With us or against us

and the "something that you said" about Osama and Ollie North is simply instructive as to the level of your intellectual grasp of the issues.... you are just a parrot devoid of any original thought and incapable of any critical intelligent analysis of current events. You're a gadfly and a not too creative one, at that.

That was a simple comment you have been blasting me with, the fact is that OBL was a known terrorist long before you care to acknowledge.

You go ahead and just keep up the appeasement, I would never of expected less shitbrick!
what can I say coon, I just reduced myself to the level that I read around here.
Anyways, explain to me almighty mister live in the middle east for two years, how does the Iraq war equate to more terrorists? tell me what would of been the solution to the problem, can ya do that for me shitbrick?

It's September 2002... a terrorist "recruiter" is working the crowd of disaffected young men outside a mosque in, say, downtown Cairo or Riyadh or Baghdad or Fallujah.... and tells the crowd that America is the great satan...and they are going to invade an oil rich arab country and occupy it with a christian army.... most of the crowd might listen, but shake their heads and think that their life may be pretty shitty...and unemployment might be high...and the royalty with the oil is living high while they suffered, but this great satan shit was a bit over the top. then America DOES exactly what the crazy recruiter said we would do...and a few weeks later, the young men at the mosque lose an uncle or a mother or sister to American bombs... and American bombs blow up the little machine shop where they used to work.... THAT is how the Iraq war equates to more terrorists.

What "problem" are we needing a solution for? 9/11? Invading Iraq was NEVER the solution to 9/11....even though Dubya sold it like one.... the "solution" does not lend itself to soundbites or even paragraphs...but chapters and volumes..and I have no inclination to write them out for you, when I am pretty sure you really don't care to read them anyway
That was a simple comment you have been blasting me with, the fact is that OBL was a known terrorist long before you care to acknowledge.

You go ahead and just keep up the appeasement, I would never of expected less shitbrick!

it was a simple LIE borne of your ignorance. The fact is the OBL was not known to have done anything worth taking him into custody for prior to May of '96.... the world is full of bad guys.... and we cannot go kill them all.

and I have never said one word suggesting that anyone "appease" any terrorist. Quit spewing bullshit and try to communicate on an adult level...please.
What "problem" are we needing a solution for? 9/11? Invading Iraq was NEVER the solution to 9/11....even though Dubya sold it like one.... the "solution" does not lend itself to soundbites or even paragraphs...but chapters and volumes..and I have no inclination to write them out for you, when I am pretty sure you really don't care to read them anyway

coonie - cut the crap with your hypothetical opinions, I don't give a damn what raghead loses a leg, life little sister, brother, mother or whatever over one of our bombs! Fact is is they can't stand up on their own two feet to the tyranical leaders and take back their own dfamn countries then they don't deserve to call it their soil to begin with!

Now who the fuck said anything about Iraq being a solution to 911 you sympathizing, appeasing turd? Iraq was an issue many years before 911, and would of stayed that way so long as shitbricks like yourself had their way.

When the hell was Iraq going to be taken care of? how long should the issue of been taking up time by you beloved UN?
it was a simple LIE borne of your ignorance. The fact is the OBL was not known to have done anything worth taking him into custody for prior to May of '96.... the world is full of bad guys.... and we cannot go kill them all.
Then tell me shitbrick, why does your party make a cry every other day that we have'nt caught OBL like it would make a huge difference anyway.
Giftwrap it anyway you want coonie, the world knows Billy turned his back on the chance to have him.

and I have never said one word suggesting that anyone "appease" any terrorist. Quit spewing bullshit and try to communicate on an adult level...please.

Stop whining like a little bitch, ya dished it out my first day here and now ya wanna cry about it! how very typical......
Hey where did ya go coonie? I don't have all day to hang around ya know! Ok, well when ya change your panties come back to finish the conversation! :cool:
I am super observant to have picked up on that subtle nature of yours :clink:

Staring to detect a bit of sarcasm here, but agree that you are a super observant kinda guy, too bad you don't use that absorbent mind for a nice little intellectual post! :p
I tried an intellectual post once my super absorbent head just kept filling up with crap from the other posts. Too messy to repeat the experience.
I tried an intellectual post once my super absorbent head just kept filling up with crap from the other posts. Too messy to repeat the experience.

I hear dat! same happened here, now I gotta slap you fruityasses around a bit til' your shoes fall off! Still I don't think it will end up anwhere near resembeling anything intellucual though....
I hear dat! same happened here, now I gotta slap you fruityasses around a bit til' your shoes fall off! Still I don't think it will end up anwhere near resembeling anything intellucual though....

I sure hope not on the intellectual issue.

Bring it on evilla :):BKick:
Hye evil why not take on Dixie ? I think you could have him babblin in short order. My poor old stomach is not up to the job.
Well gotta go for the day, have trees to cut.
Hye evil why not take on Dixie ? I think you could have him babblin in short order. My poor old stomach is not up to the job.
Well gotta go for the day, have trees to cut.

I hear lot's bout this dixie person so perhaps in the future.
Damn, cuttin' up the trees? and here I thought you were the type that lived for them.
just got back from taking ALL the money at my Tuesday nite golf league....+3 for nine, and closest to the pin on BOTH par 3's.....

I dished it out to YOU, Evil, because you were a ignorant douchebag who tried to say that Ollie North had warned us about Osama when it was a fucking LIE. You "dish it out" and it is just words. I have said nothing you can hang anything on. I speak the truth and I am smarter than you'll EVER be, asshole. Just lick your fucking wounds and get the fuck out of Dodge.
just got back from taking ALL the money at my Tuesday nite golf league....+3 for nine, and closest to the pin on BOTH par 3's.....

I dished it out to YOU, Evil, because you were a ignorant douchebag who tried to say that Ollie North had warned us about Osama when it was a fucking LIE. You "dish it out" and it is just words. I have said nothing you can hang anything on. I speak the truth and I am smarter than you'll EVER be, asshole. Just lick your fucking wounds and get the fuck out of Dodge.

lol, whata shitbrick! You harp on this single thing that I mentioned in a thread my first day here. I presented you with some info after a 2 second search, and you have presented exactly squat outside of who in what tribe represents what believe like I might give a shit!

Now stop acting like a little bitch!
the single thing you mentioned was a lie... and a lie that proves you are just a partisan hack who believes anything Rush and the boys tell you and that you are incapable of any sort of intellecutal discourse.... you have yet to catch me in one of those. come on back when you do
the single thing you mentioned was a lie... and a lie that proves you are just a partisan hack who believes anything Rush and the boys tell you and that you are incapable of any sort of intellecutal discourse.... you have yet to catch me in one of those. come on back when you do

lol, ya got me on that one, shame on me for reading into it further before speaking! However what really have you said in any of our exchanges that had any real intellectual value anyway? Face it maincoon, like your avatar says, you are yellow, your a democrat, and most importanly a shitbrick! :cof1: