It's pretty basic logic:
a) We are humans.
b) Humans exist in societies. Societies serve the needs of the individuals.
c) If a majority of humans become sociopaths; then society will fail.
d) Individualism must be balanced with consideration for society. Most individuals must do something for society or society will fail.
e) Since some are far more able to contribute, if they do contribute more, then society can do much more to enhance it's service to individuals.
This is all a logical progression of facts and conclusions on the assumption that we want society to improve and continue to thrive.
a) All humans are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.
b) Societies create governments. Government is force by definition & corruption by nature.
c) If a majority of humans ignore who they are governed by, their society will be governed by the elitist snobs & crooks who enjoy a 2 standards of justice system, one for themselves & one for the masses.
d) Individualism & individual rights are the foundation of the most successful of societies & the founding principles of the United States Of America. Individuals that accept personal responsibility & care for themselves & their families serve society to it’s greatest degree.
e) There is no greater contribution to society than individual responsibility, hard work, innovation, honesty & private charity.
And that is why we always have to think of the collective.
And that is why we have to always think of the family first, then our country & the maintenance of individual liberty & our unalienable rights.
It's the kind of guidance which, if followed by most members of society, leads to the quality of life continuing to improve in that society. Promoting the GENERAL welfare ensures domestic peace and tranquility, so that society will endure. Our Constitution wisely says so.
The “general welfare” only as enumerated by our Constitution Article One, Section Eight as it applies to the national governance & everything else reserved to the States & the people as mandated by Amendment 10.
Socialism is all about what is good for the society.
Go tell the folks in Venezuela, North Korea, China, & Cuba that!
Capitalism, while providing a lot for society, is also about what a shrewd and determined individual can do for himself. And that's wonderful in good measure. Just not always. It is only logical that these two pursuits must be balanced with one another.
“Socialism is the equal sharing of the misery, capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings.” (Sr. Winston Churchill)
What is the correct balance between selfish concerns and social concerns? Like it or not, humans are becoming more interconnected and interdependent as time progresses.
Dependent on BIG corrupt authoritarian government because its agenda is to bribe the vote with taxpayer’s money. The perfect scam to enslave the masses to government reliance & thereby eliminate freedom and individual rights & seat & keep seated the elitist snobs & crooks.
It is only natural and predictable that some will resist recognizing the collective in their own way. But emotional resistance is not logical. It's emotional.
“Emotional” love of freedom and individual unalienable rights is the mother of all “LOGIC!”
Logic says we need to consider the impact on society of what we do. The more people there are on this planet, the more that matters.
Logic says we need to guard with jealous passion our Bill OF Rights, our individual liberty & our founding principles lest we are enslaved to a BIG smothering intrusive authoritarian government!
There is nothing in our Constitution that says we will be a capitalist nation. Or a socialist one.
Our Constitution is our written guarantee of individual rights and liberty & the restrictions on the size & scope of government. Thereby alone is the roadmap for capitalism & the harness on any socialist scamming government.
Because the truth is: we don't have to choose. We can have both. We can take the best qualities of each, and minimize the downside of each. Mixing socialism with capitalism allows us to achieve the best balance between thinking of society and thinking of the individual.
But as much as we allow ourselves to think of the individual, we must always give proper consideration for the collective.
Socialism is the anti-mixer to facilitate good governance. Socialism is only practiced by political authoritarians. Its definition is “authority by force.” Capitalism is the freedom to do as you damned well wish. In America, its only restrictions are based in the principle that no action can violate the rights of another of life, liberty, property & the pursuit of happiness!