Why have kids?

Kids help you to keep up with current music and trends so you aren't trapped in the "coolest year you lived" trap whereby you keep the same hair style, clothes, music, car, etc. from the "coolest year" of your life and you aren't still listening to Def Leppard and sewing patches onto your jean jacket.
Kids help you to keep up with current music and trends so you aren't trapped in the "coolest year you lived" trap whereby you keep the same hair style, clothes, music, car, etc. from the "coolest year" of your life and you aren't still listening to Def Leppard and sewing patches onto your jean jacket.
Since I've never followed trends and my kids don't either this misses entirely.
Since I've never followed trends and my kids don't either this misses entirely.
Grind does. It should help him. He wants to have kids, doesn't want to admit it, so he creates this thread so we can "talk him into" it. You only have to make up a half-assed "reason" in order to convince people who want to be convinced...
Grind does. It should help him. He wants to have kids, doesn't want to admit it, so he creates this thread so we can "talk him into" it. You only have to make up a half-assed "reason" in order to convince people who want to be convinced...

This isn't a step that most men can be convinced by other men. No one could have convinced me. For me it was an unwilling leap of faith.
Then why are they generic southern idiots?

All southerners should be gassed. They are a drain on society.
You're obviously frustrated at me generally ignoring you, so are attempting the topspin tactic. No doubt the kids in gym class generally ignored you as well, until it came time for dodge ball and they knocked you over first. :)
Grind does. It should help him. He wants to have kids, doesn't want to admit it, so he creates this thread so we can "talk him into" it. You only have to make up a half-assed "reason" in order to convince people who want to be convinced...

i said maybe eventually, but only a few years ago I was 18, now all of a sudden I have to think of kids and marrying people and shit. Fuck that.
You're obviously frustrated at me generally ignoring you, so are attempting the topspin tactic. No doubt the kids in gym class generally ignored you as well, until it came time for dodge ball and they knocked you over first. :)

I am sure 100% of people in my class liked dodgeball. Everyone liked it
Grind, forget being 80, suppose you died right now, what would you leave behind that says you existed in this world, that would last?
For almost all people including you, the answer would be their kids. There isn't any comfort you have now that can really compare to that one.

I suppose you could and Waterdork probably will argue why you would need comfort if you were dead, but you're obviously more likely to live and it's that thought while you are living that will be tough to shake.

The real question you should be asking is thinking about the tradeoff that YOU want between the financial security in waiting versus the higher level of energy you will have the sooner you start.
as you said a few sentences in, I am not a prole. When I am dead, I don't care what I leave behind... I will be dead.
as you said a few sentences in, I am not a prole. When I am dead, I don't care what I leave behind... I will be dead.

Sure you do, you said so yourself earlier:

"cause im also scared of dying at 80 years old completely alone and unloved by anyone " -- Grind

Everyone finds some comfort in a support system, it's no accident that those in larger 2-PARENT families on the whole tend to be find more support in the family and are more Conservative and need less government while single people vote and are more Liberal and look to government more for support.
lol i love how every thread becomes political for you.

I never once said in this thread I never want kids. I just am disillusioned by the fact that a few people around me have already started families and I basically still feel like a kid. I don't want to be tied down by the responsibility of having a child. I want to be able to up and go where I want, do what I want, stay out as late as I want, travel, meet lots of girls, do drugs, and just have a lots of fun times. Having a kid completely locks my shit down for at least 2 decades. Plus it's a permanent life commitment. You can always divorce a wife, but your kids will always be your kids and you pretty much can't separate yourself from that.

I still view having kids as something way off in the future, but I see people around me settling down and I freak out. It's like a pre-mid life mid life crisis.
Sure you do, you said so yourself earlier:

"cause im also scared of dying at 80 years old completely alone and unloved by anyone " -- Grind

Everyone finds some comfort in a support system, it's no accident that those in larger 2-PARENT families on the whole tend to be find more support in the family and are more Conservative and need less government while single people vote and are more Liberal and look to government more for support.

Actually it's because only stupid people are breeding. Have you ever seen Idiocracy?