Do tell. Can you name the locations and years for us--for our edification...
60 million died of famine, give or take in India by British Capitalists
1 million died of famine, give or take in Ireland by British Capitalists.
.75 million died of famine, give or take in Germany by the British Blockade on Germany during WW1.
4 million give or take died of famine, give or take in Persia, by British Capitalists during WW1.
2 million give or take died of famine, in Vietnam during WW2, from French & Japanese.
.25 million give or take died of famine, in Yemen by USA / Saudi Capitalists.
That's approx 67 million dead by famine under Capitalism.
Communist famines clearly killed less, the Holodomor, Volga Famine + 1946 - 1947 Soviet famine combined killed about 8 million by famine.
Mao's Great Leap Forward probably killed 25 million by famine.
China's Famine of 1942 - 1943 killed 3 million.
North Korea's Famine killed another 1 million.
So, maybe 35 million killed by famine, by Communists.
ONLY if we go by high end famine figures by Mao's Great Leap Forward, do we get 55 million.
But, even at that it would still be not much different than Capitalist famines!