why wont zappas debate unfettered capitalism?

40% is pretty shitty. The great thing about heart failure is that there is no cure. It is a downward spiral until your heart gives out. Surely you know that. Unless you get a transplant (you aren't a candidate because your are and alcoholic and a drug user) it is a downward spiral until your heart gives out.

I bet Snarla loves the pitting edema you get in your ankles. She probably shoves her little finger in there and watches the depression. Does it scare her at night when you wake up in your coughing fits feeling like you are drowning? Only so many myocardial infarctions you can withstand. I am patient. When Snarla comes on here announcing that you croaked, I will dance on my keyboard

You are losing it all around IHA.
Dumbass; 50% is normal. I am at 80% of normal
I already told you all thus last year retard.
Lost 30 pounds
Have not had a drink in 33 years.
Don't abuse drugs, have a script for MM.
You will die first with little doubt.
Likely soon as you are so ancient.
Knew you couldn't. Thanks for verifying. Only you and DARLUNE don't think you look like a lying douche right now.

Nice civil post though ;)

That would be a false statement as per usual.
Only you, Tom, and a small stable of conservatards agree with you and Tom is more of a worthless piece of shit than even you.
You are losing it all around IHA.
Dumbass; 50% is normal. I am at 80% of normal
I already told you all thus last year retard.
Lost 30 pounds
Have not had a drink in 33 years.
Don't abuse drugs, have a script for MM.
You will die first with little doubt.
Likely soon as you are so ancient.

Man he's been bald for ten years, go easy on him
Why do you think he's so angry
How bout that?

ANOTHER lying Rightie won't back up the claim he made.

Maybe you should save the whole "well Rana says..." excuse until you are actually discussing something with her.

Rune does the same. He won't back up a claim. Yet, when I give it back, you only whine about me.

LMFAO. Two faced fatty fatty two by four. :)
You are losing it all around IHA.
Dumbass; 50% is normal. I am at 80% of normal
I already told you all thus last year retard.
Lost 30 pounds
Have not had a drink in 33 years.
Don't abuse drugs, have a script for MM.
You will die first with little doubt.
Likely soon as you are so ancient.

Wrong. 50% is below normal. 40% is the lower bound of below normal

Your ticker is failing
It is 80% if normal douchebag.
Surely as the sun rises you will die first.

I am not disputing your math dumb fuck. You are spinning it to make it sound better than it is.



only a dipshit like you would try to claim that their heart failure is a good thing. I smile knowing that you wake up at night choking on your own pulmonary secretions. Almost feels like drowning huh?

Too bad you aren't a candidate for a heart transplant.

How many heart attacks have you had in the last year? I have had ZERO in my entire life.

I will live to piss on your grave and I might even have Darla suck my cock while I lean on your tombstone.