Will My Dream of an Iraq Tax Refund Check Come True?

The National Endowment for the Arts, the fact that ACLU gets money from the very governments it sues, Social Security is also something I'd rather not have my money contributed to, I can think of about a million. This would set the precedent and begin a basic end to taxation as people jump on the bandwagon objecting to such expenditures.

Yes, and then we'll run the country by putting tarriffs on peanuts. It will all work out fabulously and be like an Ayn Rand Utopia.

Let's all hold hands now!
I think the idea of this would be that monies would simply be diverted from wars and into every other program we have. But I would entertain alternatives that would make most people happy.
Libertarian-thinkers would be spending far less money on taxes. I like the slippery-slope this one would lead to.

I'm for it.
"I only use smiles and winks. Well, and sometimes the tongue sticking out one."

Then you are truly missing out.... I mean, how can you NOT use these....

:ouch: :hug: :rant: :cry:

I would have put more on here, but DAMO, doesn't allow more than four at a time.

Damo is an authoritarian bossy pants if you ask me.

Those are adorable, I've never seen those. Maybe I will start using them.
"I only use smiles and winks. Well, and sometimes the tongue sticking out one."

Then you are truly missing out.... I mean, how can you NOT use these....

:ouch: :hug: :rant: :cry:

I would have put more on here, but DAMO, doesn't allow more than four at a time.
That's a holdover from when my server sucked. I'll fix this tonight when I get home after Ninjitsu.
Libertarian-thinkers would be spending far less money on taxes. I like the slippery-slope this one would lead to.

I'm for it.

Well, from what I understood, you're total tax liability would still be the same, but your funds would not go to things that you are adamently against like in this case war, in others it could be monies that go toward federally funded abortions.
"Libertarian-thinkers would be spending far less money on taxes. I like the slippery-slope this one would lead to.

I'm for it."

Ditto. Can you imagine all the crap people would nix once they found out how much it cost?
"I'd seen these, except for the mooning one. Hysterical. I see, "More", you have to click that. Got it."

ahhh... but do you get the sequence???
Dude, can you find a smiley of a goose-stepping Nazi?

I need them, for when I bother to respond to AssHats posts.

I'd like one similar to the one where two smiley heads are kissing, but instead, I'd like them not to be kissing, and for the female one to be kicking the male one in the balls.

I would like it very much. But just for it to be there, not that I would ever use it, everyday, on BB. I swear.
Darla... you could use this one to distract Battleborne....

Dude, can you find a smiley of a goose-stepping Nazi?

I need them, for when I bother to respond to AssHats posts.
LOL. I've been really amazed that blackascoal seems to believe in the same conspiracy that AHZ believes in...

I'll see what I can find.