Would the US be better off without the South?

Should we let the South succeed?

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I say we dump the northeast... they just create financial crises and political turmoil. Everything north of the southern border of DC, all of PA... and what the hell, we will toss in OH... that way the Northeastern elitists have someone to keep looking down on.
So then you agree with me? The South should secede?
would we be better off if we got rid of urban culture? gangsta rap?
You do realize that's a racist comment. Another reason why the North would be better off is the Souths complete inability to deal with the race issue. Why should we allow our social progress be held up by a region still stuck in 19th century social structures?
define what you think is the south
I would consider the South as the 11 States that seceded from the Union plus West Virginia and Kentucky. Texas is a problem child cause they don't even consider themselves part of the South...or even the North.....Texas is Texas. So Texas is a problem. Then you have Florida. Northern Florida is definately part of the South but southern Florida is not. Southern Florida is a large part Hispanic mixed with Northern snow birds. So Florida is a problem too. Texas would probably prefer to secede as an independent Republic and Florida would be split down the middle, politically speaking, were sucession is concerned.
Only TEXAS talks like that. It's clearly Texas. The most monetary corrupt state in the UNION of America.
Point well taken and I have considered that. Texas would be a problem as they would probably prefer being an Independent Republic. Considering the economics....it's a Hobsons choice for Texas. Stay part of the North and be part of nation that don't share the values of and don't want to support. Become part of the South and get sucked dry economically by the rest of the Southern States or their third choice, become an independent Republic. I don't think anyone who knows anything about Texans would be considered Nostredamus to figure out what choice the Texans would make.
In the 19th Century that was S Carolina. During the middle-20th it shifted to Texas.
Oh I don't agree at all and I've actually lived in South Carolina and I've spent the last 4 years working almost exclusively with Texans (not to mention quite a few trips there). South Carolina is still the political heart of the South with an influence that stretches far beyond their population or economic wealth. Texas is....well Texas.
The thread title and poll question are different. Moot, are you retarded?

Answer to thread title question: no.
Answer to poll question: yes.
That was a typo damnit and I can't go back and change to the correct spelling "secede". So don't be obtuse. You know what I meant and no, though I appreciate 3D's compliment, I wasn't really trying to be clever. (insert compulsary cheap shot here......I fed you the straight line....I earned it! ;)
That was a typo damnit and I can't go back and change to the correct spelling "secede". So don't be obtuse. You know what I meant and no, though I appreciate 3D's compliment, I wasn't really trying to be clever. (insert compulsary cheap shot here......I fed you the straight line....I earned it! ;)

Was it Rana or Rune who told me complaining about typos was idiotic? something like that. A very early post of mine, when they had a typo in the thread title that I mentioned. I still think that thread had nothing else to discuss in it BUT the typo, but it was a fair point.

Obviously DY can't think of any reason why we should keep the south, so he went to the typo.
You know Mott, for all your anti-south, anti-rural talk I still like to read your posts. Sometimes you make me mad but most of the time you make me laugh...and I appreciate your ability to take some ribbing about your typo. :)
Was it Rana or Rune who told me complaining about typos was idiotic? something like that. A very early post of mine, when they had a typo in the thread title that I mentioned. I still think that thread had nothing else to discuss in it BUT the typo, but it was a fair point.

Obviously DY can't think of any reason why we should keep the south, so he went to the typo.

I would take the south over the northeast any day of the week.
you're just jealous because no one ever built anything in Ohio.....
They used to in michigan.....michigan used to have the largest per capita GDP in the nation. Then you conservatives allowed the South to undermine the auto industry in this country. Now michgan has the second lowest per capita GDP outside of the south. In fact I can think of no two States that have been harmed more by Southern politics than Ohio and michigan.

Face it, the South is addicted to cheap labor, another value Americans don't share with the South and they have worked hard to undermine labor in the more prosperous and progressive industrial belt. The biggest economic threat to the rust belt States isn't China or Mexico....IT'S THE SOUTH!!
Was it Rana or Rune who told me complaining about typos was idiotic? something like that. A very early post of mine, when they had a typo in the thread title that I mentioned. I still think that thread had nothing else to discuss in it BUT the typo, but it was a fair point.

Obviously DY can't think of any reason why we should keep the south, so he went to the typo.
I'd think DY would be a raving mad in favor of Southern sucession?
That was a typo damnit and I can't go back and change to the correct spelling "secede". So don't be obtuse. You know what I meant and no, though I appreciate 3D's compliment, I wasn't really trying to be clever. (insert compulsary cheap shot here......I fed you the straight line....I earned it! ;)
I wasn't commenting on your misspelling, because I knew what you meant. I was commenting on the fact that the thread title and poll question are different.

So basically you're a retard that can't spell.