Why have kids?

We used to play wallball, in which you could get nailed pretty hard if someone got you or nearly got you out. But the only actual form of dodgeball we ever played was a more controlled came called Soak 'Em. I got to play an evolved form of it once called Rescue, and it was awesome, and utter pandemonium!!
I had my kids both between the age of 24 and 27.
I pitty those parents who had them in their late thirties.
My kids were champions on several levels. Yours has to deal with a dad who goes on tv claiming to be a recovering homo.
I'm sure your kids were great in spite of your delusional, drug-crazed fantasies. They probably thought you were retarded and simply ignored you.
You don't have to think about having kids now, Grind. Think about it when you are ready. Most of the marriages that last are much later than early 20s marriages. You'll be ready when you know you are ready.

On a side note, waiting until you are "fiscally ready" is nonsense.