Why have kids?

I'm too selfish. I don't want to lose a drop of freedom. I can do whatever I want whenever I want, and life is the best ever. If I were rich, I might think about it, but I'm solidly middle class, so all the expenses and time kids would take I prefer to spend on myself. Honest truth.

This is the truth, but there is more to the story. Our women figure it out long before us stoopit guys do.

My first kid was in my wife's belly for 9 months denying me pleasure for much of it. The little bastard was two weeks late then started labor around midnight after a long day with no martinis in three weeks since I had to be able to drive if the blessed event happened. Then he waited another 13 hours while I tried to doze off on a chair with no recline in a cramped room listening to my wife cry, scream and moan under fluorescent lights. Then his head was too big and the doctor did you-don't wanna-know to you-know-where. They put a wire in his skull and we watched a machine monitor a heartbeat that at first impossibly fast then made us panic because it was impossibly slow, then fast again. After hours of this shit they sent in some doctor with big hairy arms who reached way in with steel tongs and pulled the little alien out, purple skin and cone shaped head, covered in slime and cottage cheese.

Then two days going back-and-forth to the hospital with my mother-in-law who decided to visit, fill the refrigerator with odd recipes and clean our house.

After my wife and her alien came home I decided it was a good time to rebuild the front walkway and spent as much time as possible breaking up old concrete, moving heavy materials around and sweating.

Weeks of dinners with the alien screaming and messing up my hand-finished oak floors and carefully painted walls. Months went by and still no pleasure for poor old dad and even then the surgery made things awkward and procedural. My life was over.

Then the little alien smiled at me and my heart melted...
I know numerous people my age now having kids.... well, actually 2-3. It freaks me the fuck out. One of my best friends is married. WHAT?!?! There is no way I am anywhere near to wanting to have kids. Why would anyone want a kid? They tie you down, they cost a shitload of money to raise and care for, you can't have adventures anymore. When did I go from being a carefree young adult to having everyone around me getting married and having children? what the flying FUCK is going on?

It's how your wife shows you you aren't so special. See. Dime a dozen.
the little alien baby continued his death stare, melting your brain, resulting in paralysis so you wouldn't be able to run away. he crawled up to you and began his feast.
Well, nature has a way of not making it so bad. They had to put strong emotions in there to keep you from bashing the things head in on a stone in prehistoric days when it wouldn't stop crying. So it won't be so bad for you.

But people without kids are just as happy or happier. I don't see the point in the modern age. I don't care if my DNA is passed on, I'll be too dead to care by the time it matters.
I know numerous people my age now having kids.... well, actually 2-3. It freaks me the fuck out. One of my best friends is married. WHAT?!?! There is no way I am anywhere near to wanting to have kids. Why would anyone want a kid? They tie you down, they cost a shitload of money to raise and care for, you can't have adventures anymore. When did I go from being a carefree young adult to having everyone around me getting married and having children? what the flying FUCK is going on?
I'd say it probably means your not getting any pussy. :pke:
My wife and I have 5 kids. 4 Daughters and 1 Son.
We now have 21 Grandchildren. 7 girls and 14 boys. We would have had 22; but one died of SIDS, back in 1996.
And we're now waiting on our first Great Grandchilld; due sometime in August.

I wouldn't change anything.
I have something in common with Grind and Watermark in this respect. I've often had people tell me there afraid that I might like actually reproduce.
I have something in common with Grind and Watermark in this respect. I've often had people tell me there afraid that I might like actually reproduce.

I was lucky.
Our kids look more like my wife.
I've always been amazed that we're together.
She was a great looking latina when we married and even today, after all these years (33 in January), she still makes my heart skip a beat.
This is the truth, but there is more to the story. Our women figure it out long before us stoopit guys do.

My first kid was in my wife's belly for 9 months denying me pleasure for much of it. The little bastard was two weeks late then started labor around midnight after a long day with no martinis in three weeks since I had to be able to drive if the blessed event happened. Then he waited another 13 hours while I tried to doze off on a chair with no recline in a cramped room listening to my wife cry, scream and moan under fluorescent lights. Then his head was too big and the doctor did you-don't wanna-know to you-know-where. They put a wire in his skull and we watched a machine monitor a heartbeat that at first impossibly fast then made us panic because it was impossibly slow, then fast again. After hours of this shit they sent in some doctor with big hairy arms who reached way in with steel tongs and pulled the little alien out, purple skin and cone shaped head, covered in slime and cottage cheese.

Then two days going back-and-forth to the hospital with my mother-in-law who decided to visit, fill the refrigerator with odd recipes and clean our house.

After my wife and her alien came home I decided it was a good time to rebuild the front walkway and spent as much time as possible breaking up old concrete, moving heavy materials around and sweating.

Weeks of dinners with the alien screaming and messing up my hand-finished oak floors and carefully painted walls. Months went by and still no pleasure for poor old dad and even then the surgery made things awkward and procedural. My life was over.

Then the little alien smiled at me and my heart melted...
Is he a teenager yet and has he told you how he hates you or how it would be impossible for another human being to be as stupid as you are?
One of the worst possible feelings in the whole world is wanting to have kids but not being able too. I hope that never happens to you Grind.
Is he a teenager yet and has he told you how he hates you or how it would be impossible for another human being to be as stupid as you are?

He's 17 with a 4.5 QPA, honor graduate, still working on his Eagle, has a very cute girlfriend who's daddy's a doctor, and is going to college next year for nuclear engineering. He listens to Rush on his way home from school and in about two hours we're driving five hours to go ski racing for the weekend, just the two of us, and we are looking forward to listening to Mark Levin on Patriot, Sirius Satellite Radio. :cof1:

He's 17 with a 4.5 QPA, honor graduate, still working on his Eagle, has a very cute girlfriend who's daddy's a doctor, and is going to college next year for nuclear engineering. He listens to Rush on his way home from school and in about two hours we're driving five hours to go ski racing for the weekend, just the two of us, and we are looking forward to listening to Mark Levin on Patriot, Sirius Satellite Radio. :cof1:

Hopefully he kills himself. What a piece of human garbage.

He's 17 with a 4.5 QPA, honor graduate, still working on his Eagle, has a very cute girlfriend who's daddy's a doctor, and is going to college next year for nuclear engineering. He listens to Rush on his way home from school and in about two hours we're driving five hours to go ski racing for the weekend, just the two of us, and we are looking forward to listening to Mark Levin on Patriot, Sirius Satellite Radio. :cof1:
17 with a 4.5 GPA, Nuclear Engineering, Listens to Rush Limbaugh? Man....and I thought Watermark was fucked up! ;)