This is why you people are cunts. Its a prime example of your fucking cuntness.
Brilliant argument.
This is why you people are cunts. Its a prime example of your fucking cuntness.
My ideals fit more with the Founding Fathers than yours do.
There's that hate you're so well known for, kid.Founders were on the whole White Supremacists against Imperial wars.
Maybe you should go back to England, dunce.
I have far less of a planting here in America than you do.
I'd run away from this country in a heart beat for Poland.
Poland's up & coming.
Not a falling apart Empire
I'm actually caring ABOUT AMERICANS.
A 20% decline in wages is a disturbing.
You don't think you Individualists never do.
They couldn't you little dumb shit.
Bullshit. The Founders were Western Euros. You hate Western Euros just like you hate your Irish mother.
There's that hate you're so well known for, kid.
Why would I leave? I love the United States. You're the one pining for Poland, Pilecki. You have 376 posts like this one:
Your posts.....or are you denying you are a Modern American Conservative?Prove that "modern American Conservatives" are hateful and racist skippy.
When Western Euros were very racist.
Now Western Euros did a 180 & are very anti racist.
You people must not be very bright!
Brilliant argument.
Your posts.....or are you denying you are a Modern American Conservative?
Prove that "modern American Conservatives" are hateful and racist skippy.
Start with reading your insulting and hateful screeds.
Copy and paste my words you stupid fucking cunt.
Why should people with completely incompatible values try to share borders, laws, tax codes, and a government in general?
We see the anger and hatred in America today.
There's no sane reason to believe that it will do anything but get worse. It's getting worse by the minute right now.
The hatred is palpable, and as we're divided so evenly, half the country is ALWAYS going to be in a stage of white hot rage,
even if it's not always the same half.
For now, we don't seem to have the stones to do anything about it.
We're going to make ourselves the new Afghanistan. Remember these words. It can't NOT happen the way we're going.
Only when things get that bad will people see the value of partition as the people of the USSR, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia saw it not that long ago.
By then, however, there won't be much to save.
We'll have burnt most of it down by then.
And history will view us as the most pathetic assholes in the history of the human species.
And if that's the language used, it will have been too kind.
Start with reading your insulting and hateful screeds.
Start with reading your insulting and hateful screeds.
Happy to do so. First answer the question: Do you consider yourself to be a Modern American Conservative or not? Deny it a third time and I'll just consider you part of the Asshat Legion. Your call, gangsta-wannabe.
I think Yakuda is Legion. He fits the profile: nasty, self-centered troll with no allegiance to any political party....well, except for gay nazis, but that's a sex club, not a political party.
Bus ticket, kid. I'm serious. I'd pay to see you go to Poland. It'd be good for you and good for everyone around you.
Will all Democrats and Republicans have to live in separate states? If not, won't the hostility between those groups continue in their new countries?
You're fucking right it is. Its precisely why you're a count. That's not my fault.
The South is the blight of America.
Highest amount of murder & Fed welfare / benefit use per capita, lowest amount of Fed taxes paid into the system, then states like New York have to fund their lousy military adventures.