Why I've stopped caring

Potentially a small amount. That is not at all what’s driving inflation. You’ve got some free time. Take an Econ class. And please do tell why free money has driven the price of used cars up about 40%. This should be fun.

Sorry man, it is very much playing a role. We had massive fiscal stimulus on top of massive monetary stimulus. If we could do that without negative repercussions we would do it all the time, but it just doesn't work that way. We gave out a $1.9 trillion dollar stimulus in 2021 when the economy had already turned the corner in its recovery. It was the proverbial fuel on the fire. It was too much.

Now there are global issues here, supply chain issues etc. that are playing large roles as well. So it's far from strictly a fiscal/monetary policy thing. But its more than just a small amount.
Sorry man, it is very much playing a role. We had massive fiscal stimulus on top of massive monetary stimulus. If we could do that without negative repercussions we would do it all the time, but it just doesn't work that way. We gave out a $1.9 trillion dollar stimulus in 2021 when the economy had already turned the corner in its recovery. It was the proverbial fuel on the fire. It was too much.

Now there are global issues here, supply chain issues etc. that are playing large roles as well. So it's far from strictly a fiscal/monetary policy thing. But its more than just a small amount.

We’ll agree to disagree. The pandemic caused unique inflationary issues. That’s what’s causing inflation. Here and in Europe. It is what it is.
You don't seem to have a lot of confidence in Biden. If I were a Democrat I'd 100% want Trump to run because no way that dude is winning again. These voting laws aren't going to lead to a dictatorship.

Wow...and I thought the '20 election deniers were conspiracy theorists. :palm:
Because he's doing the same thing with student loans that Trump did with Title 42. Use Covid as an excuse to advance an agenda item.
At least I'm honest enough to admit that.
But early on, student loan forbearance was absolutely critical.
Like how you qualified that. "Early on." I agree with that too.
Personally I don't understand Biden's rationale for student loan forbearance now but I suspect he'd gladly like to cancel all or at least most student loan debt. There's a thread on that. Is it fair to those that repaid their loans?
You love to criticize and use childish nicknames
Many of us here do. Ever hear "Dump" (I've used that one), "the orangutang"?
rather than having a discussion.
I do both. Wake up.
At least you understand you’re a troll, most of them don’t.
Definitely , to keep this place somewhat interesting for me. I can't take it too seriously or I'd get bored.
But You are the poster boy for my calculus. Someone who has gone from serious to a laughable partisan troll.
About as much as before. I criticized Bush II (hard to believe there was hardly an internet w/ discussion boards before that) , Obama, Trump, and Biden. I will criticize them all probably. No one deserves to be my ruler. You seem especially sensitive to criticism of Biden. I get that. I feel somewhat sorry for him. The old coot is way past his prime ( TBH it was never much of a prime) and I think he's being used. Why these old guys that don't have the energy for it anymore want that job is beyond me.
It’s sad but that’s where we are now. Which is why I don’t post much anymore. There are no serious discussions here. None. It’s a microcosm of the country.
There's a few. Not many.
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I'm close - but still hold out a bit of hope.

But yeah; if Trump is the '24 nominee, it's over.

Here is a different perspective:

The wild swing into Fascism by Republicans is a sign of weakness and irrelevance.

Liberals have basically won the culture wars. The debates on school prayer, gay marriage, creation science in public schools, marijuana legalization are basically over and liberals won Big Time.

Even when Republicans argue about an actual liberal economic policy issue, it is only around the margins, there is no realistic effort to completely dismantle the New Deal, Great Society, and Obamacare social contact.

Despots nearly always veer towards full authoritarianism or coups when they are at their weakest: the last tsar, the Russian communist party in 1991, the Orange Revolution, King George 3rd, etc.
In 2024, Republicans will install Donald Trump as President. This appears to be inevitable, and I have simply stopped caring. I'm an older white rich male. Personally, Trump doesn't impact me at all. however, the end of democracy that now seems inevitable will affect many people. Those people now need to step up and demand accountability from their leaders. I'm done. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. It won't happen. Republicans are spineless worms. Sadly, so are Democrats. Let's sum up:

We have no Voting Rights Act because spineless Democrats refused to eliminate the filibuster. McConnell will do away with it on day one in 2022. As a result, voting will no longer matter. State Legislatures will decide who is President. They won't care about the popular vote. They've already made that crystal clear.

We have no 'Build Back Better' legislation because Democrats couldn't sell air conditioners in Texas. They think the moral high ground is good enough. They refuse to engage in the fight.

Abortion rights in this country are gone because Democrats let Mitch McConnell pick and choose when Supreme Court picks could be confirmed. Everyone in the Democratic party cried foul and did exactly nothing. Gay marriage is next.

And now, there is a suggestion that in the face of overwhelming evidence that Trump committed multiple crimes, everyone is too worried about how it will look to actually hold him accountable for those crimes. I am no longer willing to help people who refuse to help themselves. Don't get vaxxed. Don't wear masks. Make up phony claims about election fraud. Have at it. I'm going to sit on a beach with a cocktail. If those who are impacted by this slow motion coup don't care then neither do I. Have fun. It was a great country while it lasted. It's over.

So, if I read this correctly, you will not fight for your country like a true patriotic American. You will simply flee to another location like the coward we always knew you were?
Many of us here do. Ever hear "Dump" (I've used that one), "the orangutang"?I do both. Wake up. Definitely , to keep this place somewhat interesting for me. I can't take it too seriously or I'd get bored. About as much as before. I criticized Bush II (hard to believe there was hardly an internet w/ discussion boards before that) , Obama, Trump, and Biden. I will criticize them all probably. No one deserves to be my ruler. You seem especially sensitive to criticism of Biden. I get that. I feel somewhat sorry for him. The old coot is way past his prime ( TBH it was never much of a prime) and I think he's being used. Why these old guys that don't have the energy for it anymore want that job is beyond me. There's a few. Not many.
Don't be bamboozled. The last thing that one wants is "serious discussion". You remember Hoodieman? That's who it is. He wants to fight and troll and then get up on his self righteous paper pedestal and pretend he is above it all.

Overly emotional and prone to meltdowns over it though, as you can see. lol
Don't be bamboozled. The last thing that one wants is "serious discussion". You remember Hoodieman? That's who it is. He wants to fight and troll and then get up on his self righteous paper pedestal and pretend he is above it all.

Overly emotional and prone to meltdowns over it though, as you can see. lol

Sure looking like Micawber's sock. All the signs of trolltoxic. The anger, meltdowns, the slow withdrawal from meaningful interaction. I knew Micawber would be unable to stay away.
For those looking for hope in the world, here’s some. Almost every Hawkeye post is about how America is fvxked and we’re a doomed nation. The last few threads from the OP have had same message. They may have arrived at their conclusions for differing reasons but it’s the same sentiment nonetheless. So for those who believe people on the right and left can’t agree I present Exhibit A your honor.

People are over-thinking things! Some people think this life is all about them and what they want. When they don't get what they want they cry like little chihuahuas!

Some people cannot handle adversity- they cower and crawl under a rock! They want to blame others for their loss, instead of understanding their own short-comings and vulnerabilities.

Cooler heads are going to prevail. When it gets tough- The tough keep going! When you fall off your horse, you get back up, dust off the seat of your pants, and mount back up!

Here I look at the Ukraine. What has happened there, is about as bad as any country has ever had to deal with. BUT THEIR PEOPLE KEEP GOING- THEY KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT!

Americans take a lot of things for granite! I don't know any American whose home and homeland was totally destroyed- and lost everything they had in this world including losing members of their own family to an EVIL EMPIRE!

If we do not come together as a nation, and stop this fighting among ourselves- This same thing is going to happen to us, as we will be ripe and vulnerable for attack by the same evil empire that is destroying the Ukraine.

I am not giving up- As long as I have a breath- I will speak up against what I think is wrong- and continue to speak up for what I believe is right!
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In 2024, Republicans will install Donald Trump as President. This appears to be inevitable, and I have simply stopped caring. I'm an older white rich male. Personally, Trump doesn't impact me at all. however, the end of democracy that now seems inevitable will affect many people. Those people now need to step up and demand accountability from their leaders. I'm done. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. It won't happen. Republicans are spineless worms. Sadly, so are Democrats. Let's sum up:

We have no Voting Rights Act because spineless Democrats refused to eliminate the filibuster. McConnell will do away with it on day one in 2022. As a result, voting will no longer matter. State Legislatures will decide who is President. They won't care about the popular vote. They've already made that crystal clear.

We have no 'Build Back Better' legislation because Democrats couldn't sell air conditioners in Texas. They think the moral high ground is good enough. They refuse to engage in the fight.

Abortion rights in this country are gone because Democrats let Mitch McConnell pick and choose when Supreme Court picks could be confirmed. Everyone in the Democratic party cried foul and did exactly nothing. Gay marriage is next.

And now, there is a suggestion that in the face of overwhelming evidence that Trump committed multiple crimes, everyone is too worried about how it will look to actually hold him accountable for those crimes. I am no longer willing to help people who refuse to help themselves. Don't get vaxxed. Don't wear masks. Make up phony claims about election fraud. Have at it. I'm going to sit on a beach with a cocktail. If those who are impacted by this slow motion coup don't care then neither do I. Have fun. It was a great country while it lasted. It's over.

Nothing says MORON better than a leftist claiming that Trump means the end of Democracy. That's not merely dumb, it is lunacy. This is why the left is going to be slaughtered this year and in 2024. They really are the dumbest, most dishonest Fascistic hacks on the planet. :palm:
Sure looking like Micawber's sock. All the signs of trolltoxic. The anger, meltdowns, the slow withdrawal from meaningful interaction. I knew Micawber would be unable to stay away.
Hi Doc, Trolltoxic/Micawber IS an unhinged mental case but this one, "Confart" is a poster formerly known as Hudaman, his sidekick. He's the one we nicknamed Hoodieman back at DCJ.
.... Trump means the end of Democracy....most dishonest Fascistic hacks on the planet. :palm:

You're an idiot.


Limp dick old geezer
US slang
: elderly male aged past the point of sexual reproduction and hates his life. #1 demographic on American suicide statistics..usually one shot with a pistol. https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/
People are over-thinking things! Some people think this life is all about them and what they want. When they don't get what they want they cry like little chihuahuas!

Some people cannot handle adversity- they cower and crawl under a rock!

Cooler heads are going to prevail.

Here I look at the Ukraine. What has happened there, is about as bad as any country has ever had to deal with. BUT THEIR PEOPLE KEEP GOING- THEY KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT!

Americans take a lot of things for granite! I don't know any American whose home was totally destroyed- and lost everything they had in this world including losing members of their own family to an EVIL EMPIRE!

If we do not come together as a nation, and stop this fighting among ourselves- This same thing is going to happen to us, as we will be ripe and vulnerable for attack by the same evil empire that is destroying the Ukraine.

I am not giving up- As long as I have a breath- I will speak up against what I think is wrong- and continue to speak up for what I believe is right!

If one only spent time reading social media or board's like this you wouldn't think the country stands a chance with how much we hate each other and want those disagree with us dead.

During the World Wars and during the Cold War there was that foreign enemy that helped bring us together as a country. Since the end of the Cold War that's largely gone away.
The wild swing into Fascism by Republicans is a sign of weakness and irrelevance.

You're describing the Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses again. You don't have very much self awareness or intelligence do you? :palm:

Liberals have basically won the culture wars. The debates on school prayer, gay marriage, creation science in public schools, marijuana legalization are basically over and liberals won Big Time.

Wrong again. They are losing them badly. NO ONE wants what liberal leftists have to offer. Leftists have NEVER lived up to their expectations and nations who practice their policies devolve into poverty and despair. Look to Cuba, Venezuela and Zimbabwe to see how it ends.

This is why leftists have to lie and hide their true agendas. It is why they prefer to engage in Fascistic tactics like canceling and banning on social media platforms.

Even when Republicans argue about an actual liberal economic policy issue, it is only around the margins, there is no realistic effort to completely dismantle the New Deal, Great Society, and Obamacare social contact.

It is very hard to take handouts away from the willfully ignorant once they are passed. This is why it is so important for liberal leftists to indoctrinate children instead of educating them and teaching them how to take care of themselves. Without victims and dependent wards of the state, liberal leftists would never win anything politically.

Despots nearly always veer towards full authoritarianism or coups when they are at their weakest: the last tsar, the Russian communist party in 1991, the Orange Revolution, King George 3rd, etc.

....and the Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses. ;)
I wouldn't expect you to understand how people in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus have been able to remain stoic, kept a stiff upper lip, and sallied forth while enduring far worse violence, adversity and autocracy than Americans ever have.

Thank you for understanding.