Worst Presidential Debate

You picked up on that too I see.
It is easy to see.

BTW How is the weather in Alaska? I didn't go fishing this year because my bride fell on the patio and broke her left femur. She had surgery and an intramedullary rod. She is still using a walker right now. I usually like going in the 3rd week of July because their are more species of fish to fish for. So my planned trip got canceled this year. :confused:
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So you think a town of 58,000 suddenly had 20,000 new jobs :laugh: The mayor's job is to put a positive spin on the city's reputation. The inhabitants are saying the massive influx of Haitians are soaking up the cities social services.
It wasn't a sudden influx. Haitians started coming in 2020 under REPUBLICAN governor Mike DeWine at a rate of about 5K a year. Stop exaggerating.
You're the one voting for the stupid bitch...
You would know. :laugh: You are the king of angry old men. Here is a picture of you. Try smiling nest time.

View attachment 31506

"What do you mean? I am smiling!" he exclaimed in surprise, and not a little shock. Concerned that ExpressLane couldn't see his brilliant smile, he said, "Come closer and look upon my countenance!"

Those nearby could be heard asking among themselves, "Are they going to kiss?"...

A sense of mystery was in the air. This is the time that in romance novels you begin to mention throbbing things... but that's not where we are here, now, wot?
Frank Fahrenheit has overseen 33 Presidential debates since 1987 and he says ABC did the worst job he has seen. He said moderators should facilitate a fair and balanced debate. Frank Fahrenkopf said the ABC moderators injected themselves on the behalf of Harris. He said he knew it was going to be a problem when they asked "Are you better off today than you were four years ago" then they allowed Harris to not answer it. Fahrenheit and Paul Kirk started the Commission on Presidential Debates to ensure the kind of dumpster fire that we saw on September 10th on ABC does not happen. I guess when ABC News is run by a Democrat Mega donner and Harris best friend and the person whose husband introduced Harris and Doug Emhoff what can you expect. Apparently Harris is such a pathetic candidate that she can do fair debates or news conferences.
No one wants to hear any CRYING AND SOBBING from Donald Trump's ass-kissers about how unfair the ABC moderators were.

Because that is all FUCKING BULLSHIT!


I do not know how to attach photos from my computer to this forum...or I would gladly share a photo of me. I do not look at all like that.
And even if you did, can you imagine a real "doctor" or "nurse" using such a photo to attack you? Obviously she considers an older handicapped man in a wheelchair to be inferior and thus a great insult, just like she obviously considers nursing assistants to be inferior as well.
Frank Fahrenheit has overseen 33 Presidential debates since 1987 and he says ABC did the worst job he has seen. He said moderators should facilitate a fair and balanced debate. Frank Fahrenkopf said the ABC moderators injected themselves on the behalf of Harris. He said he knew it was going to be a problem when they asked "Are you better off today than you were four years ago" then they allowed Harris to not answer it. Fahrenheit and Paul Kirk started the Commission on Presidential Debates to ensure the kind of dumpster fire that we saw on September 10th on ABC does not happen. I guess when ABC News is run by a Democrat Mega donner and Harris best friend and the person whose husband introduced Harris and Doug Emhoff what can you expect. Apparently Harris is such a pathetic candidate that she can do fair debates or news conferences.
Awwww, did the mean lady hurt your feelings by saying true things?
Wahhh, the old guy stepped aside and they put the mean lady in his place.

IT hurts me when she says true things.
Frank Fahrenheit has overseen 33 Presidential debates since 1987 and he says ABC did the worst job he has seen. He said moderators should facilitate a fair and balanced debate. Frank Fahrenkopf said the ABC moderators injected themselves on the behalf of Harris. He said he knew it was going to be a problem when they asked "Are you better off today than you were four years ago" then they allowed Harris to not answer it. Fahrenheit and Paul Kirk started the Commission on Presidential Debates to ensure the kind of dumpster fire that we saw on September 10th on ABC does not happen. I guess when ABC News is run by a Democrat Mega donner and Harris best friend and the person whose husband introduced Harris and Doug Emhoff what can you expect. Apparently Harris is such a pathetic candidate that she can do fair debates or news conferences.

The guy is a past chairman of the RNC, shocker, he thinks the debate his candidate lost was awful, NEXT
So you got Frankie's poop Depends cleaned up. Now wash your hands and waddle down the hall and stuff your face with donuts like you usually do.
Do you think people think you are funny?

You need to back out of the forum until you can be civil!

You have turned into a troll and I suspect Damo will soon toss you!

Damo does not like troublemakers- and when you reach his breaking point, YOU'RE GONE NEIGHBOR!
Oh tell me how your nurse aide program taught you how to diagnose patients again. :laugh:

You are a dude, you are a nurse aide, you are an unhappy angry old hag though that constantly send nude PMs though. Isn't it time for you to change Frankie's Depends now he is starting to stink like a 18 month old after eating tuna fish. Now waddle along and do some work.

Too funny.
Awwww, did the mean lady hurt your feelings by saying true things?
If the moderators had fact checked and interrupted Heels Up Harris multiple times,, you would be screaming.

Even the Democrats are saying it was a rigged debate. The moderators can change the course of a debate.