Will My Dream of an Iraq Tax Refund Check Come True?


JPP Modarater

"War protesters have been pushing for a law called the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund that would allow designated conscientious objectors to have their income, estate, or gift taxes used for nonmilitary purposes. After years of efforts, they hope a Congressional hearing will be held on the proposal next year."

Not Entirely, but its a start.
Sounds great to me. I can't imagine why anyone would oppose this, so I'm curious to see what people say.

Why not do the same thing with stem cells?
It would be nice to have some control over what your tax dollars support.

Perhaps you could get one or two issues that your money wouldn't go to? I'm not even sure how the accounting on that would work.
the problem is where would it stop?

If I object to the way welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid, education etc. are managed... can I stop contributing to them as well?

"War protesters have been pushing for a law called the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund that would allow designated conscientious objectors to have their income, estate, or gift taxes used for nonmilitary purposes. After years of efforts, they hope a Congressional hearing will be held on the proposal next year."

Not Entirely, but its a start.

I can't believe this. I was just going to post this exact article. I had just finished reading it.
"Well, you asked!"

True... buy ya didn't give me the answer I wanted to hear, so I ran to my room to pout... after giving ya the one finger salute. :tongout:
Sounds great to me. I can't imagine why anyone would oppose this, so I'm curious to see what people say.

Why not do the same thing with stem cells?

I personally don't think the government could function like this.

I am willing to draw the line at only the war machine. :)

I don't think it could work across the board like that.
the problem is where would it stop?

If I object to the way welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid, education etc. are managed... can I stop contributing to them as well?

I think it would be more of a diversion of funds. I think I like this idea. I think limiting it to undeclared wars would be more than fair.
"That's ok, I'm a NY'er. I get flipped the finger an average of 7 times, just driving to work. "

Probably because you are a female driver. We all know how frustrating it can be to behind one of YOU.
I personally don't think the government could function like this.

I am willing to draw the line at only the war machine. :)

I don't think it could work across the board like that.

On the positive side, poll after poll after poll, show american want to spend less on the military, and more on healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

If spending were up to a true national referendum, the pentagon would be shrunk, and we'd be on our way to universal healthcare ;)
"That's ok, I'm a NY'er. I get flipped the finger an average of 7 times, just driving to work. "

Probably because you are a female driver. We all know how frustrating it can be to behind one of YOU.

I'd rather it take five extra minutes to get where I am going, than not get there at all.

I have a whole, intricate, and finely thought out theory about men drivers and what you can tell about a man by the way he drives. But, once again, it's "inappropriate" for this board. lol