T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Why Unregulated Capitalism Naturally Creates Poverty; And How To Fix It
The problem isn't with the ownership, a scorpion will always be a scorpion, it can't be anything other than a scorpion. The failure is on the labor side.
No, the problem is human nature. There are basically four types of people in the world when it comes to money and success...
Smart, lazy people. These people are smart enough and lazy enough that they figure out how to get other people do make them money. They end up CEO's.
Smart, energetic people. This type of person becomes foremen, first line managers, and others that supervise those that actually get things done. They know what and how to do what needs to be done and are energetic enough to get it done.
Stupid, lazy people. These are the worker bees of society. They'll do what their told and only work when supervised. They may not like their lot, but they're too lazy and far too stupid to do anything about it.
Stupid, energetic people. These people are dangerous. They end up in prison or dead. They're the sort that coined the term "Hey, ya all! Hold my beer 'n watch this shit!"
The problem today is that the smart people have invented computers that can do the work of stupid lazy people. That creates the problem of what to do with them when they are no longer needed...