Why should the United States of America remain a fifty-state country?

You should go back to England, Neocon.

You have nothing to do with the USA Founding Father's.

Fuck England. Unlike you pining for Poland over a few hundred posts, you seem content to sit on your fat fucking ass and bitch about the United States instead of taking an offer to help you leave for Poland. Why you wimping out, Pilecki? Are you just another pussy polack?
Why should people with completely incompatible values try to share borders, laws, tax codes, and a government in general?

We see the anger and hatred in America today.
There's no sane reason to believe that it will do anything but get worse. It's getting worse by the minute right now.
The hatred is palpable, and as we're divided so evenly, half the country is ALWAYS going to be in a stage of white hot rage,
even if it's not always the same half.

For now, we don't seem to have the stones to do anything about it.
We're going to make ourselves the new Afghanistan. Remember these words. It can't NOT happen the way we're going.
Only when things get that bad will people see the value of partition as the people of the USSR, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia saw it not that long ago.

By then, however, there won't be much to save.
We'll have burnt most of it down by then.
And history will view us as the most pathetic assholes in the history of the human species.
And if that's the language used, it will have been too kind.

didn't many states try this in the 1800s only to have a bunch of you nationalist liberals label those historical figures as 'traitors'??????

why are you now encouraging that same thing?
Which one you stupid prick?

You have never been the brightest crayon in the box:

Current Supreme Court precedent, in Texas v. White, holds that the states cannot secede from the union by an act of the state. More recently, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia stated, "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede."