No, the problem is that criminals use weapons as part of their tool set for committing crimes. Elimination of firearms doesn't solve this as Britain has proved. Criminals resort to knives. Ban those, and they resort to improvised weapons instead. So, citing the US having the highest rate of gun violence is meaningless. All you do by confiscating the guns is change the weapon of choice.
That's what you get when you ban guns and knife crimes skyrocket. But you can go to a home improvement store in Britain and buy this no questions asked:
That is known in the US in the trades as a "stab saw" for cutting drywall. Guess what else it can be used for...
When you look at nations around the world, murder rates don't have much to do with gun ownership...
In the US, the most dangerous cities are generally those with:
Democrat government
Strict gun control laws
High percentage minority populations, particularly Blacks.
If gun control works so well, why isn't it working in these cities?
Horse pucky. What is the knife death rate in Britain vs the gun death rate in the US?
I’m talking gun deaths, not just gun murders. Keep focused here.