why is neutering a pet considered humane?

I can see why you'd want to deny the obvious...

I have read a lot of what went on between you and Solitary.

I must have missed the part where anything was said about him losing his job.

Care to explain how you know about the employment of someone you only knew on JPP?
Because you used to be employed, now you're "retired". LOL

Oh I see. Just more baseless accusations and bullshit.


How many different ways will you try the personal attacks? This obsession you have is unhealthy, SM. Time to move on.
It makes me sick, but it's "efficient"; they can kill several at once that way.

If they have to use the gas chamber, they should replace chlorine or whatever barbaric chemical they're using with nitrogen. It's a lot more humane; it's one of the few ways to kill something without any pain at all.

I would think the costs and danger of maintaining a gas chamber would completely outweigh all of that though. One problem I could see with nitrogen is that if there was a leak it could kill the staff without them knowing it.
If they have to use the gas chamber, they should replace chlorine or whatever barbaric chemical they're using with nitrogen. It's a lot more humane; it's one of the few ways to kill something without any pain at all.

I would think the costs and danger of maintaining a gas chamber would completely outweigh all of that though. One problem I could see with nitrogen is that if there was a leak it could kill the staff without them knowing it.

You're right there! I've worked with nitrogen a bit; it's scary stuff and has to be handled with respect. I'm glad I don't do that work any more.

They use CO2 in the gas chambers. It's fairly quick, but not really instantaneous. Still barbaric.
You're right there! I've worked with nitrogen a bit; it's scary stuff and has to be handled with respect. I'm glad I don't do that work any more.

They use CO2 in the gas chambers. It's fairly quick, but not really instantaneous. Still barbaric.

CO2 is what gives you the feeling of suffocating. That's a terrible way to kill something.
You're right there! I've worked with nitrogen a bit; it's scary stuff and has to be handled with respect. I'm glad I don't do that work any more.

They use CO2 in the gas chambers. It's fairly quick, but not really instantaneous. Still barbaric.

I thought they used CO not CO2?
I am probably wrong.
If they have to use the gas chamber, they should replace chlorine or whatever barbaric chemical they're using with nitrogen. It's a lot more humane; it's one of the few ways to kill something without any pain at all.

I would think the costs and danger of maintaining a gas chamber would completely outweigh all of that though. One problem I could see with nitrogen is that if there was a leak it could kill the staff without them knowing it.

HUH? We breathe lots of nitrogen all the time, it is a problem when it displaces too much of the oxygen.

I figure CO2 is cheaper and why they use it. Better than a hose off of a tailpipe.

I kill groundhogs that way, hose off the tailpipe down the hole.
Insomnia. LOL

Obviously you have never had insomnia. Laughing is the last thing you'd do.

I also notice you responded to my explanation of insomnia, but didn't respond to my calling your claims bullshit.

That says a lot. Just admit you make shit up. You'll feel better telling the truth.
HUH? We breathe lots of nitrogen all the time, it is a problem when it displaces too much of the oxygen.

If you put a dog in a pure nitrogen environment they wouldn't even realize they were dying. It's the most humane way to kill something.

And maybe the CO2 is cheaper, but making your equations like that is evil.
Why should I admit that you make shit up?

You made the claim that posting here cost someone their job. I am calling that bullshit. I am calling the fact that you claim to know if someone lost their job at all, bullshit. You claim it cost me my job, and we both know that is bullshit. (I know because I am neither Solitary nor have I been unemployed in years - and you obviously know because you haven't a clue)

So admit you lied or show any sort of proof in the matter.
You want me to prove that you're Solitary?

LMAO! That would be quite a trick.

No, I am calling you a liar for your post that either I or Solitary lost jobs because of posting here. I do not believe you know where Solitary works (since he posted several times about not putting personal info online)

I am challenging you to prove that either of us lost our jobs because of posting here.
If you're Solitary this all becomes moot.

I have no idea why you think that.

I am done arguing about who I am. I am challenging you to show any proof you have concerning your claim that someone lost their job because of posting here. Or that either I or Solitary lost our jobs at all.

"Doooood, you lost your job over your addiction last time, and had to change your name.... "

Whether you are speaking to me or to your delusions that I am someone else is moot.

Either show you know what you are talking about or admit you are a liar. Your choice, but that is the challenge.