Will My Dream of an Iraq Tax Refund Check Come True?

"No, what do you mean?"

In response to the "lets all hold hands".... the sequence went....

Kissing smileys..... to the "I dunno" smiley... to the swearing smiley (as in F this)... to the smiley mooning ya...
"No, what do you mean?"

In response to the "lets all hold hands".... the sequence went....

Kissing smileys..... to the "I dunno" smiley... to the swearing smiley (as in F this)... to the smiley mooning ya...

LOL. Got it! Sounds like dates I've had.
"Dude, can you find a smiley of a goose-stepping Nazi?"

Couldn't find that... but how about this one...


I love it!
"They are not coming out, I wonder why."

Sounds like a personal problem.

I guess it is, because apparently Tiana can see them. It's probably my computer at work, they have some things blocked. Like porn sites for instance, so who knows what you have been posting!

"War protesters have been pushing for a law called the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund that would allow designated conscientious objectors to have their income, estate, or gift taxes used for nonmilitary purposes. After years of efforts, they hope a Congressional hearing will be held on the proposal next year."

Not Entirely, but its a start.

Wouldn't that just mean the government would increase tax payments for military purposes on the ones that accepted as it reduced it on the others? I mean, it could effetively keep the situation exactly as it is as long as the incomes of people with a networth at least 500 billion a year stayed inside of the normal program - and that would require like 80% of the US to go into the ""alternate" system.
It would be nice to have some control over what your tax dollars support.

Perhaps you could get one or two issues that your money wouldn't go to? I'm not even sure how the accounting on that would work.

Why not just allow people to put money into everything they support and not put money into anything they don't support? Tiana, that's practically libertarianism you're proposing.
On the positive side, poll after poll after poll, show american want to spend less on the military, and more on healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

If spending were up to a true national referendum, the pentagon would be shrunk, and we'd be on our way to universal healthcare ;)

Cypress, if we allowed people to shrink funds away from military, but not from welfare, what you said would obviously be true. There's a two way street here. You're destroying your entire basis for your philosophy by saying your treated unfairly for having to pay for something the government does.
Lets just divy up all the militarys weapons among our citizens and do away with the military ?

I want an abrams, I could pull 3-4 hay rollers with that sucker.
Same group. Just ask AHZ.

Well, sadly I've read too many of the PNAC's own words, not theories about them, their words, and guess what? If my heartbeat was the heartbeat that would make Joe Lieberman President? I wouldn't turn my back on them.
Okay, that PNAC assasination theory is way out there.

But, lets not lump BAC in with AHZ. BAC seems like a decent enough guy. AHZ is a lunatic racists and anti-semite.