Why Is Communism Still a Respected Ideology?

As this thread progressed, the loony leftists of this forum once again prove it's point. They desperately attempt to pretend that Communism is not a threat and a big conspiracy.

Yet we know that to be false and know the dangers of socialism and it's eventual morphing into Communism.

The Commies are coming, the Commies are coming

Why Is Communism Still a Respected Ideology?

Marx’s first crusade was not against capitalism but against soap. I guess every time he had to take a shower, he was too drunk to do it. Otherwise, he always lived off of other people’s money, he never worked, even when his own children were starving, and he drank enough to deform his liver along with his conscience. Surprise: The first Marxist was a shameless rascal, the type of person who would despise the working class.

Lenin was no different. “He was always the spoilt child of the house, surrounded by women who took him for a genius and supported him financially all his life. He never worked,” says one of the most influential and controversial Spanish journalists of the last half century, Federico Jiménez Losantos, author of A Memoir of Communism, a colossal work published in 2018 and not yet translated into English.

Jiménez Losantos attempts to answer the key question: “One hundred years and one hundred million deaths later, why is Communism still a respected ideology?”



This is easy, because we have a full generation of leftist morons indoctrinated at the gullags to believe that the right kind of communism hasn't been tried.
No you're right I stand corrected they want communism's retarded cousin socialism. The Overton window can't be opened all at once.

Which ones want Socialism?
And how are we defining Socialism? Do you mean real Socialism, which involves collective ownership of the means of production? Or do you mean Fox News Socialism which is just anything that helps the working-class?
This is easy, because we have a full generation of leftist morons indoctrinated at the gullags to believe that the right kind of communism hasn't been tried.

....and who believe that BIG Government is good and want to become wards of the State. ;)

Which ones want Socialism?
And how are we defining Socialism? Do you mean real Socialism, which involves collective ownership of the means of production? Or do you mean Fox News Socialism which is just anything that helps the working-class?

public corporations are collective ownership.
Which ones want Socialism?
And how are we defining Socialism? Do you mean real Socialism, which involves collective ownership of the means of production? Or do you mean Fox News Socialism which is just anything that helps the working-class?

Bernie Sanders. Kamala Harris. Joe Biden. But in idiot land where you wallow, Government run healthcare isn't about Socialism right dipshit? :palm:


Bernie Sanders. Kamala Harris. Joe Biden. But in idiot land where you wallow, Government run healthcare isn't about Socialism right dipshit? :palm:

First of all, government-run healthcare isn't Socialism. Socialism is collective ownership over the means of production.
Secondly, none of them want government run healthcare. The closest thing to that would be Bernie's Medicare for All, but even that just nationalizes health insurance, not the doctors and health facilities.

Now because you can't respond to my points, I expect you to resort to Ad Homs because that's all Fascists do. And..... GO!
Not really, but even if that was true, most corporations in America are privately owned. And I don't know any mainstream politicians who want to change that by nationalizing all means of production.

yes. really. means of production are already collectively owned. public corporations are collective ownership.
yes. really. means of production are already collectively owned. public corporations are collective ownership.

Public corporations are owned by the government. That's State Capitalism. Socialism involves Direct Democracy so that everyone can vote on the actions of a corporation.