Will My Dream of an Iraq Tax Refund Check Come True?

On the positive side, poll after poll after poll, show american want to spend less on the military, and more on healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

If spending were up to a true national referendum, the pentagon would be shrunk, and we'd be on our way to universal healthcare ;)

So true.
"I'd rather it take five extra minutes to get where I am going, than not get there at all."

No problem with taking time. It is the driving while applying makeup while smoking a cigarette and simultaneously talking on the cellphone then driving 10 miles under the speed limit that bugs me.

"I have a whole, intricate, and finely thought out theory about men drivers and what you can tell about a man by the way he drives. But, once again, it's "inappropriate" for this board. lol"

Well then, when you have the time, feel free to U2U it to me. I am guessing it would provide me with countless chuckles.
ummmm... NO... morons also tend to have the same "thought" patterns or lack thereof (thus they post articles to convey their thoughts)


Yes, that's true, and you can always tell a real thinker by his posting of big, sloppy grins.

Take notes Tiana.
ummmm... NO... morons also tend to have the same "thought" patterns or lack thereof (thus they post articles to convey their thoughts)


Well, that's not really "reverse" that's more like "opposite".

tsk tsk......

I should have known from the goofy smile.
"If spending were up to a true national referendum, the pentagon would be shrunk, and we'd be on our way to universal healthcare "

Nope... once people saw the true cost of universal healthcare, they would drop it in a heartbeat.

I do agree that the pentagon would be shrunk. As would most of the social programs once people found out how much is wasted due to poorly run services.

The good news would be that all corporate and farm subsidies would end.
"I'd rather it take five extra minutes to get where I am going, than not get there at all."

No problem with taking time. It is the driving while applying makeup while smoking a cigarette and simultaneously talking on the cellphone then driving 10 miles under the speed limit that bugs me.

"I have a whole, intricate, and finely thought out theory about men drivers and what you can tell about a man by the way he drives. But, once again, it's "inappropriate" for this board. lol"

Well then, when you have the time, feel free to U2U it to me. I am guessing it would provide me with countless chuckles.

That is so stereotypical. Applying makeup while driving? I never do that. And men talk on the cell phone just as much, but they do 20 miles OVER the speed limit while talking.

You're such a man SF. Typical!
"Yes, that's true, and you can always tell a real thinker by his posting of big, sloppy grins.

Take notes Tiana."

yeah... as opposed to the intellects who use the beverage consuming smileys.

"Yes, that's true, and you can always tell a real thinker by his posting of big, sloppy grins.

Take notes Tiana."

yeah... as opposed to the intellects who use the beverage consuming smileys.



Point taken. I only use smiles and winks. Well, and sometimes the tongue sticking out one.
"I'd rather it take five extra minutes to get where I am going, than not get there at all."
No problem with taking time. It is the driving while applying makeup while smoking a cigarette and simultaneously talking on the cellphone then driving 10 miles under the speed limit that bugs me.

Please, I see plenty of men hogging the left lane and going under the generally accepted speed limit while doing things other than driving. But I will say that its true, I haven't seen many men applying make up while driving.
"That is so stereotypical. Applying makeup while driving? I never do that. And men talk on the cell phone just as much, but they do 20 miles OVER the speed limit while talking. "

You may not, but way too many do. I seem to be a magnet for them. I come up behind them and BAM... out comes the makeup.

20 miles over is simply ridiculous. 9 miles over is the max... cause then it is still a non-moving violation... if they even bother to pull you over. (only apply this to the highways... in town ya should be driving the limit... too many pedestrians )

"You're such a man SF. "

Yes, yes, I am... hear it all the time.
"That is so stereotypical. Applying makeup while driving? I never do that. And men talk on the cell phone just as much, but they do 20 miles OVER the speed limit while talking. "

You may not, but way too many do. I seem to be a magnet for them. I come up behind them and BAM... out comes the makeup.

20 miles over is simply ridiculous. 9 miles over is the max... cause then it is still a non-moving violation... if they even bother to pull you over. (only apply this to the highways... in town ya should be driving the limit... too many pedestrians )

"You're such a man SF. "

Yes, yes, I am... hear it all the time.

"Please, I see plenty of men hogging the left lane and going under the generally accepted speed limit while doing things other than driving."

True, it can happen, but usually men only do it once. Because they are the ones that get their ass kicked by all the road ragers out there.
"Please, I see plenty of men hogging the left lane and going under the generally accepted speed limit while doing things other than driving."

True, it can happen, but usually men only do it once. Because they are the ones that get their ass kicked by all the road ragers out there.

LMAO just once? Yeah right.
the problem is where would it stop?

If I object to the way welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid, education etc. are managed... can I stop contributing to them as well?
The National Endowment for the Arts, the fact that ACLU gets money from the very governments it sues, Social Security is also something I'd rather not have my money contributed to, I can think of about a million. This would set the precedent and begin a basic end to taxation as people jump on the bandwagon objecting to such expenditures.
I think the idea of this would be that monies would simply be diverted from wars and into every other program we have. But I would entertain alternatives that would make most people happy.
"I'd rather it take five extra minutes to get where I am going, than not get there at all."

No problem with taking time. It is the driving while applying makeup while smoking a cigarette and simultaneously talking on the cellphone then driving 10 miles under the speed limit that bugs me.

"I have a whole, intricate, and finely thought out theory about men drivers and what you can tell about a man by the way he drives. But, once again, it's "inappropriate" for this board. lol"

Well then, when you have the time, feel free to U2U it to me. I am guessing it would provide me with countless chuckles.

It is the driving while applying makeup while smoking a cigarette and simultaneously talking on the cellphone then driving 10 miles under the speed limit that bugs me.

I've seen that a few times. But lets be honest dude. I've seen plenty of dudes driving with a beer in the hand, while scarfing on a bag of doritos.
"I only use smiles and winks. Well, and sometimes the tongue sticking out one."

Then you are truly missing out.... I mean, how can you NOT use these....

:ouch: :hug: :rant: :cry:

I would have put more on here, but DAMO, doesn't allow more than four at a time.