in the summer, I imagine somehow that wearing the burqa could be liberating in a way. No one can judge you on your clothing (and how much it cost/didn't cost), your sense of style, your hair, your makeup, your age, your beauty or lack thereof. You can only be judged by your speech and your actions. In a way it's like the logic behind many public schools requiring a school uniform.

As for the derps here, haven't males always felt it was their right to tell us how to dress, act, where to work (or not work), what to do with our bodies, and so on?

Like the teenager (above) said, she feels more compelled to wear mascara than a burqa.

And your last sentence is right on.
Post a comment of mine... anywhere on this forum from any time back to April 2009... that I've made excuses for barbaric treatment of women by Muslims or any other group.

You're just a sad, fearful racist and hater who can't stand the idea that anybody but white people are living in America. We "hens" had your number from the get-go, as did everybody else.
You're doing it right now.

Do you denounce the Islamic treatment of women? They are brutalized and mutilated.

That you can't stand on your own and need a gang shows how very weak you are.