Why Trump MUST win this Nov.

JUST how many time do I have to keep er posting this info BEFORE you MORONS even read it?
I have posted it MANY MANY times GO back and read my posts you FUCKING MORON
Nah I don't think I will. Clearly you can't back up your shit. It's ok though you're a leftists and I'd be surprised if you can write your name so I never expected you to actually do it.
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Wasn’t necessary to enlarge nor bolden the topic thread, but otherwise, Trump has to win to satisfy his own narcissism, and avoid lengthy legal battles that will follow him till he passes

I hope he doesn’t win, largely for the stake of the country, but I got to admit, I could enjoy four years of his buffoonery to laugh at, and the fact his complete failure might might end the grievance populism the GOP has turned to over the last forty years

Trump has to win to restore the Rule of Law and the United States Constitution - both of which ended during Obama's third term - the so called Harris/Biden Regime.
Scamala traveling the country with the Cheney family makes sense?

So when Trump is retired - what will you morons run on? union workers are leaving you in droves. As are hispanics and men in general.

What young politician has you excited for a Democratic future ?

Kam-Kam LOVES Dick. She craves Dick. So her embrace of Dick should be no surprise. It's a signal to the Military Industrial Complex that she belongs to them and supports the Forever War in Ukraine.
Why don't YOU listen to what Trump has been actually saying?????
He has said he is going to weaponize every government agency he can to go after his political opponents. He has said he wants to have the MILITARY AND the N G go after his political opponents.
AND ASSHOLE I haven't watched MSMBC in YEARS YOU SHOULD stop watching FOX and get your head out of Trumps crouch .
Trump has also said take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later.
Taking peoples second Amendment rights away.
How about him saying he wants to shut down all left leaning MSM outlets?
MSM outlets that have call in shows and talk shows taking AMERICANS First Amendment rights away.
He has said he will be firing a lot of US Federal workers replacing them with ass kissers and Generals so he has complete control of the military and they will do what HE says and not defend the CONSTITUTION.
AGAIN ASSHOLE why don't YOU start listening to just what your orange GOD has been saying.
WAKE UP before it is too late.
Once you get WHAT YOU THINK you want and it comes back and bites you in the ass it is too late to go back.
I will ask you the two questions I STILL have not got an answer to from you right wing morons.
What are you going to do after Trump is done taking the CONSTITUTIONAL rights away from the left leaning AMERICANS and comes after yours?
And the other on how do you people KNOW FOR SURE Trump didn't sell or give those 12 Russians , Putin or the Chinese agents he had at MAR. any of our secrets?
there weren't ANY AMERICANS in those meetings so there is NO way to know for SURE if he did or didn't.
But isn't it suspicious that only several weeks after he had the meeting with those Russians and Putin that there was an unusual, unexplained increase in our deep cover agents coming up missing and some found dead?
And we all know how much Trump loves our intelligence agencies, so much he would take Putin's word over dedicated AMERICANS.

Are you drunk and strung out on crack?

Or are you actually this mentally ill?
A balanced government seems to work best in the long run. Right now, the Republican Party is woefully unbalanced.

The Republican Party is forever destroyed

It has tried to destroy democracy for decades now by cheating in elections and creating fake news stations

Time for all the parties to shake it up after this election

Build a right wing party based on fact next go round

It will have to be made out of ideas already embraced by many Democrats

The right doesn’t even have fact based economic ideas

And all their ideas of forcing everyone to follow silly religious ideas that they constantly can’t follow themselves is nothing but anti American bullshit
Nah I don't think I will. Clearly you can't back up your shit. It's ok though you're a leftists and I'd be surprised if you can write name so I never expected you to actually do it.
As I said I have posted them many many times and I not going to do it again for a lazy POS
Cheney has appeared at several sites with Harris because she is one of the few conservatives who was there on 1/6 and doesn’t want to lie to America what it was a “love” fest just to kiss Trump’s ass, called courage, a rarity on the right these days

Trump isn’t retiring, given his way, he’ll be residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave till they have to carry him out, if he loses in November he’ll take the county over the edge to get what he wants

All through the Dubya years, you and your fellow Stalinists demanded that DICK CHENEY was the devil - far worse than Saddam. Worse than Hitler.

It was so bad that Joseph Goebbels DICK Wolfe even wrote a masturtabory episode of "Law & Order" where he fantasized DICK CHENEY was put in prison in New York.

But now you LOVE DICK CHENEY - showing clearly that you Communists have no integrity, no code of standards, and will do or say ANYTHING to obtain and retain POWER.
The Republican Party is forever destroyed

It has tried to destroy democracy for decades now by cheating in elections and creating fake news stations

Time for all the parties to shake it up after this election

Build a right wing party based on fact next go round

It will have to be made out of ideas already embraced by many Democrats

The right doesn’t even have fact based economic ideas

And all their ideas of forcing everyone to follow silly religious ideas that they constantly can’t follow themselves is nothing but anti American bullshit
What do you think will rise from the ashes of the post-Trump Republican Party? That's given Trump loses. If Trump wins then it will be this:

Who’s this we?

Two gun nut bags tried to kill trump

Are you saying they should not been allowed to have guns?

Thanks for realizing guns are dangerous in the hands of people who can’t be trusted to not harm people
No I'm saying mentally deranged murderous Democrats like you should be in jail.
No I'm saying mentally deranged murderous Democrats like you should be in jail.
You just proved you're an enemy of the Constitution, ExLax.

Do all of your Texas neighbors know you want to shred the Constitution and start arresting political prisoners? Do you think they might do something about people like you?