Would the US be better off without the South?

Should we let the South succeed?

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The term-swapping doesn't work, Philly, because hating ignorant Southern inbred rednecks is good and virtuous. Do you feel guilty about hating pests and rodents?
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You are seriously mentally ill. How the hell did you get access to the internet?

Either it's therapy while everyone's in the asylum or he's got a few free hours in the prison library to kill.

The term-swapping doesn't work, Philly, because hating ignorant Southern inbreeded rednecks is good and virtuous. Do you feel guilty about hating pests and rodents?

Please don't insult the pests and rodents.
Your time is quickly coming to an end. You set there on your little patty ass watching football and porn shows and faggot sitcoms while other people - people you don't even know plan your life for you and your future for you in a distant evil castle far, far away and it suits you just fine.

Americans are getting more and more fed up with your lot. If you don't mind watching most of your salary going to the empire and the creditors as long as you can entertain yourself with your stupid football and porn, more and more Americans are rejecting this irresponsibility and are fingering you as the route cause of this lazy collectivism on your part.

Our movement is just getting started and it's growing while you and your attitude is shrinking ever smaller and smaller into an isolated corner. They tire of your insults and your smears and your attempts at intimidation. the three of you are confused and frustrated over losing other people's money if the south secedes and this is your biggest obstacle including your worry over your entertainment being suppressed severely when the south does leave.

Another comic moment is this fluff about Americans being with you and against us. This is wishful thinking football shirt and it amounts to whistling past the graveyard. The last resort and southern nationalism is a reality that is coming. Your attitudes and your way of doing things is and will become a thing of the past.

If anything, the empire you support and rely on as you gawk at your football will undergo a severe radical change back to a representative republic as being the only means of avoiding a southern nation being created.

Stop flattering yourself with your typical narcissism. The tide of popular opinion is ever turning against you and ever increasing despite the images being portrayed on your football screen from your empire's propaganda ministry. Nobody is content and everybody out here grows angrier with each passing day.

I don't know who the hell you think you are describing, but it is certainly not me. I am a college football fan. As for the rest of that nonsense about watching porn or faggot sitcoms", you are completely clueless about me.

I am not some fool to be led around by either political party or by fear mongers. I don't waste time watching television. I don't whine about shit on message boards, I am actually active in trying to promote Libertarianism, change the tax system, and make our leaders follow the US Constitution. I am proud of my service in the military, and was never told my oath to "..support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;" expired when I left active duty.

That you think my watching football tells you anything other than that I like college football, shows your own ignorance.

I am educated. I am involved. I don't support anyone based on their party, geography, or skin color.

So try peddling your bullshit someplace else.
Bullshit. You were using that word in a derogatory way. Don't try to worm your way out of what you said with this pathetic attempt to cover your ass.

Everybody knows what a redneck is just like everybody knows what a nigg*r is. Your racist smear is simply politically correct.

No, you WANT it to be that way. The slur in my statement was the term "ignorant". I have posted numerous times on these forums about hunting, fishing, shooting and my fondness for southern culture. That you are too stupid, or too hateful, to try and understand that is not my problem. I am a redneck. I have said that many, many times on these forums.

But it does make it easier to hate if you can pigeonhole everyone in nice convenient categories. Sorry junior, but I ain't gonna fit.
Are ignorant Northern inbred rednecks not worthy of hatred too?

I thanked this post because I too identify with the term redneck ... For most anyway, the jury's still out on whether I'm ignorant or not. I also think the south doesn't have the market cornered on this ignorance thing.
I thanked this post because I too identify with the term redneck ... For most anyway, the jury's still out on whether I'm ignorant or not. I also think the south doesn't have the market cornered on this ignorance thing.

No, it does, but one cannot deny that the North has them as well.
Maine has them, too. My best friend's little sister is going to a hippy college in Maine, where she studies environmental biology. The make-up is half hippy and half redneck. On weekends, the rednecks dress up in camo, apply face paint, grab their rifles, hop in their pick-up trucks, and head off for hunting trips.
Maine has them, too. My best friend's little sister is going to a hippy college in Maine, where she studies environmental biology. The make-up is half hippy and half redneck. On weekends, the rednecks dress up in camo, apply face paint, grab their rifles, hop in their pick-up trucks, and head off for hunting trips.

The College of the Atlantic?
No, you WANT it to be that way. The slur in my statement was the term "ignorant". I have posted numerous times on these forums about hunting, fishing, shooting and my fondness for southern culture. That you are too stupid, or too hateful, to try and understand that is not my problem. I am a redneck. I have said that many, many times on these forums.

But it does make it easier to hate if you can pigeonhole everyone in nice convenient categories. Sorry junior, but I ain't gonna fit.

You're a G damned liar and stop trying to backtrack so you can cover your ass.

I'll bet you don't think there's any rednecks at the University Of North Carolina at Chapel Hill or LSU .. do you?

I wouldn't be surprised if you attended one or the other either.
I thanked this post because I too identify with the term redneck ... For most anyway, the jury's still out on whether I'm ignorant or not. I also think the south doesn't have the market cornered on this ignorance thing.

You're kissing leftist ass again.

They seperated the new south progressives and the traditional south conservatives by using the term redneck in a derogatory fashion and you know they did.

I'd like to see you make some sort of statement here besides agreeing with just about everything your fellow progressives say.