In 2024, Republicans will install Donald Trump as President.
Republicans don't install Presidents (as Democrats now do); they elect them.
This appears to be inevitable,
Why should any rational adult believe this?
and I have simply stopped caring.
No you haven't, as evidenced by your continued desire to talk about him 1.25 years after he left the White House. This is also referred to as TDS.
I'm an older white rich male.
I thought that Democrats hated old white rich males?
Personally, Trump doesn't impact me at all.
He impacts you enough to continue living rent free in your head. You can't stop bringing up his name at every turn. You have TDS.
however, the end of democracy that now seems inevitable will affect many people.
The USA was never a democracy. It was a federated republic.
Those people now need to step up and demand accountability from their leaders.
They are. They have been attending school board meetings and city council meetings, much to the annoyance of the Marxists who have run the show without opposition for far too long. They have also run for such positions and have replaced many of those Marxists with MAGA-aligned people.
Yet, here you still are...
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
What won't happen?
Republicans are spineless worms.
Unfortunately, many of them are indeed spineless. There are a few of them (such as MTG and Lauren Boebert) who do have spines, however. Those are the MAGA-aligned ones.
Democrats are not spineless. They have no issue with taking advantage of power when they have it. They have no issue with forcing people to wear masks, forcing people to undergo invasive medical procedures against their will, amongst countless other ideological things.
Let's sum up:
We have no Voting Rights Act because spineless Democrats refused to eliminate the filibuster.
The "Voting Rights Act" has absolutely nothing to do with voting rights, per usual for how bills get named.
McConnell will do away with it on day one in 2022.
I doubt it.
As a result, voting will no longer matter.
Voting is already extremely problematic due to the Democrat election fraud machine. Get that corrected and voting will have more integrity again.
State Legislatures will decide who is President.
No, the electors will decide who is President.
They won't care about the popular vote. They've already made that crystal clear.
The "popular vote" does not elect Presidents. Presidents are elected by electors.
We have no 'Build Back Better' legislation because Democrats couldn't sell air conditioners in Texas. They think the moral high ground is good enough. They refuse to engage in the fight.
Democrats don't have any moral high ground.
Abortion rights in this country are gone because Democrats let Mitch McConnell pick and choose when Supreme Court picks could be confirmed. Everyone in the Democratic party cried foul and did exactly nothing. Gay marriage is next.
Murder is not a right. Democrat Presidents didn't nominate anyone who the Senate gave consent to, so they didn't get confirmed under the Democrat Presidents' watches. There is no such thing as "gay marriage". A gay "couple" is not a marriage.
And now, there is a suggestion that in the face of overwhelming evidence that Trump committed multiple crimes,
What "crimes"? Trump hasn't committed any crimes.
everyone is too worried about how it will look to actually hold him accountable for those crimes.
See above.
I am no longer willing to help people who refuse to help themselves.
Trying to force people to submit to your ideological will isn't "helping them".
Don't get vaxxed. Don't wear masks.
I didn't, and I don't.
Make up phony claims about election fraud.
There is a mountain-load of evidence that election fraud occurred. It has been shared on this forum already.
I already did.
I'm going to sit on a beach with a cocktail. If those who are impacted by this slow motion coup don't care then neither do I. Have fun. It was a great country while it lasted. It's over.
The USA has already dissolved (via Democrat election fraud and Democrat ignoring of the Constitution).