Why we're doomed!

What have we learned in the thread?

If you want to ban NASCAR, argue for its abolition on the grounds it being fucking shite rather than on the back of environmental concerns.

My work is done here.
What have we learned in the thread?

If you want to ban NASCAR, argue for its abolition on the grounds it being fucking shite rather than on the back of environmental concerns.

My work is done here.

No argument from me.
What have we learned in the thread?

If you want to ban NASCAR, argue for its abolition on the grounds it being fucking shite rather than on the back of environmental concerns.

My work is done here.

I know a lot of folks who work in NASCAR and none of them are Muslim.
So pointing out the flaw in the 5 year light bulb automatically discredits and criticism of continued excess in lieu of endangered resources? Are you fucking stupid or just insipidly stubborn to the point of stupidity, Damo?

:rolleyes: No, pointing out that the new technology stinks when compared to past technologies gives reason as to why so many reject it.

You and other are making my point...you scream like banshees because someone points a valid criticism at what you consider a necessary enjoyment and way of life (or maybe you're just grinding an axe, who can say?), yet when it comes to logic and facts, you really can't dismiss out of hand what I'm getting at.
Nobody is "screaming like banshees" here except you, you should stop projecting. The reality is, if such new technologies were the norm, NASCAR would be quiet as a mouse because they are a stock car race. Since the cars would already be electric, the race would be with electric cars...

So instead of just using the testing fields/roads and such that ALL major manufacturers used in their R&D before mass producing their cars to sell...IN ADDITION, let's just continue with numerous and varied road races that DON'T use the emission standards you see in commerical and private automobiles...let's just keep all those racecar tracks/stadiums and such going year round until NASCAR comes along..and let's keep an entire industry that produces products SOLELY FOR THAT PURPOSE going also. Hell, we can spare the oil, surely the environment can take the run off and emissions, right?[/COLOR]

All of this is just foolish things to make you "feel good". They do nothing to make consumers actually want the product. If you want people to accept the product and make it the standard, make it not suck and it will be done as quickly as companies can make it happen so they can make that money...

Instead the attempt is to enforce it with law. Make the product an IMPROVEMENT on the current product and you'll have people lining up for it, and that would be something we could feel good about.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Actually, you typify EXACTLY what I talking about. You can't criticism about something you enjoy in any fashion, so you lash out like a petulant child with all sorts of accusations. Pity you can't logically or factually prove your little tantrum in a printed medium...because it's so easy to catch you in lies and BS.

I noticed you didn't really get into my point about the solar panels much...I wonder why?

So unless you've got something new to add (besides a repeat of the same with some new insults and lies), I'd say we're done.

Sorry, but I an a fan of neither NASCAR nor Waterparks. I came after your original posts for the reasons stated.

You post something with a condescending attitude and expect it to be welcomed with open arms? The examples you used were more about social standing and your own angst than about making a difference.

You deconstructed nothing.

You seem to have a penchant for repeating the same accusations and allegations in various forms over and over.

Since I've already addressed that, (as the chronology of the posts shows) you're just stubbornly blowing smoke here. You're done on this point, adios for now.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You can speak for yourself and your sister, but don't assume you can speak for me...especially if you miss the point of what I trying to say here.

In my lifetime it took about 20 years to get emission standards and such on cars to the level we have now....and there is STILL debate on how it could be done better.

I can do all I can to make sure my personal car is full efficient and with SOTA emission controls, etc. But what's the point if I spend all year going to various states to race a car that doesn't conform to those standards at all?

Again. look at the differences between what is burned by NASCAR and what is wasted by the uncaring population. Go after the biggest offenders first. That would save enough to make NASCAR not a problem.

And no, they don't conform to emission standards on the track. But most emission problems and wasted fuel come from poorly run engines. I kinda doubt that applies here.

I was responding to Topspin, not you.

Again, we've done this dance to it's completion, as the chronology of the thread shows. You couldn't go the distance....deal with it, or don't. Adios for now.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Oh give me a fucking break with your GOP sucking bullshit!

Conservatives a'la Reagan, Daddy Bush and the Shrub were NOT friends of recycling, preserving lands and forests or maintaining national parks....just look at the funding records under their administrations by the GOP.

Carbon credits was a wimp out COMPROMISE to the Party of NO refusing to have industry and corporations come to terms with the REALITY of AGW.

Any economic policy that comes out in response to AGW is going to be retarded, whether it be carbon credits or anything else.

Oh grow the fuck up, 3D! The very crux of your anti-global warming mantra to date had to suck it and publically admit that THEY WERE WRONG....or did you forget the recent coverage of the "climate-gate" saga? Deal with it, or don't...at this point you just look foolishly stubborn.
I proclaim Damo and Winter to be co-winners of this Thread. Charver of course is still the funniest and most correct.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Ahhh, but while you two morons are blowing smoke, the FACT that your god Reagan dismantled the solar panels that Carter installed speaks volumes.

They had to repair the roof underneath...

:palm: Try telling the WHOLE truth next time, bunky.

Some critics claim that removing the solar panels was Reagan's first official action when he took office in 1981. The solar panels were not removed until 1986, when the White House roof was being repaired.

In the late 1970s, the U.S. faced skyrocketing oil prices. By 1986, when Reagan had the solar panels removed, oil prices had plummeted to near-record lows, making solar energy and conservation low priorities.

Read more: Why did Reagan remove the White House solar panels? * Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/1900764#ixzz0ttq52yu7

You can't spell conservative without conserve.

Like wise, you can't spell TaichiLiberal without FAIL.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Why can't YOU provide a link to document your assertion?

:palm: As the saying goes, the devil is in the details. From your source:

The Ridge Law has a provision which specifically exempts “windmills” from the restrictions. This exemption is for windmills, not wind turbines. The exemption is for windmills that generate mechanical energy. Wind industry proponents have tried to weaken this law by stating that the word windmill included wind turbines. In the law it states that each windmill has to be next to a house or structure. Commercial wind turbines are not attached to homes, and they are not slender in nature, they are HUGE.

Once again folks, Southy makes a misleading, generalized statement that cannot be back up by ALL the facts. The little Southern Man dope STILL hasn't learned how to read carefully and comprehensively...his neocon driven mind just stops processing as soon as it perceives a "liberal" error or contradiction. This is why I almost pity Southy as he continually makes an ass of himself....almost.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
So pointing out the flaw in the 5 year light bulb automatically discredits and criticism of continued excess in lieu of endangered resources? Are you fucking stupid or just insipidly stubborn to the point of stupidity, Damo?

No, pointing out that the new technology stinks when compared to past technologies gives reason as to why so many reject it.

Which is a moot point and has NOTHING to do with the previous points I made or the actual discussion at hand. In short, you're just blowing smoke because you can't logically support your attack/criticism of my posts.

You and other are making my point...you scream like banshees because someone points a valid criticism at what you consider a necessary enjoyment and way of life (or maybe you're just grinding an axe, who can say?), yet when it comes to logic and facts, you really can't dismiss out of hand what I'm getting at.

Nobody is "screaming like banshees" here except you, you should stop projecting. The reality is, if such new technologies were the norm, NASCAR would be quiet as a mouse because they are a stock car race. Since the cars would already be electric, the race would be with electric cars...

Given the tone of WinterBorn's posts and the usual dodgy noises by the neocon peanut gallery, it's the equivalent thereof sans the embolden large print of Bravo and others. As for your theorectical conjecture about electric cars...that wasn't what I had previsously stated or alluded to in the exchanges with WinterBorn. So once again, Damo...you're just blowing smoke.

So instead of just using the testing fields/roads and such that ALL major manufacturers used in their R&D before mass producing their cars to sell...IN ADDITION, let's just continue with numerous and varied road races that DON'T use the emission standards you see in commerical and private automobiles...let's just keep all those racecar tracks/stadiums and such going year round until NASCAR comes along..and let's keep an entire industry that produces products SOLELY FOR THAT PURPOSE going also. Hell, we can spare the oil, surely the environment can take the run off and emissions, right?
All of this is just foolish things to make you "feel good". Translation: Since I just boxed Damo with his own "logic", he's going to bluff and bluster. Let's watch. They do nothing to make consumers actually want the product. If you want people to accept the product and make it the standard, make it not suck and it will be done as quickly as companies can make it happen so they can make that money...

Instead the attempt is to enforce it with law. Make the product an IMPROVEMENT on the current product and you'll have people lining up for it, and that would be something we could feel good about.

A nice little analogy that has NOTHING to do with the previous exchange by which I demonstrated the moronic conclusion of your assertions. WTF is the matter with you, Damo? Your pretending the chronology of the posts does not exists is a foolish ploy. This is a classic neocon tactic...when they can't disprove or discredit something/someone they don't like, they try to alter the topic/focal point of the discussion. Sorry Damo, but that dog of yours just won't fly.