Woman burned to death on NYC subway identified

So you say.


Daniel Penney saved people from someone who looked really scary and was really ill. NOT because he had done anything to merit being killed at that time.

Would the guy he killed have actually attacked anyone? Who knows? Certainly Penney didn't know it.

Frankly if I were Daniel Penny I'd be busy examining myself very closely and asking myself "Did I do a good thing or an immensely evil thing?"

Perhaps you and the rest of MAGA will decided that all the ill people, especially ones that have illness that make them unappealing people, can all be sent to some "camps" for a while. Remember: some of us are poisoning the blood of your nation.
Yep. And what was his reward?

Well, he was found "not guilty" so I'd say he got a LOT better than he deserved.

But then I'm seldom going to back the vigilante killing people who look scary and are sick.

We've got a guy here in my town that marches up and down the main drag of the town stomping and shouting. Pretty much every 3rd day you'll see him stomping and shouting to no one in particular. He's clearly floridly schizophrenic. I would NOT want to get in his cross-hairs because you never know how far his rage will take him.

By the same token no matter how scary he looks I don't think I'd be cool if someone just walked up to him and popped a cap in his head and "saved the town" from the scary shouting schizophrenic.

Yes the guy Penny killed did have a history of violence. But we are a nation of LAWS (or we were until you elected a felon to lead us) and what SHOULD have happened was YEARS AGO that man be institutionalized....oh but we shut down the institutions because they were hell holes. But we never came up with a means of taking care of the mentally ill like that.

Again, Republicans and Conservatives of all stripes kept us from expanding the programs necessary to care for the mentally ill.

SO THANKS TO FOLKS LIKE YOU WE HAD PEOPLE LIKE THE GUY ON THE SUBWAY. And for SOME REASON you cheer a vigilante who murdered the individual without the guy actually doing anything wrong except look scary and ill.

Is the goal simply to turn American into some free-for-all live-action first person shooter video game?????
That appears to be a "you" problem.

I've long suspected that some black lives matter more than others - to leftists.

You draw the worst conclusions on incomplete data. You seem really stupid.

I never said ANYTHING about the other story. I was talking about Daniel Penny. If the other guy did something similar then fuck him too!

Jesus do ANY of you mouthbreathing trolls ever learn even BASIC logic???????????
I've noticed that stupid people often say that when they have no logical rebuttal to offer.

And it's abundantly clear you STILL don't understand your own logic error. Sad, really. Because I bet you tell EVERYONE in the trailer park you're some kinda jeeennneeeus.
Your idle speculations are quite amusing. Please, do elaborate.


You assumed because I said NOTHING WHATSOEVER about your "whataboutism" case that somehow I agree with its outcome.

That's like stupid, brain-damaged toddler level of reasoning on your part. I'm seriously amazed people like you exist in our society. How BAD could your education have been? You must struggle to work as a janitor!