Why have kids?

I know numerous people my age now having kids.... well, actually 2-3. It freaks me the fuck out. One of my best friends is married. WHAT?!?! There is no way I am anywhere near to wanting to have kids. Why would anyone want a kid? They tie you down, they cost a shitload of money to raise and care for, you can't have adventures anymore. When did I go from being a carefree young adult to having everyone around me getting married and having children? what the flying FUCK is going on?

You sound like a latter day Holden Caulfield.
cause im also scared of dying at 80 years old completely alone and unloved by anyone

The Tao of Zappa says that only when you are actively NOT searching for that which you desire, will what you desire come to you.

To find that which you desire, stop looking for it.

In my early 20's I swore off all romantic entanglements. I lived to ski, raft, party, go to concerts, drink and have fun.

I met my future wife one day when she tagged along with a friend to a show we were all attending...we started talking and last October we celebrated our 20th anniversary together.

Give it time...there's someone out there for you...I didn't find mine til I was 28.
I know numerous people my age now having kids.... well, actually 2-3. It freaks me the fuck out. One of my best friends is married. WHAT?!?! There is no way I am anywhere near to wanting to have kids. Why would anyone want a kid? They tie you down, they cost a shitload of money to raise and care for, you can't have adventures anymore. When did I go from being a carefree young adult to having everyone around me getting married and having children? what the flying FUCK is going on?

It's part of our nature to want to procreate. I'm 25 and not wanting kids anytime soon, but I would like to have a few... someday. Thus far, I have found no woman worthy of bearing my children. :cool:
SM, you are a virus scratching away at every piece of America. Put a bullet in your worthless brain. I am fucking serious. I and every other thinking person would celebrate.
Kids are the most fun you can have with your clothes on. They remind you of the little things in life that make it worth living.

The best thing you can do is have kids when you are young enough to keep up with them. Screw that "We're not ready for kids yet". You will never be ready.