Why they leave early?

Not all of them. But I read he pays 75 bucks and demands you wear his Maga shirts and hats then take a photo showing you were there. Busing people in is as old as American politics since ICEs were invented. They might be a majority of those who walk out.
"I read that...."

derp derp derp derp

I read that aliens got Melania pregnant
You prefer not to know truth, because it would wreck your fragile world view.
What truth? The truth you claim with no evidence? Why can't you just admit you make shit up as you go along? It's not possible we could think any less of you for doing it.
Ok, just for you. Even though I know you wont care an inch even though it is true.

But look at you trying to be a big boy and at least trying to back up your stupidity with something.

My first response even before reading it to dismiss it as biased bullshit like you assholes always do.
You're right. She doesn't know enough about what's going on to debate about it intelligently, and she's not on this political forum to discuss politics. She just posts what her handler tells her to say. Unfortunately she'll never stop logging on because she's too invested in stalking and gossip.
And getting paid, I'll wager. If not, then it's crank city!