Why post at JPP?

How odd; but I don't remember you doing this when Darla inferred that she was going to post a picture of ID's daughter.
Something about showing tits all over the place and the "apple" not falling far from the tree.


So the whore has a daughter who is "showing her tits all over the place"? Well, I wouldn't know anything about that, but I can't say the news comes as a shock. Does the whore know what you're posting about her daughter???

I have come very close to striking back at her hard lately. She can thank the fact that even though I have gotten angry at him many times, I am fond of Damo and would not like to disrespect him or his board in that manner.

But I don't know anything about her problems with her kids. Though I have no doubt they are legion. Input=output and all.

In the end, I will wait for it to play itself out through the legitimate process. Whores like her always play themselves out anyway, but then, you'd know.
Jeez the drama is getting old.

How about everyone play by the rules and limit this shit to written words on the forums?? Is that so freakin hard?
This is a pattern with those people and it's never going to end. None of us know alias, at least under that name, but what a coincidence, ice slut goes missing and alias posts another picture. And whoever he is, there's no way he randomly got pictures, we all know what's going on behind the scenes with them. He posted pictures because even if he's banned, he knows he can return under another moniker and thinks nobody will be the wiser.

I already suspect he's another poster here and am just waiting for a money quote to nail him with.

I don't think you are going to get it. Alias has been banned, and clearly didn't really want to stay.
You know what, I just realized something. Even if you ban, and who knows if you ever will, this circle jerk seems never ending, she and alias and whoever, will just get different ips' either through proxies or laptops or phones, and they will post my nieces pictures.

this will never end. icedancer is mentally disturbed, i told you guys that from the day she came, so did alot of toher people.

so i'll leave. that'll end it, at least here. the worst of it.

you guys enjoy her.

Fuck you bitch. I don't have your nieces picture- I had a PB account where you got my picture from. I posted your picture there for you- I guess alias googled icedancer and came up with that account- Like Tom googled info about poet and sent a link to yurt. A link that had poets picture and personal information- No outrage from you over Tom doing that. You are conniving hypocrite darla. YOU have never left this site and have numerous troll accounts no wonder you know so much about how to never get banned and always be able to log in. If I wanted to post your personal info I would post the pictures of my caller ID that show your calling my home. You called my home and asked for my daughter. YOU are so in your element playing the femme fatal- See, Freedom, is the only conservative poster here that knows your dubious nature. Chris; zap and rana are as guilty as you- but they keep your secrets.
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apparently for some people, they post at JPP because they didn't hate each other enough at AOL.....

It seems that way.

I'll give a bit of advice that they will ignore.

If you harbor a grudge you are allowing somebody you "hate" to rent space in your mind for free. You should absolutely charge a bit more than that for such valued real estate, or at least only allow family and friends to stay there rent-free.

So the whore has a daughter who is "showing her tits all over the place"? Well, I wouldn't know anything about that, but I can't say the news comes as a shock. Does the whore know what you're posting about her daughter???

I have come very close to striking back at her hard lately. She can thank the fact that even though I have gotten angry at him many times, I am fond of Damo and would not like to disrespect him or his board in that manner.

But I don't know anything about her problems with her kids. Though I have no doubt they are legion. Input=output and all.

In the end, I will wait for it to play itself out through the legitimate process. Whores like her always play themselves out anyway, but then, you'd know.

You know exatly what this is about and the only thing that's saving your lying ass, is that the Mods removed your posts; because of the content that you posted.
I guess you have more knowledge of whores then I do; but then you are the one who had the coin slot grafted to their forehead.

Your next paragraph is so damn funny and ironic, that it deserves to be required reading for all new posters; so that they can see what a hypocrite you are.

I'm waiting for you hold yourself to your "leaving" comment, after this is entire thing is shown to be nothing more then you needing to be the center of attention again.
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Fuck you bitch. I don't have your nieces picture- I had a PB account where you got my picture from. I posted your picture there for you- I guess alias googled icedancer and came up with that account- Like Tom googled info about poet and sent a link to yurt. A link that had poets picture and personal information- No outrage from you over Tom doing that. You are conniving hypocrite darla. YOU have never left this site and have numerous troll accounts no wonder you know so much about how to never get banned and always be able to log in. If I wanted to post your personal info I would post the pictures of my caller ID that show your calling my home. You called my home and asked for my daughter. YOU are so in your element playing the femme fatal- See, Freedom, is the only conservative poster here that knows your dubious nature. Chris; zap and rana are as guilty as you- but they keep your secrets.


Fuck you bitch. I don't have your nieces picture- I had a PB account where you got my picture from. I posted your picture there for you- I guess alias googled icedancer and came up with that account- Like Tom googled info about poet and sent a link to yurt. A link that had poets picture and personal information- No outrage from you over Tom doing that. You are conniving hypocrite darla. YOU have never left this site and have numerous troll accounts no wonder you know so much about how to never get banned and always be able to log in. If I wanted to post your personal info I would post the pictures of my caller ID that show your calling my home. You called my home and asked for my daughter. YOU are so in your element playing the femme fatal- See, Freedom, is the only conservative poster here that knows your dubious nature. Chris; zap and rana are as guilty as you- but they keep your secrets.

You keep changing your stories. On the day alias first posted my picture, you didn't claim that he "must have googled" your photobucket account - you admitted, no, bragged about, passing the pics around. Maybe that will refresh your memory.

You're such a liar. Every word out of your mouth is a lie. If I had your photobucket account previous to your dogs doing your dirty work, I would have had them remove my pics, just like I did on your old one. It is against photobucket's terms of service to have pictures in that account which don't belong to you. THey removed the pics you had of me that you posted on the aol board, immediately upon my notifying them. No way you would have had those pics to pass around here, as you bragged about doing in the above link, if your bullshit was true and I knew about that icedancer account. You're a liar. And your desperation is showing.
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Fuck you bitch. I don't have your nieces picture- I had a PB account where you got my picture from. I posted your picture there for you- I guess alias googled icedancer and came up with that account- Like Tom googled info about poet and sent a link to yurt. A link that had poets picture and personal information- No outrage from you over Tom doing that. You are conniving hypocrite darla. YOU have never left this site and have numerous troll accounts no wonder you know so much about how to never get banned and always be able to log in. If I wanted to post your personal info I would post the pictures of my caller ID that show your calling my home. You called my home and asked for my daughter. YOU are so in your element playing the femme fatal- See, Freedom, is the only conservative poster here that knows your dubious nature. Chris; zap and rana are as guilty as you- but they keep your secrets.

You have pictures of my niece, and also that video. You passed them to alias and he, or she, is threatening to post them. That probably won't be good for you. You already admitted to having that video when Loyal was banned for quoting from it you moron. You claimed then that there was nothing wrong with your having it because it was on a "social networking site" (facebook) and publically available. This is not true. My videos were always set to private, and that's why I use the term "stole" with that video. As for my pics, those weren't stolen. My fb profile pics are public. Only mine and I really don't give a shit that you have them. I even put up a closeup of myself with no makeup at all so that you could sit and stare and twist your insides all around back when you and that sick bitch loyal were obsessesing over my eyebrows. (yeah, I have no idea. eyebrows) That last pic your dog posted, I have no idea where you got it, I had never seen it before yesterday. You obviously found it on some site I didn't even know about. Well, you have been stalking me for ten years. It doesn't even look like me and what's more you know it. You must have really been giggling in your psychopathic, yet childishly Heather way when you passed that around. I have always wondered how you got all these men to say I'm fat and ugly. I could have denied that picture was of me and anyone who knows me would have believed it. But then alias wouldn't have been banned. So congrats, you managed, in ten years of stalking to dig up the worst picture of me possibly ever taken. Good for you Ice. Yeah, the jokes on me alright. You know what I really look like, and it twists you. You're obsessed with looks and really need to see a therapist. A woman of your years should not behave in this manner. It is abnormal in the fullest sense of that word.

But the video...the video you obtained through illegal means. OR, you lied your way onto a friend of mine's fb page. And got it via "friends of friends" since it is true that back then I did not know about the "friends of friends" loophole. I mean you've taught me a lot. There's no doubt I have had crash course after crash course in privacy. What have I found? That when you're being stalked by an obsessed psycho who has cheap hacking software, you really have none. And of course I've learned to never put up videos of my niece, or nephew, on my fb page because you will find a way to get them. Your passing those around to any sicko you meet online is new information. It was a gut punch yesterday when alias posted that. YOu got me with that. Congratulations.

If pics of her end up online I wouldn't want to be you. I will have to alert my brother. You already brought yourself to his attention a few weeks ago when you sent him that email from asswhole13@aol.com. I don't know which part of "partner" you didn't get. You can't get me fired; all you can do is piss him off. You should take some of your snooping skills, which nobody scoffs at btw, and look into him. You really need to find out what you're getting into this time. Check out his finances first. When you're done looking at his resources, take a good look at him - does he look like somebody who takes shit from trash like you? Or anyone? You've finally veered way off course. You started believing your own press releases. You're the baddest bitch around.

Nah, you ain't shit. You're gonna get squashed. 13 years old. There comes a time when a woman like you goes too far.
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It seems that way.

I'll give a bit of advice that they will ignore.

If you harbor a grudge you are allowing somebody you "hate" to rent space in your mind for free. You should absolutely charge a bit more than that for such valued real estate, or at least only allow family and friends to stay there rent-free.
Hate is a self destructive and wasted emotion. It is worse than futile. While the person who is "hating" is consumed with negative energy that impacts their life and health, while the person who is hating angers themselves into bad health, more often than not, the target of that hate is blissfully doing their thing and not caring a wit that they are hated.

Either forgive or forget or ignore them or just simply move on. The object of your hate is never worth the consequences to yourself.
It seems that way.

I'll give a bit of advice that they will ignore.

If you harbor a grudge you are allowing somebody you "hate" to rent space in your mind for free. You should absolutely charge a bit more than that for such valued real estate, or at least only allow family and friends to stay there rent-free.
Excellent advice Damo.
You keep changing your stories. On the day alias first posted my picture, you didn't claim that he "must have googled" your photobucket account - you admitted, no, bragged about, passing the pics around. Maybe that will refresh your memory.

You're such a liar. Every word out of your mouth is a lie. If I had your photobucket account previous to your dogs doing your dirty work, I would have had them remove my pics, just like I did on your old one. It is against photobucket's terms of service to have pictures in that account which don't belong to you. THey removed the pics you had of me that you posted on the aol board, immediately upon my notifying them. No way you would have had those pics to pass around here, as you bragged about doing in the above link, if your bullshit was true and I knew about that icedancer account. You're a liar. And your desperation is showing.

She forgot that the original pictures weren't in an "icedancer" account. (wink, wink)
You keep changing your stories. On the day alias first posted my picture, you didn't claim that he "must have googled" your photobucket account - you admitted, no, bragged about, passing the pics around. Maybe that will refresh your memory.

You're such a liar. Every word out of your mouth is a lie. If I had your photobucket account previous to your dogs doing your dirty work, I would have had them remove my pics, just like I did on your old one. It is against photobucket's terms of service to have pictures in that account which don't belong to you. THey removed the pics you had of me that you posted on the aol board, immediately upon my notifying them. No way you would have had those pics to pass around here, as you bragged about doing in the above link, if your bullshit was true and I knew about that icedancer account. You're a liar. And your desperation is showing.

So Photo Bucket doesn't allow any pictures, except for the account holder.
Gee; that must make it suck. Not being able to have pictues of vacations, relatives, friends, or such in a person's Photo Bucket.

But then; they probably didn't want to have to deal with DARLA THE ALL POWERFUL.
The one who's as pure as the driven snow.

So Photo Bucket doesn't allow any pictures, except for the account holder.
Gee; that must make it suck. Not being able to have pictues of vacations, relatives, friends, or such in a person's Photo Bucket.

But then; they probably didn't want to have to deal with DARLA THE ALL POWERFUL.
The one who's as pure as the driven snow.


Photobucket assumes permission until there is a complaint. Do you ever read the Terms of Agreement? If I complain about a photo you put up there for copyright or due to it being against the permission of the photo owner they take it down. They are reactive, however, they only act on complaint.