Would the US be better off without the South?

Should we let the South succeed?

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For the record, I am in favor of it. I'd love to have the burden of FedCo off our backs.

How is your new gobblemint going to raise money to feed the scores of homeless, blacks, and poor? How about maintaining infrastructure? How about raising an Army? How about healthcare? What kind of currency will you use?
I wasn't commenting on your misspelling, because I knew what you meant. I was commenting on the fact that the thread title and poll question are different.

So basically you're a retard that can't spell.
That's it? That was the cheap shot? Cheese & Rice! Even 3D can do better than just calling me a retard! You need to read some more of Super Freaks posts and learn how to do a proper cheap shot!!!
I know.....eight years of a Democrat governor and everything goes to shit.....what's Ohio's excuse?.....oh, wait.....you already WERE shit.....
We don't need to have an excuse. Ohio's per capital GDP is middle of the road (thanks to southerners undermining labor, heavy industry and manufacturing) but it's still well above michigans though small comfort that is as we used to be near the top to. Thanks a lot South!!
Well than go there! LOL

No you slow Ohio sheepfucker... I am saying if the rest of us have a choice of keeping the south or the northeast, that it would be the south I would keep. I have no intention of ever leaving CO for another state. Especially one with humidity like the south has.
We don't need to have an excuse. Ohio's per capital GDP is middle of the road (thanks to southerners undermining labor, heavy industry and manufacturing) but it's still well above michigans though small comfort that is as we used to be near the top to. Thanks a lot South!!

by undermining labor you mean doing a better job in lower cost of living environment?
No you slow Ohio sheepfucker... I am saying if the rest of us have a choice of keeping the south or the northeast, that it would be the south I would keep. I have no intention of ever leaving CO for another state. Especially one with humidity like the south has.
You must be numerically impaired then.
by undermining labor you mean doing a better job in lower cost of living environment?
No....I mean doing a lower quality job making a second rate product. The Union guys up North make substantially more in the Auto industry than their Southern counterparts cause they are more skilled, better educated and significantly more productive and are smart enough to know how to negotiate for their fair share of the pie made harder by uneducated southern slack jawled yokels selling their economic interest down the road to foreign powers.

Going for the lowest common denominator in labor is just like anything else. You get what you pay for. The South invests jack shit in their laborers and thus they are not worth as much as their more highly educated and skillfull nothern colleagues. In fact, they would probably earn more if their Southern counterparts weren't selling them out to foreign interests (so much for Southern patriotism.) and undermining the labor market (Meaning those nitwits could negotiate a fairer wage for their productivity too) for thirty to forty percent less wages with less benefits, job security or working conditions. Real smart of those guys down there....real educated! [/sarcasm]

I mean you're fucking clueless about what's happening there cause you never lived there. The South is a nice place with congenial climate and very nice people with a 18th century world view. Unlike you I've actually lived and worked in the south and loved the area and the people but ultimately what made my decision to come back to Ohio is I can earn nearly twice as much in my profession than I can down in the South cause the dumb asses down there are addicted to cheap labor (and guess what slavery was?) and have been since before we were a country and you cannot drill it into their heads the advantages of having a highly educated, highly skilled, highly paid, middle class labor force regardless of the fact that they are brown, black, green or white!
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No....I mean doing a lower quality job making a second rate product. The Union guys up North make substantially more in the Auto industry than their Southern counterparts cause they are more skilled, better educated and significantly more productive and are smart enough to know how to negotiate for their fair of the pie.

By all means, show a link that demonstrates the south has second rate products.

Going for the lowest common denominator in labor is just like anything else. You get what you pay for. The South invests jack shit in their laborer and thus they are not worth as much as their morely highly educated and skillfull nothern colleagues. In fact, the would probably earn more if their Southern counterparts weren't selling them out to foreign interests (so much for Southern patriotism.) for thirty to forty percent less with less benefits, job security or working conditions. Real smart of those guys down there....real educated! [/sarcasm]

LMAO... please show how the union workers up north in manufacturing is more educated. Also demonstrate where you are getting that they are more skillful. Because it sounds to me like you are just pulling all of that out of your ass due to jealousy.

Show us also that they are making 30-40% less with benefits etc...
Cause the North East, (including the great lakes region) has a geographic size and population very similiar in size to the South but the North East GDP is nearly double that of the South (NE GDP = $5.04 trillion vs South $2.79 Trillion) . Meaning in cold, stark, objective terms, we're nearly twice as productive as they are and would probably be even more productive if it wasn't for the fact that we have to prop up the South annually with about 25% of our regions Federal Tax dollers cause their too pigheaded to invest in their own communities and have fallen behind the rest of the nation educationally and economically.
By all means, show a link that demonstrates the south has second rate products.

LMAO... please show how the union workers up north in manufacturing is more educated. Also demonstrate where you are getting that they are more skillful. Because it sounds to me like you are just pulling all of that out of your ass due to jealousy.

Show us also that they are making 30-40% less with benefits etc...
In wages/salaries UAW workers make slightly less than private sector auto workers in the south. In total compensation (health benefits, retirement, vacation time, etc) UAW workers make a total compensation of around $40/hr and southern non Union Auto Workers in the south have a total compensation of around $30/hour. Why do they earn more than their southern counterparts? Because they're better educated and more productive and the GDP numbers bear that out.