Will Kamala's VP pick be a woman? Who would even want the job?

Who will Pelosi choose ... errr, I mean Kamala choose?

I don't think anyone really wants to be her VP. I doubt Newsome wants to work for the Cackler. I doubt Mark Kelly wants it.

I think it's going to Have to be a woman ... or the closest thing to a woman they can find.

Not so sure about that, Big Dawg.

The 2024 election boils down to who carries THREE swing states: Wisconsin; Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Of these THREE, Pennsylvania is the most critical battleground on the Presidential map.

Pennsylvania is White Majority (80% of the state are White , non-Hispanic American) ""Rust Belt" state.

Democrats in Pennsylvania are disaffected by the Party's move to the radical progressive left under Biden.

For these reasons current Pennsylvania Governor would make a good running - mate for Harris.

That is...

(1) Shapiro is a White male;- attributes that have hard-wired political clout in a "Rust - Belt" state like Pennsylvania.

(2) Shapiro is a moderate Democrat who would appeal to Pennsylvania's mostly traditional Democrats - those who drifted away from the Party after it's turn to the radical and extreme progressive left.

(3) The political personas of both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have a conspicuously brash and bellicose quality (despite the fact they are of the opposite sex, and that they positions on the opposite poles of the ideological spectrum). Because of this, I think many members of the American electorate find both of them uncomfortably intimidating and threatening.. Josh Shapiro, on the other hand,is well noted for having a decidedly nonthreatening personality. Many pundits believe that this, in itself, has boosted his credibility with Independents and Republicans.

(4) Trump - with his razor-sharp political instincts - was alerted to the possibility of a Harris - Shapiro ticket long before the MSM. He said that (quote): Shapiro "should be a concern for all Republicans."

(5) Just a few weeks ago, the chances of a Harris - Shapiro ticket were remote. Nonetheless,Trump clearly factored it into his political calculus, and decided there was enough of a chance to choose Jd Vance as his running mate. JD Vance is a working class hero who personally experienced growing up in a blighted steel town in the rest-belt state of Ohio, where he and his family, struggled with poverty, drug addiction and despair and the other socioeconomic crises. In selecting JD Vance as his candidate for Vice President Trump is as always trusting his gut instincts. He believes that Vance will connect with the three, blue - collar, battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin and boost the vote . If Trump cannot carry those states, he will lose the election.

(6) Shapiro is among the small handful of people whom Kamala Harris is currently vetting to be her running mate.

(7) In his recent comments to the Press, Shapiro has made it very clear that he has left the door open to serving as Kamala's running mate.

So, when I add up all of these factors, it seems to me that Josh Shapiro will very (very) likely be anointed by "Queen Kamala" to run as her Vice Presidential candidate in November.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Not so sure about that, Big Dawg.

The 2024 election boils down to who carries THREE swing states: Wisconsin; Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Of these THREE, Pennsylvania is the most critical battleground on the Presidential map.

Pennsylvania is White Majority (80% of the state are White , non-Hispanic American) ""Rust Belt" state.

Democrats in Pennsylvania are disaffected by the Party's move to the radical progressive left under Biden.

For these reasons current Pennsylvania Governor would make a good running - mate for Harris.

That is...

(1) Shapiro is a White male;- attributes that have hard-wired political clout in a "Rust - Belt" state like Pennsylvania.

(2) Shapiro is a moderate Democrat who would appeal to Pennsylvania's mostly traditional Democrats - those who drifted away from the Party after it's turn to the radical and extreme progressive left.

(3) The political personas of both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have a conspicuously brash and bellicose quality (despite the fact they are of the opposite sex, and that they positions on the opposite poles of the ideological spectrum). Because of this, I think many members of the American electorate find both of them uncomfortably intimidating and threatening.. Josh Shapiro, on the other hand,is well noted for having a decidedly nonthreatening personality. Many pundits believe that this, in itself, has boosted his credibility with Independents and Republicans.

(4) Trump - with his razor-sharp political instincts - was alerted to the possibility of a Harris - Shapiro ticket long before the MSM. He said that (quote): Shapiro "should be a concern for all Republicans."

(5) Just a few weeks ago, the chances of a Harris - Shapiro ticket were remote. Nonetheless,Trump clearly factored it into his political calculus, and decided there was enough of a chance to choose Jd Vance as his running mate. JD Vance is a working class hero who personally experienced growing up in a blighted steel town in the rest-belt state of Ohio, where he and his family, struggled with poverty, drug addiction and despair and the other socioeconomic crises. In selecting JD Vance as his candidate for Vice President Trump is as always trusting his gut instincts. He believes that Vance will connect with the three, blue - collar, battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin and boost the vote . If Trump cannot carry those states, he will lose the election.

(6) Shapiro is among the small handful of people whom Kamala Harris is currently vetting to be her running mate.

(7) In his recent comments to the Press, Shapiro has made it very clear that he has left the door open to serving as Kamala's running mate.

So, when I add up all of these factors, it seems to me that Josh Shapiro will very (very) likely be anointed by "Queen Kamala" to run as her Vice Presidential candidate in November.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
America is not the racist white supremacist country that the Leftwing claims. POC's are risking everything to get here, ... not flee. There's nothing scary about Trump unless you believe that racist crap.

Vance is from Ohio, which Trump was already winning. Vance is the closest politically to Trump himself and he is young.

Shapiro is Jewish. The leftist socialist democrats hate the Jews. But thanks for sharing your opinion.
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Trying to assassinate the political opposition appears to have not worked real well for the democrats..

Kicking desiccated old pervert Biden to the curb doesn't look to have been a real swift idea either......
Getting rid of Biden was necessary and a good move for Democrats. Replacing him with Harris is questionable.
Who will Pelosi choose ... errr, I mean Kamala choose?

I don't think anyone really wants to be her VP. I doubt Newsome wants to work for the Cackler. I doubt Mark Kelly wants it.

I think it's going to have to be a woman ... or the closest thing to a woman they can find.
She backs all the Hamas mobs that are violently destroying statues and burning the American flag. She hates Netanyahu for he doesn't bow down to leftist anti Semites here in America, nor to the anti Semite dem squad,
Just a recommendation: it will be counterproductive to your efforts on domestic politics to link your side to one particular side of a foreign conflict. Not everybody on your side of the domestic politics is on your side in the foreign conflict.

The mobs that violently destroyed statues were BLM mobs and ANTIFA mobs, not Hamas mobs. There are no Hamas mobs.

and to the most radical leftist jew bernie sanders having Israel stand-down against a terrorist
war making Hamas. Shapiro is off the table.
You're raving at this point.

I strongly suggest you just keep it domestic. There is no shortage of ammunition.
Who will Pelosi choose ... errr, I mean Kamala choose? I don't think anyone really wants to be her VP. I doubt Newsome wants to work for the Cackler. I doubt Mark Kelly wants it. I think it's going to Have to be a woman ... or the closest thing to a woman they can find.
I think the VP will have to come from the pool of 2020 Democrat Presidential candidates who made deals to drop out so that Biden could run unopposed.

Won't it be one of these?

Getting rid of Biden was necessary and a good move for Democrats. Replacing him with Harris is questionable.

Moving Biden out was a good move in 2023 - it was a fucking disaster in late 2024.

I see that there is a class action suit from donors demanding their money back - that they were conned by the fake Biden campaign.

As for Harris, she's Quid Pro's revenge.

{According to a New York Post report, Biden was seeking revenge on his Democrat colleagues, especially former President Obama, who teamed up and forced the 81-year-old president out of the race when they realized there would be no way of defeating former President Donald Trump.

“It was Joe’s big f–k you,” a source told the outlet. “Joe said, ‘If I’m out, then I am endorsing her.’”}

I think the VP will have to come from the pool of 2020 Democrat Presidential candidates who made deals to drop out so that Biden could run unopposed.

Won't it be one of these?

I don't recall all their names. The coup was planned months ago, so why didn't they already decide on the new VP then.

Whoever she picks, ... their political career will be ruined, kaput, over, finished.
I don't recall all their names. The coup was planned months ago, so why didn't they already decide on the new VP then.

Whoever she picks, ... their political career will be ruined, kaput, over, finished.

Obama and Pelosi planned to push Kamaltoe out. Both had expressed support for an open primary, thwarting Harris' incumbency.

Quid Pro endorsed her as a final "fuck you" to the Obama/Pelosi team.

Now they are stuck with her - which is good - because she loses - no question about it.
bye joe have fun talking to yourself.
Ok sweet tits, one down several to go. Have to come in and clean up the filth before getting down to business on any new forum. Like moving into a crack house. I saw you were a waste of sperm immediately so fuck off for good already. Your signature may look like a viagra ad but everyone knows what it means don't worry. Sorry I can't say it I do understand this forum has a single rule.
Obama and Pelosi planned to push Kamaltoe out. Both had expressed support for an open primary, thwarting Harris' incumbency.

Quid Pro endorsed her as a final "fuck you" to the Obama/Pelosi team.

Now they are stuck with her - which is good - because she loses - no question about it.
Which explains why Kamala never invoked her 25th amendment right.
America is not the racist white supremacist country that the Leftwing claims. POC's are risking everything to get here, ... not flee. There's nothing scary about Trump unless you believe that racist crap.

Vance is from Ohio, which Trump was already winning. Vance is the closest politically to Trump himself and he is young.

Shapiro is Jewish. The leftist socialist democrats hate the Jews. But thanks for sharing your opinion.
America has been unwelcoming to immigrants since about 1900. They were super anti-Italian when they were coming. They were hating the Irish when they arrived. They were violently opposed to Chinese immigrants who were building the railroads.
Now Trumpys hate the Latinos who are coming for opportunities they do not have at home.
Immigration builds our economy.