There you go again.
You call the EC an abomination against one man-one vote. I quote you and highlight that specific sentence. You then give a bunch of shit that has nothing to do with the sentence I highlighted. I attempt to get you back on track and once again you throw shit out there that has nothing to do with the highlighted sentence.
Tell ya what...
...offer a link to me ever saying "one man-one vote" ANYWHERE...and I will offer you an apology.
If you cannot do it...AND YOU CANNOT, BECAUSE I HAVE NOT EVER SAID THAT...I will merely call your attention to the fact that you do not have the ethical wherewithal to acknowledge you are wrong and you also are unwilling to apologize for being wrong.
I didn't accuse you of wanting to get rid of the EC.
You are not interested in changing the "skewing", you're just interested in skewing it in a way you think might benefit those you agree with.
No...I am not. In fact, I specifically say that the way I want it reformed WILL NOT DO THAT...but will merely make the skewing in the direction of low population states less pronounced.
Get your facts right...before all that phony indignation.
You may not be demanding direct elections for President but you are without a doubt lamenting the fact we don't have them. Refer back to the sentence I highlighted.
I am doing no such fucking thing.
In fact, I will go on record as saying that direct election would be a piss poor idea.
I am, however, interested in reforming things so that the skewing toward low population states is not so severe as it is right now. Why don't you read and discuss what I actually write...rather than what you asshole.
You keep putting forth arguments on behalf of other people that were not made by those people and then arguing against those arguments instead of dealing with what other people actually post. If you think those arguments are idiotic then who do you have to blame for that Frank? You.
You are an idiot who constantly builds strawmen and then argues against what you have invented.
Grow up...then participate.
I'm tired too. I'm tired of talking to people, online and IRL, who think they can talk about an issue because they read an article about it on HuffPo.
You are a fucking way over your head.
That is what you are.