In 2024, Republicans will install Donald Trump as President. This appears to be inevitable, and I have simply stopped caring. I'm an older white rich male. Personally, Trump doesn't impact me at all. however, the end of democracy that now seems inevitable will affect many people. Those people now need to step up and demand accountability from their leaders. I'm done. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. It won't happen. Republicans are spineless worms. Sadly, so are Democrats. Let's sum up:
We have no Voting Rights Act because spineless Democrats refused to eliminate the filibuster. McConnell will do away with it on day one in 2022. As a result, voting will no longer matter. State Legislatures will decide who is President. They won't care about the popular vote. They've already made that crystal clear.
We have no 'Build Back Better' legislation because Democrats couldn't sell air conditioners in Texas. They think the moral high ground is good enough. They refuse to engage in the fight.
Abortion rights in this country are gone because Democrats let Mitch McConnell pick and choose when Supreme Court picks could be confirmed. Everyone in the Democratic party cried foul and did exactly nothing. Gay marriage is next.
And now, there is a suggestion that in the face of overwhelming evidence that Trump committed multiple crimes, everyone is too worried about how it will look to actually hold him accountable for those crimes. I am no longer willing to help people who refuse to help themselves. Don't get vaxxed. Don't wear masks. Make up phony claims about election fraud. Have at it. I'm going to sit on a beach with a cocktail. If those who are impacted by this slow motion coup don't care then neither do I. Have fun. It was a great country while it lasted. It's over.