Why they leave early?

In case you hadn't heard, it was discovered that the reason so many people are leaving Trump allies early is because...there are so many people who are being paid to attend. They just show up, scan in, stay for a bit, and when the money hits their account...BOOM...they're out of there.
You are describing Democrats again, Pretender.
In case you hadn't heard, it was discovered that the reason so many people are leaving Trump allies early is because...there are so many people who are being paid to attend. They just show up, scan in, stay for a bit, and when the money hits their account...BOOM...they're out of there.
Whereas I believe the non white people behind the stage are paid, I read a piece about his rallies. He never goes on according to schedule. Often 2 hours late. Perhaps he's waiting for more people to show up? Perhaps he's buying time to hawk more merch? By the time he goes on, the crowd has been outside for 4 hours waiting on line. They get inside and stand for two more hours before he hits the stage.

Then, his delivery is so low energy, the crowd starts yawning and decides that it's dinner time.
Whereas I believe the non white people behind the stage are paid, I read a piece about his rallies. He never goes on according to schedule. Often 2 hours late. Perhaps he's waiting for more people to show up? Perhaps he's buying time to hawk more merch? By the time he goes on, the crowd has been outside for 4 hours waiting on line. They get inside and stand for two more hours before he hits the stage.

Then, his delivery is so low energy, the crowd starts yawning and decides that it's dinner time.
He's a demented narcissist. Like truly believing he'd bought the Jewish vote by recognizing Jerusalem as the capitol and moving our embassy there, Donald Trump believes he's bought the poorly educated, low IQ white voters with his veiled rhetoric of putting Euro-American males in charge of everything regardless of talent, skill or education. He believes they are stupid enough to wait several hours for him. Trump thinks they are too stupid to recognize it as a sign of disrespect and selfish concern.

In short, Trump is too hoity-toity for those leaving shortly after walking Trump walk on stage, if that long.
You've been at the rallies?
Busing is not the same as paying. It's quite common for some venues to have parking far away and making transportation available. I remember trump stranding thousands of people in the freezing cold, and then in sweltering heat for lack of transport.

I can see the logic of taking a bus from surrounding towns if you want to attend a rally and don't want to drive. Or deal with parking.

Exlax tries so hard
Add Covid brain damage to that.

"We now know that, unfortunately, COVID can damage the brain in many ways. When people first become sick from the virus, they may develop encephalitis — inflammation of the brain — causing confusion, difficulty concentrating, and memory problems. COVID also can trigger the onset of new psychological disorders such as severe depression or anxiety. It can even cause people to become psychotic — to see and hear things that aren't there and to believe things that aren't true. It often damages the brain's autonomic nervous system, leading to abnormalities in heart rate and blood pressure.

Even if people escape brain damage during the initial attack of COVID-19, they remain at considerably greater risk of various brain conditions, including strokes, depression, anxiety, and psychosis for the next several years."

trump almost died from his bout with Covid. His O2 levels were in the high 80s when he was hospitalized.

If you watch segments from his recent rallies, the guy is clearly sundowning.
My mother had that damn Chinese Disease. Spent 3 weeks in the hospital and it damn near killed her (all the while fighting stage 4 cancer).
She made a miraculous recovery, lives alone, takes care of all her bills and balances her own checkbook. Her mind is as sharp as ever. She is 97.
That's really inspiring. Hoping her strong constitution contributes to maintaining good health.
I'm not buying it. Way too pat with too many near impossible variables to consider. Even if it were 100% true, she would be the exception and not the rule .... and it STILL doesn't take away the FACTS regarding the fatal/near fatal cardio-vascular side effects that are showing up in jab recipients even 2 years hence.
It seems that stupid bitch @TOP never answered you, like she never answers anyone who asks her a direct question. Am I right? I can't wait until that ugly fuck finally stops logging onto this site because she's too embarrassed of her pitiful reputation.
You're right. She doesn't know enough about what's going on to debate about it intelligently, and she's not on this political forum to discuss politics. She just posts what her handler tells her to say. Unfortunately she'll never stop logging on because she's too invested in stalking and gossip.
Seriously bro, do you literally have no life? You spend countless hours, day after day. Trolling this joint. What exactly do you believe you are accomplishing. Take your time responding. It will probably be days before I pop back in.
Jarod pretends hes an attorney
In case you hadn't heard, it was discovered that the reason so many people are leaving Trump allies early is because...there are so many people who are being paid to attend. They just show up, scan in, stay for a bit, and when the money hits their account...BOOM...they're out of there.
Is this one of those threads that we are supposed to pretend is true simply because an inbred donkey humper said it is?
If you care to know the truth, punch it into google. I do not care if you want to stay ignorant.
People like @Yakuda want to stay the way they are.

FWIW, I strongly doubt any JPP MAGAts can change even if they wanted to change, but none have a desire to grow beyond their present limitations. They're just tired old men waiting to die and killing time on the Internet whining.
watching the retards flop around is fucking hilarious

"he is paying people to attend"

derp derp derp derp
Not all of them. But I read he pays 75 bucks and demands you wear his Maga shirts and hats then take a photo showing you were there. Busing people in is as old as American politics since ICEs were invented. They might be a majority of those who walk out.